
Friday, February 26, 2021

CoViD-19: CDC No Duh Report: Safer Communities Mean Safer Schools | Petco Shuts Down Again Sat-Tues | Playing With Data |

Kashmir musk deer at San Diego Zoo (Taken 2.24.21)

Today I was the Kashmir musk deer. At the San Diego Zoo, she/he lives alone under a long walkway by the underappreciated aviary. It will look at you if you click your tongue and talk to it softly, but startles easily and really just wants to be left alone. 
I was up super late last night, the kind where night turns to morning and I only went to bed when the sun was up because I didn't want to ruin the rhythm of Nova's school day. When I did finally sleep, it was long and peaceful and I ignored texts and phone calls and emails all day. Sorry if you're one of the ignored, sometimes I just need the time. Darren and Nova went to Presidio Park for a little meet-up with our friend, but I'm not quite ready for social activity and the anxiety of being out in a world that feels like nobody else gives a shit anymore about this pandemic. I hate to be the party-pooper, but the rapid decline in cases has petered out and in some cases are going up again, so there's nothing really to celebrate and even more reason to step up the caution. 
I'm keeping it light on links today because honestly, everything is in a holding pattern. All the "news" was about what could happen over the coming days in weeks instead of things actually happening, so we'll learn about J&J or the Rescue Plan House vote or what is happening with vaccines that are going to places that shouldn't have them, like medical concierge companies or plastic surgeons who are doling them out against protocols. Maybe even someone will investigate how McKesson even got their contract since they can't seem to get the vaccines out on time, snowstorm or not. 
Again, sorry if you needed me today. I needed to unplug and let my body rest and have time with the family as we had a lobster and scallop feast to celebrate Darren's upcoming birthday. They're all asleep now and I may just follow suit. Stay safe out there. 

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