
Thursday, April 30, 2020

CoViD-19: More Stuff Opening In State, County, and City of San Diego | Beaches NOT Closing (except in OC) | Music Venue Updates

Today is Nova's Last Day of being a 12 year old. Hello, teenager. 
Wow. What a day. I was out running errands today and started listening (though not watching) the San Diego County briefing while I was driving around town. Some thoughts on that after the jump. Mostly I'm just glad, no matter how it happened, that our beaches will remain open with conditions, and that the County and City are reopening parks. I'll lay out the details below.
I went to Costco this morning at 11am (still no TP) but I made a huge basketload of purchases. From there, I dropped our portion at home, then separated stuff to drop off with my parents, and then stopped to say hi to my sister...masked and more than 6 feet away, though I don't think I need to keep saying so. On my way back from Chula Vista, I looped by Harbor Freight (line too long) then Home Depot (line too long) and then ended up back at Costco Mission Valley. By that time is was 2:30 and there was no line!
So I got the dumb things I forgot earlier (cereal, hamburger buns, reading glasses) and decided to pick up some things for Nova's birthday. Not necessarily where I'd normally buy birthday gifts, but for her 13th birthday, she's getting a beach volleyball, a rainbow set of sharpies, some gardening gloves, and a new snorkeling set for when we can actually get back to La Jolla Cove safely. Anyway, I'm on the hunt for trash picker-upper things if anyone has a line on them. My cheap ones I got from Harbor Freight a few years ago are rusted and inadequate and we'd like to clean up the neighborhood while we're out walking. Today's links are after the jump.

CoViD-19: As Some States Lessen Restrictions, California Rumored To Reclose All Beaches & State Parks | Self-Identifying Hypocrite: Bioluminescence | How To Read Covid-19 Charts

I was listening to Todd Gloria do his nightly check-in and people were asking about restrictions being lifted (because apparently we really want the virus to follow our Gregorian calendars, or when rent is due) and he repeated that "the State sets the floor, not the ceiling." I think what he meant by this is that the state sets the minimum restrictions, but counties, cities, and other jurisdictions can be stricter if necessary. We already knew the state stay-at-home order was indefinite, but I guess we needed reiteration when the County said the same thing today. But that's super bad news right now because late Wednesday, word started spreading that the Governor is closing all beaches and state parks on Friday. Before I found out this information, we let the curiosity get the best of us and headed to the ocean around 9pm to catch the bioluminescent waves (video).

I am a covidiot and a hypocrite, I know.

We attempted Sunset Cliffs, but the traffic was literally like the 4th of July. Darren knows all the back roads and secret ways, so we navigated to the cliffs, but there were hundreds of cars and people and a few cops, too, so we just did a big giant circle, leaving via Point Loma, headed north, and instead went to a bluff in PB. There were a moderate amount of people there, especially on the beach, but definitely better at social distancing. We literally stayed about 10 minutes on the bluff before moseying back home to put the kid in bed.

So my first article is for me. You can now call me Karen. Lesson learned. I guess we'll be sticking to the backyard for a while longer. And the bioluminescence is super cool, but not if you can get fined checking it out.
Links and things after the jump.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

CoViD-19: Tom DeLonge Was Right About UFOs | San Diego To Roll Out "Slow Streets" | Staying Home Allows For Going Outside | Cancel Rent

Busted out the tripod today for a little backyard family photo 

Last night I couldn't sleep, so I wrote the framework for a children's book. I'm currently reading The Heart Goes Last by Margaret Atwood after having watched Margaret Atwood: A Word After A Word After A Word Is Power on Hulu. I couldn't really find any new non-romance/non-cop fiction on the library app after the last book I read, so I decided to dive deeper into her oeuvre. Today on the County daily update it sounds like on Friday we'll get some new announcements about parks and allowable activities countywide as well as clarification on the mask issue (only required to wear when within 6 feet of others.)

Covid-19: California 4-Phase Reopening | Pandemic Proposal | Best Coast Beer Fest | PUA Crashes EDD

Sea Lion at La Jolla Cove, Taken 4.29.2019

I'm literally crying right now. If you haven't watched I Am Big Bird: The Caroll Spinney Story on Amazon Prime, do it right away. Today was kind of a a slow day for me. Darren and I had a fun and late night in the 'speakeasy,' I gave away some things in the Buy Nothing -Normal Heights group, hung out in the yard to get some sun for part of the day, and then went down a rabbit hole researching my next story for SoundDiego (hint: it involves UFOs.) The governor addressed a four phase plan to get California working again, but I can't figure out where Zoos, active sports, and chilling on the beach come in. Lots of interesting links and things today, after the jump.

