
Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Photos: Happy (Belated) Mother's Day: Zoo Mamas & Babes

For Mother's Day, I really wanted to do a San Diego Zoo and San Diego Zoo Safari Park post of mamas and babes, but like everything, time got away from me and I vacillate between finding the 'perfect' shots versus the blurry, over-exposed, under-exposed, messy ones. But isn't that what motherhood is? Blurry and messy and sometimes over-exposed and sometimes under-exposed? And you all know by now I have no talent nor time for any kind of editing. Occasionally I suppose I'll crop a photo, but even that gets exhausting with the sheer volume of photos I take. These are all posted as taken, and this is just one of my Zoo folders from the last 8 months or so, since I've had this particular laptop. I didn't even get to the other seven. But I'm having some late night cocktails and wanted to share these. I cannot wait until we can get back to the Zoo and Safari Park. You may or may not know that non-profits didn't qualify for PPP funds, so even though I think the Zoo has a lot of sources of income, the cost to maintain and feed all of the animals is immense and maintain their conservation efforts around the world are certainly suffering like the rest of us. If you care to donate to the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Conservancy, you can do so here.

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