
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

This Week In San Diego: Thoroughbreds vs. Superheroes

This week is huge for San Diego. There are maybe a handful of annual events that really focus the attention of the rest of the country, let alone the international community, on San Diego. As thousands of people decend upon San Diego, our city will be splattered all over the news as national and international media come to capture Comic-Con International in all of it's glory, naturally highlighting the geek, gaming, movie, and comic culture that make up this exhausting week. In all of that, does Opening Day at Del Mar get lost in the mix, or do the celebs and media in town help?

Honestly, I don't know, but while I would assume that there isn't much overlap between Opening Day revelers and Comic-Con badgeholders, the two events have a lot in common if you think about it: (1)people wait all year for this day/week (2)they like to dress up (hats at DMTC, costumes at Con) (3)both are full of big spenders with huge money to throw down (4)both will likely yield celebrity sightings (however B-List they may be. Audrina, I'm looking at you.) Personally, I'm a racing fan, but not so much Opening Day, so maybe I'll hit a 3 o'clock Friday or the beer festival during racing season, but this week, The Con wins.

As far as The Con, I am still a n00b, having attended The Con for just the past couple years (check out my guide to surviving The Con) and this is my first year going with a Media badge, so as I plan my week, I'm a little bit more nervous and overwhelmed by this year's schedule. Fortunately, there are tons of resources to get me through.

So here are some of the places I've been getting my Con information and where I'll likely be looking for information as the week goes on:

Comic-Con Main Website

SD Examiner

Sign-On San Diego


And, of course, I rely heavily on Twitter. I follow @SyFy, @XSanguin, @EWPopWatch, @sdcomiccon, @SD_Comic_Con, @machinafatalis and a host of others.

I also use search for info on last minute parties, like #SDCC, Comic-Con Party, and just plain old Comic-con.

And, of course, for tourists in town wondering where to go and what to do in San Diego, I hope you'll come back to and follow me on Twitter @sddialedin as I try and navigate through the week.

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