
Thursday, September 24, 2020

CoViD-19 Math Check | DIre Outlook For Music Venues | Anti-Mask Governor Tests Positive

2020 Mercury Prize Winner Michael Kiwanuka (Taken 1.22.2020 at The Observatory North Park)

I got all dressed today to go to the Zoo and then quickly lost motivation and am now staring down another day at home, which is just fine by me. 
I have to give massive heaps of gratitude to a blog reader, Michael J, who reached out to clarify why my math was so off for the County's case rate. I was using both the county and state's daily cases, which measures the new positive cases by the date of the report. But for the tier system, they use the "cases by episode date", which can also be called the onset date, though not every case is symptomatic. Anyway, you have to be a super ambitious spreadsheet nerd to go through the data, but it can be found here. Thanks again, Michael, for walking me through that, and apologies for anyone who was misled by my past posts. 
The state changed their website today, so it took me a little longer to find things but it's actually a much nicer format. They, too, have open data which can be found here. Its a little too in the weeds for me, but I might geek out on it when I have more time. 
Today I watched a clip of Joe Biden speaking about how the president said "practically nobody dies" and Biden saying the 200,000 people who have died were not nobodies, and it got me curious about the people running this country. Did you know that besides the president, 27 senators are 70 or older? A good chunk of those are over 80. And a solid majority of them are over 60. I guess we can all only dream that we could have the healthcare that they do. 

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