
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Day At San Diego Zoo & Safari Park

I've been trying to balance my life a little more. I still have a lust for live music (though my desire to photo/video shows is waning since it seems everyone has a camera and better skills than me), but it is important to take advantage of this magnificent city we live in and get some sunshine to offset my vampire night lifestyle.

This week my zoo membership is expiring and since it is typically a birthday gift from my mom, I might have to wait a few months before renewal. When I found out my mom also had some guest passes that were expiring, Chase and I did a double header, spending Monday at the zoo and Tuesday at the Safari Park. It was especially great because though I go with some regularity, Chase had never been to either park so we pretty much covered every canyon, path and trail available to us. If you haven't been to either in awhile, I suggest enjoying these beautiful pieces of San Diego's anatomy. I should mention that the Safari Park has just added a really cool ropes/obstacle course that I hope I get to try soon.

All of these photos were taken with my Blackberry.


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1 comment:

  1. Animals feeling so easy and fearless in such Chilled Systemenvironment.
    Really looking so cute.
    Nice post .
    Pictures are amazing especially with animal taking rest on vehicle.