Monday, April 27, 2020

CoVid-19: San Diego Bungles Enforcement Clarification | Pandemic Partisanship | Wi-Fi For Students

Under Crystal Pier in Pacific Beach- Taken September 2017
I guess I've been preparing for all of these closures to last through June or July at the very least. Even longer for the return of shows and concerts. So I feel like the arbitrary pressure of a calendar month ending is no reason for things to be opening up, even if our weather is telling us all it's summer. And the messaging hasn't been clear. Annoyingly, a friend of mine showed video of his dog (not allowed) off-leash (definitely not allowed) at a local beach (not allowed even when it's not a pandemic.) And I keep seeing the same thing on the news...people not wearing their masks correctly if at all, not distancing, these protesting assholes not getting tickets for unlawful assembly or for violating a state health order. It's infuriating. Believe me--I want to go back to the beach. I want to go hiking again. I want to take my dog to Fiesta Island. I want to break out my camera and go to La Jolla Cove and hang out in the sun all day long. But until all those things are actually open and it's safe to hit them again, I just can't trust that my fellow human is considerate enough to follow the rules. I guess I had a lot to say today. After the jump.

CoViD-19: SoundDiego | Tim Mays Speaks on Future of Casbah | Clarification For Beach Reopenings | Repubs Reveal "Blame China" Strategy

La Jolla Cove Sea Lion 2.17.2020
I imagine that the second I publish this, I'll have to update because we haven't yet heard from Mayor Faulconer, but this seems to be where we're at as of today. Apparently Governor Newsom will be rolling out a plan and timeline on Tuesday to either extend or modify the state stay-at-home order. Like everyone, I want to get out of the house and do stuff, but the reality is I don't trust anyone. I know what I've been doing, how much hand washing I've done, that we haven't had any coughs or sneezes beyond some allergies, which are quickly handled with my Costco Allerfex. But 51% of current County cases right now are 21-49 years old. So we'll be staying home. For now. Lots of information after the jump.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

CoViD-19 Diary: City Nature Challenge | Pandemic Fiction | Orangs & Siamangs Get Special Visitors

Maintaining social distance with my nieces 4.25.2020

Darren and I had a really fun last night in our 'speakeasy' and we organized a ton so it's actually a functional space as it was intended. It was such a pretty day, so we kicked it in the yard and made a run to Chula Vista to drop some supplies off for my sister and my mom. My sister had a full on outdoor tent set up with a TV and beach chairs and Christmas lights and it was super cute and easy to socially distance while we chatted. My parents are nuts as ever with my dad planning a full on backyard remodel that is literally going to happen never. I was trying to register them for CalFresh but there was a little more involved than I expected so we'll have to do it another time. For people who are really struggling right now, I would highly recommend seeing if you and your household qualify. It's really time to end the stigma of services set up as a social safety net; this is exactly why those things exist. On our way home, we grabbed some tortillas from Santa Fe Meats on Main Street. It's super frustrating that they have signs up to wear masks (they're mandatory in Chula Vista) yet two of the store staff didn't have them on at all and the other two were both wearing them below their mouths and on their chins. Um, they DON'T WORK that way. But, it's a great shop for meats and whatnot, and they had a lot of restaurant quality toilet paper--generic 4packs for $3.95, or individually wrapped loose rolls, or loose jumbo rolls. We're well supplied there but I know plenty of people are still looking.

Friday, April 24, 2020

CoViD-19: Custom Casbah Merchandise | San Diego To Resume Water Access | SDUSD Distance Learning | Mandatory Face Coverings

Today is WORLD PENGUIN DAY, so here's an oldie from the San Diego Zoo Taken on a hot AF day, July 2019

I need to do something different. As it is, the minute I wake up in the morning, I reach for my phone and start scrolling the day's texts, headlines, socials, and news. I'm not online all day, but a lot, and I try and catch the daily press conferences from the Governor, the County, and the City as often as I can. This morning, my Facebook feed was just full of disinfectant memes, jokes, and rants, based on what the Covidiot-in-Chief said yesterday. And then I just got in a bad mood. The more we say his name, the more we repeat his bullshit, the more we turn it into a joke, the more we amplify the message. They don't have to pay for troll farms when we do it for them.

And look, I'm not the internet police, I'm a blogger and publicist and writer--literally my whole life is amplifying messages--but I guess I'd just say that before I post or share or comment on things, I try to think about why I'm doing so, what the expected outcome is, and what I achieve by sharing certain things over others. And I definitely do my best not to  say his name and not to post his picture.

