
Sunday, March 02, 2008

Sunday Night and Not Feelin It

I'm at the Casbah selling merch for Filter and I am so nauseous from all the smoke on the patio. Yesterday really kicked my ass. It was a marathon day and I'm in the midst of uploading all the pics, so I'll post about it later, but I set a personal record for most shows in one day. I went to the M-Theory Reeve Oliver in-store, the rock photography show at Tecolote Guitar Works, checked out Joshua Emery Blatchley and Silverbird at the Habitat House, saw The Silent Comedy at the Hard Rock Hotel, then Blitzen Trapper at the Casbah. The amazing thing was that between drinks and cab fare, I spent less than $30, so I really cannot complain at all, but perhaps I shouldn't have been drinking wine like it was water because I'm still hurting nearly a full later. Yowza.

Filter is onstage now, so I'm gonna try and check them out for a minute. Side note, the opening band is called Carlotta and the singer's got some pipes, so check them out if you get a chance. They're gonna be hitting Warped Tour this summer so you can say you read about them here first.

Man, the Casbah should sell shots of Pepto.

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