
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Recap: Greg Laswell @ Casbah 10.29.08

Last night, Greg Laswell performed the second of two shows at the Casbah. Matt Curreri and The Ex-Friends opened the night. Unfortunately, I arrived after they had finished, but if you read this site, you know I love them, and unlike the people who were there but were supposedly loud and chatty near the bar, I would've been up front and center, most likely making faces at Kevin.

Greg Laswell has been on tour for quite some time now. He said the longest he was home in 6 months was 9 days. Unfortunately for us, "home" is now Los Angeles, so we don't even get the good fortune of seeing him around the neighborhood anymore, but his tour has come through a few times, so he always makes sure to give San Diego his love.

He's touring with a full band, so even his saddest songs sound a bit more upbeat, though at times they take a break and he graces the crowd with the most beautifully sad songs you have ever heard, taking the time between the songs to tell little stories about the origins of his music. He plays music from both his full length albums and his EP, and though I didn't keep track or get a setlist, I'm having trouble even trying to think of any songs he didn't play.

Without dissing the crowd, I have to say it was a very non-Casbah crowd. As Greg played, there was a 4 foot gap between he and the crowd. A couple people were sitting on the floor. Girls giggled at his every word while their boyfriends talked at the bar. It reminded me of being 17 at Java Joe's and swooning over Steve Poltz.

Anyway, it was a great show and even though all the lights at the Casbah are now functional, my pics are terrible, so you only get video .

"Sing, Theresa Says"

The show was done by midnight, so Jake and I checked out the Tower Bar where Miggs (from Taang! Records) was spinning records and we geeked out on Shazam on Jake's iPhone. It was great seeing Mick again; I hadn't been to the Tower since they've stopped hosting live music, and it's one of my favorite dives so hopefully I can work it into my rotation more frequently.

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