I also try to consider my medium--Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and this very site all have different purposes and audiences. Here, I try to provide information for people who may not be as glued to news, for people like my parents who spitefully watch Fox but still watch, and to maybe organize stories that are important and with some context. I'd like to leave the real analysis to people who are smart and fair and deep-diving into information, individuals like Heather Cox Richardson and Judd Legum of Popular.Info, South China Morning News and BBC for a different perspective, all the great stuff coming out of Wired, and locally with KPBS and Voice of San Diego, and I'm biased and loyal to NBC San Diego. And of course, I'm subscribed to my share of outrage newsletters and progressive causes, but I try to keep some perspective and filter through the rage because in reality it ends up affecting me more than it would ever affect any of the covidiots in charge.  Today's links are after the jump.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

CoViD-19: Ad Supercut | SoundDiego | Failing To Flatten The Curve | Role of Radio | Comic-Con Museum@Home

Rhino at San Diego Zoo Safari Park (Taken 1.20.2020)
I don't really have much to write about today. I ran out to Big Lots and Grocery Outlet today to pick up some things for us and my parents. I figure the least I can do, if we have to pick up produce and milk and some dry goods, is not take up space in stores on weekends when it might be the only time to do so for people who are actually working. There are still plenty of people out and about living their lives, no face coverings, just living like everything's normal so I grabbed my things and split as quickly as I could. I will say that the Big Lots out on Lake Murray is pretty stocked (minus toilet paper), mostly empty, and the gas station across the street has gas for $2.29/gallon right now if you need to fuel up.
I decided to use a rhino photo today because today's Zoo email reminded me that two rhinos have been born in the past few weeks as well as an endangered retiulated giraffe. Gotta find the good news where you can. Can't wait to see some baby photos.
Some links today after the jump.

CoViD-19: PPP Misdistributed | Covidiot Charged | South Bay To Mandate Face Coverings

Swamp Monkey at San Diego Zoo, just because (taken 1.15.2020)
Today's news, pretty much like all the news this week so far, is super frustrating. Idiot states are relaxing their stay home orders, the mayor laid out the 'how' of beach reopenings contingent on the county allowing it, thereby planting the seed and pressure to do so, meanwhile San Diego has had its two highest death days, with 15 reported yesterday and 9 additional deaths reported today, and my mom's zip code has one of the highest Covid-19 rates.

Look, I want to get back to work and life as much as everyone, but I'm not risking the health of myself, my family, my friends, and complete strangers because I don't like being told what to do and need to throw an adult tantrum. Grow up, suck it up, handle your essential shit with your face covered, but otherwise, stay home. More after the jump.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

CoVid-19: Mayor Clarifies Park Rules | Landlords Asked To LEAP (Yeah, Right) | Covidiots Doing Donor Dirty Work

A photo from Santa Clara Point Recreation Center in October 2019. This park remains closed.
Okay, now I'm convinced people up top are actually reading my posts. During today's press conference with the mayor, he continually said "household unit" vs "family" as the group with whom you can visit parks (a big complaint I had yesterday.) He also said about reopening the parks, "We are going to continue a data-driven and public safety approach as we look to whether we continue to dial things up, or dial things down." Or keep it dialed in, amirite? Anyway, here's the list of parks with their current status again. I've added it to the COVID-19 page in my permanent tabs, too, for reference, as I imagine it will be fluid.

I have to say it feels like everyone is kinda breaking. This weekend is supposed to hit the 80s and what started as whispers to 'reopen the country' last week are now the only thing we're hearing and talking about and people are getting antsy. I found out my god-sister decided to hang out at a friend's house today and I was pissed. Wherever she goes, she brings back to my parents. You start suspecting everyone else for breaking the-- albeit somewhat arbitrary-- rules and then you're back at being angry at everyone else for breaking rules that the rest of us are following. Still, am I following them? Are my CostCo or Grocery Outlet trips essential? Many could say no. So we all relax a bit and then we're still in this situation because San Diego is still on the uptick and had our biggest 'death day' since this whole thing started. And to say 'you do you' doesn't work because when you do you, you also do me, and my parents and your parents and cousins and so on. It pains me to say, just follow the goddamn rules for once. Links after the jump.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Earth Day 2020 Goes Virtual for 50th Anniversary

Entering Balboa Park For Earth Day 2019
This week marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, and there are small and massive virtual celebrations and opportunities for activism this year. I shared a couple of these links earlier this week, but found a few more that are worthy of your time (and to be shared with kids who apparently aren't challenged enough by at-home schooling at the moment *cough cough*) Please send me any I may have missed!
See details on Earth Day Live after the jump. 

CoViD-19: Path Forward | San Diego Neighborhood Parks To Reopen (Kinda) | Financial Webinars

Tecolote Canyon (3.18.2020) Will Reopen, But Technically Only If You're In Walking Distance 
There really wasn't a lot of new news today, except that the mayor is going to start opening neighborhood parks. I've been kinda missing my spark the past couple days. When the news deluge was coming in, it was at least something to focus on. Now we've let the covidiots take control of the narrative once again and everyone is starting to slack and this thing isn't gonna go away if we're hasty. I finished reading my book (Ask Again, Yes) and it had some very dark moments, so it really just bummed me out. I need to find some fiction that's a little more uplifting. I guess I was bummed, too, because I read that Mark Zuckerberg canceled all internal Facebook events over 50 people until summer of 2021. I don't think the guy is a genius, but I do think his wealth and power gives him insight and information the rest of us aren't privy to, and I just really miss the Casbah and Soda Bar and Zoo and Safari Park and can't think of waiting that long for things to recalibrate. I'll focus for now on getting sleep, getting some fresh air on Tuesday, and cheering the f up. Things could be so much worse.

