
Thursday, August 28, 2008

Let's Get Political (Let me hear your body talk)


Tonight there's a lot going on around town but it's also Barack Obama's big night to shine and to accept the nomination at the Democratic National Convention. MoveOn is promoting house parties where people in communities get together and watch the speech together, then join an online dicussion afterward. I've been to several MoveOn events in the past and they're always really cool. Meeting like-minded people is always fascinating, and it's not too late to sign up and head to a house party. I know the idea of going to a stranger's house can be weird, but the hospitality of neighbors is truly an overwhelming experience and everyone should try to make one if possible.

Check out the San Diego parties here.

Additionally, the Democratic party is hosting parties all over town. My mom really wanted me to mention the one at 3rd and Park Way (Between F & G)in Chula Vista at the Democratic headquarters down there, from 6-10pm. There are other democratic party events listed here or here, including the main DNC party at the Eagle's Lodge, or other viewing parties at places like Winston's, Extraordinary Desserts, the VFW, and some more house parties.

The last two elections pretty much had me voting against Bush and not so much FOR Gore or FOR Kerry. It's finally nice to cast a vote FOR a candidate instead of just trying to defeat the alternative.

1 comment:

  1. And, in a desperate move, McCain selects a young(ish) woman no one has ever heard of as his VP candidate in hope of stealing Hillary's voting bloc. Fat chance - women who would have voted for Hillary are more likely to stay with Obama.
