
Thursday, August 12, 2021

COViD-10: FDA Authorizes mRNA Boosters For Immunocompromised | Beware Minor Delta Symptoms, Breakthroughs | World Elephant Day | County Offers Vital Records Day | Census Data Released | Gloria Signs Infra Legislation | Catholics Say Get Vaxxed | Rant |

A Throwback of San Diego Zoo Safari Park Elephant Herd (Taken 7.9.20)

Today has been a day. So much news. I was up all night and finally snuck in a couple hours of sleep while Nova was at camp, but it feels like today was never ended. Tons of COVID stuff to parse between science and opinions, lots more vaccination and mask requirements, including even the Catholic Diocese San Diego stepping in and asking priests NOT to endorse religious exemptions saying, "...the Holy See has made it clear that receiving the Covid vaccine is perfectly consistent with Catholic faith, and indeed laudatory in the light of the common good in this time of pandemic." It goes on, "In addition, since the declaration (by Colorado Diocese) focuses its moral analysis so exclusively on the rights of the individual to his or her choice and personal benefit in society, rather than balancing those realities with the pursuit of the common good  in a time of pandemic, it presents a radically incomplete picture of Catholic teaching..."

I was also feeling ranty this morning but decided not to post it up top because I was probably delirious from not having gotten a wink all night. All this to say, my only time outta the house today was a nighttime dog walk, but I'm okay with it. My allergies were kicking in hot today, so I don't know if that's from the lack of sleep, the icky weather, or Delta symptoms in disguise, but I guess we'll try to go get tested tomorrow now that county capacity has ramped back up. 

I've got a newsletter to send so I'm gonna call it a night. Lots of reading below. 

Stay safe out there.  

Another Rosey Rant: 

On Wednesday, the LA Times ran a really dumb article titled, "California doing much better with Delta variant than Florida, Texas. Here’s why" It is so basic and idiotic that I'm not even going to give the link, though it's easy enough to find. Of course, they also ran a story the day before that said, "'This is not sustainable' California hospitals filling again as Delta variant rages." The click bait is what is unsustainable. 

The first thing that came to mind for me was this rant I posted the other day. At the time (August 2nd), I said, "Of nearly 40Million Californians, 21.3Million are fully vaccinated and that is NOT ENOUGH. It gives Texas and Florida fuel to say, "see, California's numbers are rising, too" but these anti-vax and anti-mask and let them breathe and open everything jackholes are ruining everything for everyone." (The number as of 8/11 was 21,651,782 fully vaccinated, but the point remains) About 7M people in our state are children under 12 and if they haven't already, the 5-11year olds will be starting school in the next 2-3 weeks. It could get real bad, real quick, so let's maybe not declare victory in the middle of a war. 

Let's not forget that while we're a blue state and I'd like to think we're reasonable humans who can wear a simple mask for everyone's good, 6 million people voted for that other guy, and by some estimates only about 1 in 3 people who voted for him has been or will get vaccinated. (The Red/Blue Divide in COVID-19 Vaccination Rates is Growing - KHN 7.8.21) And I know it is ageist, but let's assume for the most part that senior citizens, who have higher vax rates, aren't the people you're going to be interacting with at concerts or bars or even most of your hipster dining establishments or gyms. If you start playing with numbers, a different scenario plays out. Sure, most vaccinated people won't get breakthroughs and won't get super sick and won't die, but 18million people amongst us are not vaccinated. And that is a lot. Our unvaccinated population is greater than the population of 46 other states. It is more than the entire populations of New Mexico, Nebraska, Idaho, West Virginia, Hawaii, New Hampshire, Maine, Montana, Rhode Island, Delaware, South Dakota, North Dakota, Alaska, Vermont, and Wyoming COMBINED. (Data Source)

The reality is that while many of us eligible are getting vaxxed, wearing masks, watching our interactions with people outside our households, many people got the message that all is clear, and went right back to pre-pandemic life. The facts change because the virus has changed and the messaging has to constantly change, too. It is encouraging to see more vaccination and testing requirements being implemented by the minute - I've read that LA is drafting requirements for proof of vaccines for all indoor settings, and San Francisco and Philadelphia are in the fold now, too. If you've bought tickets to shows, keep an eye on your inbox because more and more artists are demanding vaccinations and/or testing and soon enough the venues will just have to follow suit if they don't take the lead. Add the support of the largest teachers' union to vax mandates (Largest teachers' union in U.S. now supports vaccine, testing requirements - Axios 8.12.21), military, DOD, VA, prisons, jails, federal employees et all and maybe it will continue to drive vax numbers but for holdouts, even if they get their first shot today, are six weeks out from vaccine protection, which pretty much means any declaration of success is premature. Maybe save the post-mortem for when we're actually out of this and not jump the gun. Again.  /Rant

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