Today's links after the jump.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

CoVid-19: Incompetent President Ignored Warnings | VIrtual Earth Day | Covidiots Strike Back | SBA & PPP Failure | SoundDiego

A Juvenile Sitatunga (Antelope) From Our Last Trip To San Diego Zoo Safari Park 3.13.2020
This weekend I've just decided to mimic my sleepy cats. Sleep when I'm tired, be up when I'm up, eat only when I'm hungry. Which has meant more or less going to bed as the sun comes up. I'm just more productive and inspired when everyone else is asleep, and I'm reading a great book right now so I've been pushing through that, too. I guess I also slept extra because I heard back from EDD. Darren was declined, but I got a small benefit so that should help some, meaning the anxiety didn't just have me tossing and turning all night. Cheers to long, restful, completely sober sleep.

 Today's links are after the jump.

Friday, April 17, 2020

CoViD-19: Comic-Con Cancels (Officially) | Bad Dreams | Musicians To Get Desired AB5 Exemptions | Art Alive Goes Digital

The Intersection of Harbor Drive and 5th Avenue from Comic-Con 2018
I try very hard to remember this important life social rule: Nobody wants to hear about your dreams, you weirdo! Nova can honestly tell you every detail of her dreams and carry on for a half hour or an hour sharing them. I have to interrupt, remind her that dreams only make sense to the person having them (if even that) and tell her to distill them into 5 minutes or less. Still, I'm curious how many people are having traumatic CoViD-19 fueled dreams? At the risk of breaking my own rules, I'll just say I dreamt I was at a local mall for essentials and it was packed and everyone was in my face like a zombie movie and kids were playing soccer and basketball inside a converted gym and I was getting all Karen about it and screaming for everyone to social distance and stop touching shared surfaces and just completely losing my mind. So yeah. No anxiety here.
We're heading out to attempt contactless bread delivery. Wish us luck.
Today's links after the jump.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

CoViD-19: Sea World Does Good | Is Expired Food Really Expired | County Gets Fact-Checked | CoVid-19 Butterfly Effect | Pride & Symphony Cancel

A photo from Sea World - Taken December 2019
I decided to use this photo from Sea World today because earlier today I saw a video Sea World releasing rehabbed sea lions and a harbor seal and it brought me joy. It was a pretty rough day yesterday, I just couldn't shake the negativity, the president was more obscene than usual, the mayor released his budget with some drastic cuts, and it just felt like a lot of bad news just kept pouring in. But I turned it off for awhile, connected with my sister and nieces and a friend on HouseParty, had a 'speakeasy' night with Darren in our studio and woke up feeling in a much better mood today. Today Nova and Darren picked up some Dudley's bread that was part of her band fundraiser and we got an amazing apple berry pie for which I made fresh whipped cream. It was also really fun tuning into Seaport Sessions and though there were some technical difficulties, I have so much love for the San Diego music scene and watching with everyone chatting was a huge plus. I've got a busy Friday ahead of me so I'll put this out into the world and hope everyone is finding ways to keep their spirits up during this insane time. Lots of stuff after the jump.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Rosey's Diary: Happy Birthday, Sister | First To Close, Last To Open? | It's Okay To Be Sad

Happy Birthday to my sister, Christy. Taken on my birthday last year, 9.28.19
I feel like I have to qualify my posts everyday to say that I'm grateful for my family, I'm grateful for our general health, and grateful that we're well stocked in food and supplies. That being said, I don't know if Tax Day is just marred for life (even with the 3 month automatic extension,) if I'm not getting enough sunshine or exercise or sleep, but I am just really having a day. It's my sister's birthday, so obviously I wish we could be celebrating but instead maybe we'll try HouseParty or Zooming later tonight.

(Read the rest of the diary after the jump.)

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

CoViD-19: Governor Lays Out Plan To 'Reopen' CA | No Mass Gatherings Anytime Soon | 2020 County Fair Canceled | Crazy Driving

San Diego Zoo (Taken January 2020)
We have some exciting Casbah news in the next couple days and there are tons of things to but today has been a busy news day so I'm just gonna get to it. Literally just got the email canceling the 2020 San Diego County Fair. (They're calling it postponed, but until 2021 is basically a cancellation, just keeping the same theme.) Anyway, lots of news after the jump. 

