
Monday, October 12, 2020

CoViD-19 California & San Diego Stats | Supreme Court Hearings Begin |

Burrowing Owl at San Diego Zoo Safari Park (Taken 9.25.2020)

Today was the first day the plumbers were at my house to replace the entire bathtub and shower. It seemed to go somewhat smooth, though our tub was like 75 years old and made of heavy steel so they basically had to saw it in half to get it out of the house. There's now a crazy hole in our bathroom with actual access to the downstairs bathroom. I would assume they're trying to rent that space once they're done with the repairs up here. The plumber said he can't believe our tub never just fell through the floor. 

While all of that was happening, Nova was doing school in the speakeasy with the pets, Darren was making sure everything went smoothly, and I was banished from the house. I attempted to go to the Zoo, but the lot was packed and the line was still pretty long for it being almost noon, so instead I went to La Mesa to shop and popped by to visit a dear friend that I haven't seen in ages. We were talking about COVID-19 and he said 'it's basically a flu' and 'we're all gonna get it sooner or later,' and I'm not gonna lie...I was triggered. Yes, people die from the flu and some people have bad reactions, but I've never had a flu that had me feeling sick 4, 5, 6 months later, or having never-ending brain fog, or causes heart problems in otherwise fully healthy athletes. They're not even close and people need to stop acting like they are. 
After all that, I came home to find out Nova was feeling sick. At one point her temperature spiked to 102.8 and I thought, "oh my god, I'm such a hypocrite!" We got it under control with a cool shower, fluids, and Advil, but we also realized she was stung by a bee yesterday and this could just be a symptom of that, but I guess we'll be quarantining for at least a few days to see how it goes and if we need to go get tested. 
While I was out shopping, I listened to the Governor's briefing and he mostly just congratulated the Nobel Prize winners from California, congratulated the Lakers, and the latest stats, noting that we're still averaging 69 daily deaths in the state and this isn't over. The only interesting media question came when someone asked why the new household guidance was issued, and he said, "Guidance doesn't mean Go," that holidays are upon us, so it was responsible to share less risky guidelines than none at all. 

The main news today was about the Supreme Court hearings and I could only stomach about 10 minutes. I'm sure there are thousands of hot takes that can be found so I'm just gonna skip it. Today's stats are after the jump. 

  • California COVID-19 Stats:
    • 3,449 New Cases/850,028 Total Cases (0.4% increase)
    • 8 New Deaths/16,572 Total Deaths (0.0% increase)
    • 2.6% 14-day test positivity rate
  • San Diego County Stats
    • State Data:
      • 408 New Cases/50,553 Total Cases
      • 1 Deaths/826 Total Deaths
      • 7.0 cases/100k population (Based on week ending 9/26, Assessed on 10/6. Unadjusted Case Rate Using Linear Adjustment)
      • 3.5% Test Positivity (Based on week ending 9/19, Assessed on 9/29)
    • County Data:
      • San Diego County COVID-19 Update – 10-12-2020
      • 195 New Cases/50,746 Total Cases 
      • 0 New Daily Deaths/826 Total Deaths
      • 3% Daily Test Positivity/3.3% (7-day avg after 7-day lag)/2.9% Test Positivity (14-day average)
      • 6.5 cases/100k population (Based on week ending 9/26, Assessed on 10/6. County is reporting unadjusted case rate per 100,000 excluding prisons)
      • Case Investigation is 97%
      • 1 New/46 Community Outbreaks (7-day)
  • Universities:
    • SDSU COVID-19:
      • 412 on-campus | 775 non-residential (12 Faculty|13 Visitors) | 1,187 Total  
      • Please note: Of the 13 confirmed cases added to the total case count on Oct. 11, 6 are new cases. The remaining 7 cases were previously reported to the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA), but only recently identified, through continued cross-referencing between San Diego State University and HHSA, as having an SDSU-affiliation. 
    • Check other stats: UCSD COVID-19USD COVID-19CSU San MarcosPLNU

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