
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Overdue Recap: SD: Dialed In 2 Year Anniversary

I have to say I was so nervous about Monday. I celebrated the first year anniversary of this website at the Ken Club last year with Swim Party, Writer, and Pocket Utopia, and it was awesome, but it felt more like a birthday party or like when I held my high school's 10 year reunion...people could hang out or watch the bands, and it was just a big social event. While I've helped promote shows, never was I given the reins to book a show, and I booked bands that I love and hoped people would show up and be equally as enthusiastic as I am about the music they were hearing.

Well, clearly, I should've worried less, because Writer and Joel P. West are both amazing local acts, and people were enthusiastic about Low Red Land from San Francisco, despite most not having seen or heard them before. It was a weird thing, feeling all this support for this website but also knowing that it was the real talent behind the music that drew so many people to the Casbah on a Monday night.

So first, let me link to all the videos from the night in case you missed them...

Joel P. West

Writer & More Writer

And, who I can definitely can say was responsible for a large amount of the crowd, posted about the show here.

You can click 'keep on reading' for my take on the rest of the show and some more pics.

Before the show, I got a call from two of my best friends who were having drinks at the Ken Club. Jake was kind enough to be willing to drive for the night, so after catching up with Sara and Stef for about 45 minutes, he picked me up and we made our way to the Casbah. We arrived just as all three bands did and it was a little chaotic. The bands didn't get sound checks so much as line checks, and I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing, but thankfully Justin and Doom managed everything and made me chill out.

The rest of the night was just amazing. Joel brought out so many people. I've never seen 120 people in the Casbah by 9:15, but he did it, and it speaks to his amazing music and how much San Diegans would like to see him play more.

I had seen Low Red Land twice before this show- once at Scolari's and once at Chasers, and I should say that while we had e-mail correspondence after both shows, I still didn't really know the guys in the band. In fact, this whole show kinda came about because they were on tour and had two dates they were hitting San in October which they played at Surf n Saddle with Writer, and November 10th which was up in the air when they contacted me. So honestly, I can say this anniversary show came about because they were looking for a show and after having listened to their EPs and seeing them, I wanted them to get a crowd because I want them to come back often, because they're everything I love about music...they sometimes take me back to the old Straight Edge hard core shows I saw in basements and garages, they've got melodic rock that I see in bands of today, and then there's that awesome tinge of alt-rock-country that I listen to so much these days. I wish I'd gotten video, but I was all over the place that night, so just check out their MySpace and do yourself a favor and buy their latest release, Dog Hymns. I was happy when Randall poked me and said how good they were. "I know! That's why I did this!"

I should say thanks, on a side note, to all the people who were there, and to those handing me drinks. Perhaps I was a little over-celebratory, but it was so good to see so many friends out that night and if I ever doubted that people read this site or that people don't support great bands, I was wrong on both counts.

Writer closed out the night and as they do, they brought the crowd in with their beautiful songs that have now reached anthem status, with everyone dancing and singing along. I know it was a late night but I guess it was fortunate for at least part of the crowd that it was Veteran's Day the next day, so people stayed out till the end of the show and I definitely appreciated that on behalf of the band.

I had an amazing night and it really made me appreciate every person that takes the time to read this site, whether regularly or just on an occasional basis, because so many people had so many nice things to say that night. Sometimes I think I should be less personal, sometimes I wish I could do more, sometimes I think I should hang it up, and sometimes, like that Monday, I know I should keep on just because whatever this is or whatever it becomes, I can't beat the community I felt and continually feel at home here in San Diego with my fellow lovers of music. I might not be a musician, but if this is my tiny contribution to helping San Diego get the attention it deserves, then I'm in for the long haul.

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