Monday, April 13, 2020

CoViD-19: SoundDiego Pandemic Playlist | Plans to Re-Open | Capitalism Is Broken

Sleepy Malayan Tiger at San Diego Zoo 1.8.2020
Even during the pandemic, I have to say I'm no fan of Mondays, particularly after a holiday because news that was maybe on hold over the weekend just floods out. Being that Easter was originally a 'back to business' target for the idiot in charge, today's news was especially overwhelming. But, it's also important not to let the news of the world take over life, and things are pretty good over here. I miss shows and hiking and shooting photos and going to the ocean, but I'm really good at being a homebody and just sort of melding into my couch (though when this is all over, we probably need a new that doesn't have my permanent ass imprinted.) Darren and I had a very productive Sunday night. Inspired by some beers and tequila shots, we got some organizing done in the studio and it's actually resembling a livable space instead of just a place to store our bikes and pantry items. I slept in. We fed the wild yard bunny. I made carnitas tacos. I looked through old Zoo photos. We watched the sunset from our balcony. Tomorrow our governor is supposed to roll out a plan for lifting current stay-at-home restrictions. I hope everyone is making the best of this situation. Be well. Today's articles and information after the jump.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

CoViD-19: Awkward. | Social Distancing Etiquette | Stay Home | Safe Groceries

The San Diego Zoo Safari Park celebrated the hatching of a lappet-faced vulture (photo taken 11.11.2019)
I am in quite a pickle. This morning I got a text message from a guy I know. I say that loosely. In reality, he's a person from a band I saw play one time probably 15 years ago, we had a little flirtation and kissed and that was that. We're 'friends' on social media and I still enjoy his music and have shared some of his projects over the years. The end. But today I got a group text message from him and I wasn't really sure it was intended for me. It specifically said "Rosie," (though the misspelling wasn't a red flag on its own,) but then he wanted some advice on a new project and called me and it became abundantly clear that he probably has the wrong person. But now what do I do? Text back? "Hey, I know we had a full on phone conversation this morning but I think you think I'm someone else?" Also, why do you still even have my phone number? And now it makes me wonder if when we communicated about his books and films and music if he thought I was someone else then, too. So. Awkward.

Other than that, it's been a quiet Easter around here. I didn't sleep much last night, so I've spent the day in and out of sleep, reading my current book (Fleishman Is In Trouble), browsing news per usual, snuggling between my cat and dog, catching up on Below Deck Sailing Yacht with Nova (super inappropriate, but these are funny times), and watching the Loudspeaker live stream on Facebook. Just a few articles today, after the jump.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

CoViD-19 Diary & Links: Comic-Con 2020 To Cancel | SoundDiego | Cleveland Forest Closed | Animal Shelters Empty

Mount Laguna Snow Day (Taken 12.29.2015)
It was a mostly uneventful day though I had some fun cooking a big hearty pasta dinner with a made from scratch sauce,  and we baked some of refrigerated brownies I picked up a while back. I chatted with my mom and had to scold her when she told me she went to a drugstore yesterday. She said she "just ran in real quick" to pick up some vitamins for my dad. AAARRRGH. It only takes one contact. Doesn't she understand that she can be a carrier for 5-14 days and very literally kill my dad who is not doing well at all already? Let alone they could both get this heinous disease caused by this insidious virus? So frustrating. Anyway, I kinda like this little daily diary posts and sharing links and such, so I'll try to keep them up, even when this whole thing is behind us. After the jump.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Livestream: Angel from Maywood: A Tribute to John Prine via Consequence of Sound 4.11.2020

From Consequence of Sound:
Consequence of Sound is proud to present "Angel from Maywood: A Livestream Tribute to John Prine". Taking place live on our Instagram this Saturday, April 11th beginning at 11:00 a.m. PST, the benefit event will feature cover performances from friends, collaborators, and those influenced by Prine, including Warren Haynes, Grace Potter, and Norah Jones. Also participating are The Decemberists’ Colin Meloy, The Head and the Heart, John Darnielle of The Mountain Goats, Kevin Morby, Sara and Sean Watkins of Watkins Family Hour, Lake Street Dive, The Lone Bellow’s Zach Williamas, Marcus King, karen Elson, Valerie June, Erin Rae, and many more.
To honor the wishes of John’s wife, Fiona Whelan Prine, the livestream will benefit three non-profits: Nashville Rescue Mission, Room in the Inn, and Thistle Farms.

CoViD-19 Diary & Links: Sports Get Indefinite Hiatus | National Vote-By-Mail Campaign Picks Up Steam | NPFOA Postponed

A Little Free Library in my neighborhood
It's Friday and it just might be a speakeasy night. I woke up feeling optimistic and in a fine enough mood. In checking email I had over 200 messages in my combined inboxes... dozens of press releases about new music and new releases and new show dates. For a minute, life seemed normal.

