
Saturday, August 01, 2020

COVID-19 The Social Contract | La Jolla Cove Etiquette & Photos | Impending MLB Shutdown? | Danger Of Recirculated Air | San Diego Sets New Record For Community Outbreaks

Nova has soccer on Fridays, so it's become a habit that we head to La Jolla Cove to commune with the sea lions. I've been expressing a lot of frustration about this lately because as it is frustrating year-round when people get too close to them or block their right-of-way, it's doubly or triply frustrating because people are not wearing masks and giving other humans proper space. My cousin tried to call me out, as if I was saying that I'm entitled to be there and other people are not, and nothing could be further from the truth. I know that La Jolla Cove is one of the true gems of this City and I wish more locals could experience it regularly, that tourists come and take beautiful memories home with them, but when people are inconsiderate to other humans and to the animals, whether by littering or smoking or not following the State and County health order, I get really, really pissed about it. So today while we were on the cliff, we had it to ourselves for nearly an hour until two guys decided to come down, one wearing his mask under his chin, so I told him he needed to put it on correctly or stay away from us. And when we went to Boomer Beach and three young boys were daring each other to touch a tragically dead sea lion pup, I screamed at them to leave it alone. Just by living in society, there is a social contract. Everyone has the right to be there and enjoy themselves. They do not have the right to be a dick without consequences, even if that's just being yelled at by some random lady (me.) COVID-19 news and updates and more Sea Lion photos after the jump.

  • Report: Rob Manfred warns that MLB could shut down by Monday if it can't contain coronavirus - Yahoo! (7.31.2020)
  • Stop Trying To Live Like We Aren't In A Pandemic As COVID-19 cases surge, many Americans are ignoring health guidelines with beach days and vacations. Pretending the coronavirus crisis doesn't exist will just stretch it out longer. - Huffington Post (7.28.2020)
  • As temperatures rise with coronavirus cases, experts eye impact of air conditioning: "Anytime we are going into a closed environment, we are at higher risk." - ABC News (7.31.2020)
  • With more than 150,000 cumulative COVID-19 deaths, the US leads the world. The US has reported more than 3 times as many deaths as every country except Brazil. The US represents 22.5% of the global COVID-19 deaths—and 26% of the global cases—despite accounting for only 4.3% of the global population. The US is #9 globally in terms of per capita cumulative deaths—but will likely surpass France as #8 in the coming days. - Johns Hopkins Health Update (7.31.2020)
    • 493,588 confirmed cases of COVID-19. 8,086 New. 
    • 9,005 deaths. 96 new. Deaths increased by 1.1 percent
    • 177,201 daily tests 
    • 7.2% 14-day positivity rate 
    • 380 new cases/9,066 tests (4% positive)
    • 13 New Community Outbreaks/38 7-day  
    • 32 Outbreaks in 4 days beats prior record of 24 outbreaks in one-week
    • Case Rate 126.6/100k
    • 3 new deaths/561 total deaths

Several sea lions surrounded and smelled a dead pup who appeared to have a broken neck

The Marine Mammal Protection Act states, "People may not harass, feed, hunt, capture, collect, or kill any marine mammal or part of a marine mammal."

A statutory definition of the term “harassment,” which is a prohibited activity and means: “any act of pursuit, torment, or annoyance, which -- has the potential to injure a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild (Level A harassment); or has the potential to disturb a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild by causing disruption of behavioral patterns, including, but not limited to, migration, breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or sheltering (Level B harassment).”


  1. I agree tourists and locals, alike can be "dicks" when it comes to COVID 19, Masks, QANON, harassing the marine life. May they get eaten by a great white or find their car stolen and their house on fire when they get home from the beach. Karma will get the humans but the animals suffer the consequences.

  2. Ms Bystrak, thank you so much for addressing the unfortunately changing social norms. I was beginning to feel very alone, but it's heartening to see I'm not. I'm living in an area where masks, distancing, and other thoughtful behaviours of any type are the exception. I wish more people like you would speak up and be heard!
