
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Photos: SD:Dialed In 3 yr. Anniversary show @ Casbah, 11/9/09

(I was pretty busy running around on Monday night to focus on the task of taking photos for the anniversary show, so my friend Tim stepped up. Below his words and photos. -rosey)

What a great show at the Casbah, my favorite venue to see local music. My only small gripe (as with many of the clubs here in SD) are the harsh stage lights. They often set the proper vibe to listen to good bands, but tend to pose a challenge when taking photos. It was refreshing to see two out of the three bands brought their own creative lighting techniques.

The Moviegoers

Swim Party

Lights On


  1. That's it??!! Where's the pic of my personal best Ms PacMan high score?

  2. kick ass photography!