But then I got to reading and sorting the newsletters and news and had that little back-to-reality shock that happens. It's like this weird position--you don't want to be thinking about everything all the time, but when you let it get away from you for a second, the harsh reality floods back. So I went back about my day as I have been and coping as I've been coping and doing what I can not to keep my brain busy. And when there was a small break in the rain, I took a short walk up and down my block, with camera in hand, to get some fresh air trying to find anything beautiful I could find. (more after the jump)

Livestream: Noisey Night In To Benefit Sweet Relief Musician's Fund

On Saturday, April 11, watch ‘Noisey Night In’ with Margo Price, Open Mike Eagle, and more. Proceeds benefit the Sweet Relief Musicians Fund. The event will begin at 1pm PST on Saturday via Noisey's YouTube page. Vice has all the details.

Thursday, April 09, 2020

CoViD-19: We Haven't Flattened The Curve Yet | Coronavirus Reactivated? | Raffle House Scam | California Nation-State

I miss La Jolla Cove. This photo has nothing to do with this post. Taken 3.9.2020
I have been posting a lot of Covid-19 news around the clock, but one thing I've been trying to avoid is sharing the daily counts. For one, I still don't think the testing is widely available enough to give any accuracy, and for another, it's important to remember that every number is a human being who has a whole network of people worrying about them or mourning them when they're passing, but I felt like some things are important to share. Also my hot-take on the "San Diego Giving Back Raffle," and some other links, all after the jump.

Wednesday, April 08, 2020

CoViD-19: San Diego Bans All Social Gatherings of Any Size | The Chicken King of OB | Bernie Bows Out | Links & Articles of Interest

This bunny has taken up occupancy of our yard for the past several months.
I had to file for EDD today. Unfun. On the positive, I actually got through my first batch of today's emails by 5pm (instead of working till 2am yesterday) so I guess I'm streamlining a bit better and making a more functional system, kinda like Konmari (read now, label and read later, delete without reading). The main news today was that the County and City will be adding a Behavioral Health Fund, but all these new systems, which should've existed all along in the first place, are really slow to roll out, so we'll see what happens there. The bigger news is that ALL SOCIAL GATHERINGS ARE NOW PROHIBITED in San Diego unless you are members of the same household.
The County Wednesday expanded its Health Order to prohibit gatherings of any type, effective Thursday. 
“We decided to extend the gathering restrictions because people were getting together in parks, beaches and other open spaces,” said Wilma Wooten, M.D., M.P.H., County public health officer. “People should stay at home and only go in public when doing essential activities, such as grocery shopping or going to the pharmacy.”

Here are my latest for NBC:
And some of the latest must-read articles:
And of course,
And hopefully these aren't bogus like the dolphins in the canals of Venice, but some bright news...
While I'm still writing for SoundDiego, that income is definitely not enough to cover expenses. If you appreciate the posts on this site, please consider a small donation or tip via Venmo/sddialedin or Paypal.

Pickathon presents A Concert A Day Helping Musicians in Need

This information was provided by Hearth Music:

Pickathon presents A Concert A Day Helping Musicians in Need
Free streams of full concerts from Pickathon's vault
60 Concerts / 60 Days  in support of MUSICARES®
Artists featured include:
Drive-By Truckers, Margo Price, Jeff Tweedy, Mac DeMarco, Tyler Childers, Charles Bradley, Tank and the Bangas, Thee Oh Sees, People Under the Stairs, Damien Jurado, The Lone Bellow, Ex Hex, Foxygen, Andrew Bird, Brownout, Divine Fits, DakhaBrakha, Vieux Farka Touré, Willie Watson, and many more!
Starting April 8, a new concert a day at 1pm Pacific Daylight Time via:
• Premiering as part of YouTube’s Stay Home #WithMe Initiative

Full press release after the jump. 

Tuesday, April 07, 2020

COVID-19: Americans Don't Know How Trump Has Botched This Crisis (MoveOn)

Photo taken 12.28.2019
I'm fuming today. Watching the elections in Wisconsin, the removal of the Inspector General who was supposed to oversee the relief package dispersal, the PPE distribution failures, the pigs at the trough just can't get enough. So today, I'm just going to share an email from MoveOn. (after the jump)

Monday, April 06, 2020

SoundDiego: #BandTogether | Bro-Am Canceled | Club Relief Funds | Local Pandemic Playlist

On Friday, the Casbah launched a YouTube channel called Casbah Live, which will post a new playlist every Friday at 1pm. It kicked off with a playlist curated by Tim Mays, but will also feature local musicians, journalists, fans, and more. I included this in my Sunday story for San Diego, but you can check out my most recent pieces below.

