
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Win VIP Tickets To Ingrid Michaelson

A couple months ago, I wrote about seeing Gomez at House of Blues San Diego. The show was part of (RED)nights, a partnership with Project (RED), whose mission is to educate and bring awareness about AIDS in Africa, and LiveNation.

Ultimately, it is the goal of (RED)NIGHTS to build a community—of artists,
concertgoers and music fans everywhere—that is passionate about helping to fight
AIDS in Africa. A portion of the proceeds of each (RED)NIGHTS concert goes
directly to the Global Fund.

San Diego is the proud host of another (RED)Night this Saturday night at the House of Blues with Ingrid Michaelson. Her tour has been selling out across the country but we have tickets for one lucky winner and their guest.

SD Dialed IN & (RED)TM are giving away a pair of VIP tickets to Ingrid Michaelson's (RED)NIGHTS show at House of Blues on October 3rd. As a VIP, you'll get to meet Ingrid and score some (RED)NIGHTS goods.

To win, all you have to do is e-mail us at for your chance to win. One lucky winner will be selected this Friday morning. For full sweepstakes rules and information, click here. Here are some photos of the last time I caught Ingrid at HoB. She's a stellar performer and her set will not disappoint. Just don't try and steal her sweater.

For more information about Project (RED), click here and sign up for the mailing list for updates, artist bios, and to share photos and videos with the (RED) community.

1 comment:

  1. We are hosting a music business seminar series and would love to get some coverage on your blog. What would it take to get something in your blog?
    Here is the press clip and link to the MB3 social media webpage.

    Platinum Recording Artist TON3X Back to His Roots for Music Biz 3.0 Seminar

    At one point in time, the coveted major label record deal was the ideal way to launch a would-be rockstar. With a handful of cash and a bankrolled mass media promotional campaign, an emerging artist had all but made it to the big time. Or so they thought. Nevermind it was all a loan and the label could stop a band cold if the first release didn't perform to expectations. Now the major label record deal is all but history. The road to stardom for the aspiring artists is one of diligent hard work and smart business decisions. With new technologies in production, promotion and distribution, today's artists has all the tools they need to rise to the spotlight. They just need to learn how to use them. Don't miss this music business series, held the 2nd Tuesday of each month, at the Spring Valley Community Recreation Center. Platinum recording artist TON3X and IAmHypeOnline have come together to discuss topics like branding your band, alternatives in publishing and licensing, how to make social media work for you and merchandising. Artists and bands, with recorded music, are encouraged to bring samples of their work for professional critique. For more information go to

    Many thanks!