4.3: Artists, Venues #BandTogether for Local-Music Livestream Series

4.4: 2020 Switchfoot Bro-Am Canceled, Kick off Fundraiser

4.5: Kick Something in to Help Out the Clubs

4.6: Help Local Musicians Featured on the San Diego Pandemic Playlist

CoViD-19: Misinformation Matters

Not gonna lie, I'm a little irritated today. While numerous people -- from elected officials to news fact-checkers to late night comedians-- continue to call out this president, nobody is having any success at reining in the obscene bullshit that comes out of his mouth. The states are literally going into bidding wars against the federal government over PPE and it's so mind boggling my head might explode. (Watchdog report finds severe shortages and significant challenges to hospitals' coronavirus responses - CNN 4.6.2020) And yes, I'm still pissed that we were told numerous times that asymptomatic people couldn't spread the virus when the reality is all we needed to hear is experts saying, "We don't know. It's a possibility. Use an abundance of caution." And now we know that you definitely CAN spread even if you're asymptomatic: What We Need to Understand About Asymptomatic Carriers if We’re Going to Beat Coronavirus - ProPublica 4/2/2020)

But what is really frustrating me today is --without calling out anyone specifically--people who I know are smart, well-informed, liberals who are doing the dirty work of unwittingly spreading misinformation for the administration. (More after the jump)

CoViD-19: What About The Animals? Tiger Test Positive; Humane Society Issues Warning

Malayan Tiger at San Diego Zoo (January 15, 2020)
There's been a lot of good news for animals since this Coronavirus has hit all over the world. For one, animals that were home alone for long hours of the day are getting more attention than ever, with families home and "taking the dog for a walk" still a viable reason to leave your house. I can verify this is true for my animals, even anecdotally, even though I mostly worked from home in the first place. For another, animal adoptions and fostering has dramatically increased (KPBS covered it too) so fewer animals are in shelters.

Update: San Diego Humane Society issued a letter today. Please take a look at the end of this post.

(more after the jump)

Saturday, April 04, 2020


I am tired of being home. I totally get it. And people need to eat, and get groceries, and get gas (though not if you're not driving), and prescriptions, and supplies, and some of us rely on a laundromat for clean clothes. And other people are still working their asses off at grocery stores and restaurants and hospitals and clinics and all kinds of other essential jobs (like the amazing plumber who is outside my house cutting through the wall at this very moment to fix my neighbor's plumbing issue.) But the number of people just not. getting. it. is staggering.

I also get that instructions have been contradictory and unclear, because we have numbnuts in the White House saying one thing, while scientists and experts say another, and all of the more local guidelines between the State, the County, the City of San Diego, and all the smaller surrounding cities have all been pretty contradictory, too. Not to mention parks, beaches, trails, and boardwalks all closing at different times. But they're pretty much all aligned by now, and they're all saying the same thing: stay home. 
Deputies Issuing Citations to People Found Violating Stay-at-Home Order at Beaches:San Diego Sheriff's Department said they conducted targeted social distancing enforcement on Friday between 5 p.m. and midnight - NBC San Diego 
 (More after the jump):

April 4, 2020: Happy 50th Anniversary To My Parents

An picture of my parents, Rosie & Ed. This pic was taken maybe 5 years ago?
Saturday was kind of a fun day for my family. My parents celebrated their 50th Anniversary, so we threw them a surprise party. Of course, social distancing--and the actual physical distance of our family, we did it Coronavirus 2020 style--via Zoom. My sister Christy coordinated with my godsister Claudia (who lives with my parents) and surprised them with call-ins from my cousins in Indiana and Los Angeles and Pennsylvania, as well as my brother and his family, currently stationed in Rhode Island, and Claudia's brothers in Alabama. We kept it light and my mom retold the story of how they met at a disco in Tijuana in January of 1970 and tied the knot four months later. In reality, if life was normal right now, we probably wouldn't have heard from the extended family, and certainly not at the same time, so sometimes it's good to look at this situation as a giant reset-- for nature, for family, for getting our priorities straight. Happy 50th to my amazing parents. Pics after the jump.

Friday, April 03, 2020

San Diego Zoo Offers Free Online Animal Courses & Virtual Spring Break

Mandrills at San Diego Zoo, March 9, 2020
Besides the San Diego Zoo webcams (including the new Butterfly Cam at Butterfly Jungle) and social media pages, which have been actively posting a ton of videos, the San Diego Zoo has really stepped up in providing educational tools for kids and teachers. 

San Diego Zoo Virtual Mission: Spring Break (April 3-19)
Join us today through April 19 for Virtual Mission: Spring Break where kids of all ages will discover online contests, dance parties, games, and much more.

(Posted on April 1) "For the next 8 weeks, as part of our efforts to support the community during the ongoing pandemic, middle & high school teachers & students (over the age of 13) can gain access to 22 free online animal courses.
Click here to register & start learning:

(If you appreciate the posts on this site, please consider a small donation or tip via Venmo/sddialedin or Paypal.)

CoViD-19: This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things Part II. Remaining State Parks/Beaches Closed.

A photo from a previous Soccer In the Sand Tournament at Silver Strand State Beach.
This year's tournament is still scheduled for the end of May 2020, however,
we expect a cancellation or postponement announcement soon.
The following literally dropped in my email at 4:42 pm on April 3rd, as I was reading today's Voice of San Diego newsletter, which was covering how local leaders were begging the State to close the remainder of the state beaches because of overcrowding and lack of safe distancing. Welp, it happened today, thankfully before the weekend.

California State Parks today announced additional temporary full closures of parks. Effective at sunset today in San Diego County, Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve and the following state beaches are closed until further notice: Cardiff, Carlsbad, San Elijo, Silver Strand, South Carlsbad and Torrey Pines.

Full release after the jump:

CoViD-19: Health and Wellness During The Global Pandemic

I'm not exactly the vision of health and wellness, but like everyone, I'd become accustomed to my healthy habits however few and far between they may be--walking around the San Diego Zoo and Safari Park multiple times a week, going to see the seals and sea lions at regularly at La Jolla Cove and Children's Pool, taking the dog to Fiesta Island Dog Park, biking around Balboa Park, random hikes or walks around trails of San Diego.

But as that's all over for the foreseeable future, I've been keeping a small list of health and wellness links that come my way. And I'll be honest, a lot of the tips are obvious and also sometimes seem impossible (get enough sleep, limit your screen time, go for a walk) but some are doable and so you can click through the links and see if anything helps you. I specifically am not linking any paid yoga or exercise apps, but there are a million of those out there, too, if you really want them. These are far more general links.

Check it after the jump.

Thursday, April 02, 2020

CoVid-19 Diary: News, Links, and Wear Your Goddamn Face Covering

Taken at San Diego Zoo Safari Park - March 13 Feels Like So Long Ago
Darren did all the household laundry today, people are going to be required to wear face coverings so I can stop freaking out whenever I do have to actually go to a store, and I was just feeling much better mentally overall. So I've got some news, links, and other stuff after the jump.

CoVid-19 Diary: Some Days Are Better Than Others

A throwback pic for September 2019 after swimming at La Jolla Cove

We are so lucky not to be sick. I know that. And it's important that I say that off the bat, as sort of a disclaimer before I dive in.

But like everyone, we are struggling through the stay home order. My problems are not more important or significant than anyone else's, they're just my own and I'm trying to give myself the room to feel my feelings without undercutting myself dismissively with "could be worse." I'm trying to maintain perspective, but hey, id/ego/superego battle it out and sometimes you can feel like this is happening to only you, especially when you are isolating. This is super obvious looking at comments on news stories on Facebook. I get all of that, and don't want to pile on the whine, but today just felt especially shitty.

Wednesday, April 01, 2020

SoundDiego: No Fooling: Stay-at-Home Order Inspires Well Well Well’s ‘No Surfing’

A View of Pacific Beach, photo taken January 29, 2020
I wrote another one for SoundDiego about Well Well Well's "No Surfing". It was super fun catching up with Seton and doing all these interviews lately has been kinda fun because I probably wouldn't otherwise talk to many people outside of my family during this stay-at-home time. Check out the article and video below.

No Fooling: Stay-at-Home Order Inspires Well Well Well’s ‘No Surfing’

Check out the video here.

Wrote this song the day the earth stood still and they cancelled’s called “No Surfing”
Posted by Seton Edgerton on Tuesday, March 31, 2020
(If you appreciate the posts on this site, please consider a small donation or tip via Venmo/sddialedin or Paypal.)

#BandTogether & Music Box Partner To Bring San Diego Livestream Concerts

Via Music Box:

#bandtogether is bringing live concerts to your living room via Twitch!
Shanehallofficial is kicking things off tonight, April 1st at 8pm!
To tune in, go to: 📺

San Diego Music is not cancelled. We believe that we have a unique opportunity to show strength, awareness, and solidarity in the midst of these unprecedented times. Get comfy on your couch, tune in, and support your local musicians so they can continue doing what they love! 🎶

Supported by: Pro Systems, Garage Mahal Sessions, Belly Up, Same Same But Different Festival, Amplified Ale Works

(If you appreciate the posts on this site, please consider a small donation or tip via Venmo/sddialedin or Paypal.)

Hotel Cafe Announces "Uncancelled Music Festival" April 2-9, 2020

From Cary Brothers, in his own words:

hey, guys! i guess i'll be putting pants on to play some songs for you this thursday night, april 2nd (my birthday!) at 7pm PST. benefitting the staff at my home base venue The Hotel Cafe & The Recording Academy MusicCares let's help my fellow music folks get through this!

More after the jump: