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Kumeyaay Lake at Mission Trails Regional Park (Taken 8.2.21) |
I was awakened this morning at 4:30am when my mom texted me that my dad was taken to Kaiser Zion by ambulance. As I've said, his health has been declining a lot lately and we've been trying to get him to go in on his own but he's stubborn and it took an actual emergency for him to go. It's scary and he's not well, but they gave him dialysis today which seemed to at least make him feel temporarily better and lucid enough to chat.
While I'm of course worried about him, I'm even more worried about my mom because she stays by his side night and day and ignores her own self-care, so we were in continuous contact throughout the day. All of this made me feel especially ranty about COVID-19 because we can't visit and he waited over 6 hours before getting a bed because the hospital is full of COVID patients. My tolerance for the unvaccinated, if it ever existed, is completely gone. You can see that rant at the end of this post.
This evening Darren and I went for a quick little walk around Kumeyaay Lake because the campground opened and I wanted to check it out. It was so nice we decided to make a quickie little one night reservation. Beyond that, I'm kind of on phone standby just waiting to hear updates on my daddy and trying to keep my brain from scrambling in the heat and stress of it all. I'm on the fence about doing listings this week. If I find time tomorrow maybe I'll do abbreviated ones, but my heart isn't into promoting hundreds of people crowding into small rooms at the moment until our venues get together and require vaccinations.
- COVID-19:
- Study: Severe COVID, higher viral loads, immune response linked to obesity - CIDRAP (8.2.21)
- Delta variant surges across U.S. South; political leaders clamp down again - reuters (8.2.21)
- Politics:
- Mayor Gloria Secures Council Approval for $293 Million Plan to Upgrade Infrastructure Across San Diego - Mayor Newsroom (8.2.21)
- White House:
- Press Briefing by White House COVID-19 Response Team and Public Health Officials
- Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki and White House American Rescue Plan Coordinator and Senior Advisor to the President Gene Sperling, August 2, 2021
- Statement by Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Eviction Prevention Efforts
- UPDATED FACT SHEET: Bipartisan Infrastructure and Investment Jobs Act
- FACT SHEET: Reopening Schools and Rebuilding With Equity
- Remarks by President Biden at a Virtual Fundraising Reception for the Democratic National Committee
- Readout of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Call with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada
- State Dept:
- News:
- CA EDD: Most federal unemployment insurance benefits end September 4, 2021 with some FED-ED benefits ending even earlier. Federal Unemployment Benefits Available During COVID-19 Pandemic
- Monthly Mosquito Larvicide Application Done by Hand Crews This Week - County News Center (8.2.21)
- Excessive Heat Watch and Advisory Issued Monday, 8/2/21, through Wednesday Evening, 8/4/21 - County Emergency
- Other Reading:
- Japanese Breakfast requiring COVID vaccines & masks at shows - Brooklyn Vegan (8.2.21)
- Live Music Makes an Uneasy Comeback in Chicago. The Lollapalooza festival is back, but many venue owners remain cautious about reopening because of relief funding delays and Covid-19 delta variant fears. - Bloomberg CityLab (8.2.21)
- NOT PEER REVIEWED!! The coronavirus is rife in common US deer. Survey results show that many white-tailed deer, a familiar sight on US lawns and golf courses, have antibodies to the virus that causes COVID-19. - nature (8.2.21)
- Global COVID-19 Stats (JHU 8.2.21 9:21pm):
- 35,131,393 Known Cases
- 613,679 Known Deaths
- US COVID-19 Stats
- CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Data Tracker
- 198,894,515 Cases
- 4,235,461 Deaths
- CDC Data Tracker:
- +15,896 New Cases/34,972,532 Known Cases
- +67 New Deaths/611,051 Known Deaths
- 400,674,965 Doses Delivered
- 346,924,345 Doses Administered
- 191,818,585 Partially Vaccinated
- 164,919,666 Fully Vaccinated
- 49.7% of Total Population
- 58.1% of Population ≥ 12 Years of Age
- 60.6% of Population ≥ 18 Years of Age
- California COVID-19 Stats:
- State of California Safe Schools For All Hub
- Vaccination progress dashboard
- R-effective: 1.34
- 48,896,105 Doses Delivered/44,102,921 Doses Administered
- 3,235,636 Partially Vaccinated/21,334,761 Fully Vaccinated
- 33,407 New Cases/3,873,771 Total Cases (16.7 new cases/100k)
- 150 New Deaths/64,085 Total Deaths (0.03 new deaths/100k)
- 6.7% 7-day test positivity rate
- 4,772 COVID-19 Hospitalizations (+211 patients, +4.6% from prior day)
- 1,024 COVID-19 ICU hospitalized in CA (+51 patients, +5.2% from prior day)
- 2,096 ICU beds available (+61 from prior day)
- San Diego County
- Free Testing Sites and Schedule in San Diego
- Vaccination Locations San Diego
- Vaccination Dashboard
- San Diego County Of Education School Reopening Dashboard
- COVID ActNow Daily Updates for San Diego Metro
- CDC Data:
- 1,467,243 Fully Vaccinated
- 44% of Total Population
- 51.2% of Population ≥ 12 Years of Age
- 52.3% of Population ≥ 18 Years of Age
- State Data:
- R-effective: 1.38
- 2,948 New Cases/298,002 Total Cases (weekend totals)
- 8.2% (7-day avg after 7-day lag)
- 0 Deaths/3,798 Total Deaths
- 373 COVID-19 hospitalized patients (+7 patients, +1.9% from prior day)
- 78 COVID-19 ICU hospitalized patients (+6 patients, +8.3% from prior day)
- 218 ICU beds available (-1 from prior day)
- County Data:
- 1,012 New Cases/299,021 Total Cases
- 0 New Daily Deaths/3,798 Total Deaths
- 10% Daily Test Positivity/8.7% (7-day avg after 7-day lag)
- +6 Day Over Day COVID-19 Hospitalizations
- +1 ICU Day Over Day Patients
- Rosey's COVID-19 Rant:
President Joseph Biden clearly and cleanly won the state of California in the 2020 election with 11,110,250 votes. However, the state is diverse, and 6,006,429 Californians voted for the other guy. That number of votes for the criminal cretin represents more people than the ENTIRE populations of each of the following states (not combined; as a standalone figure): Colorado, Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Carolina, Alabama, Louisiana, Kentucky, Oregon, Oklahoma, Connecticut, Utah, Puerto Rico, Nevada, Iowa, Arkansas, Mississippi, Kansas, New Mexico, Nebraska, Idaho, West Virginia, Hawaii, New Hampshire, Maine, Montana, Rhode Island, Delaware, South Dakota, North Dakota, Alaska, District of Columbia, Vermont, Wyoming.
So when California has issued stay-at-home orders or mask mandates or other non-pharmaceutical interventions, they have largely worked for most of the state. But we've seen from local to national and even internationally how these NPIs cut right down the middle politically. Sure, there are conservatives getting vaxxed or wearing masks without complaint, as there are liberals who are anti-vax or anti-mask or both, but in large part, this entire pandemic has played out along political lines. So the coverage of rising cases and hospitalizations in our state are alarming, but this is why the drumbeat continues that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
Of nearly 40Million Californians, 21.3Million are fully vaccinated and that is NOT ENOUGH. It gives Texas and Florida fuel to say, "see, California's numbers are rising, too" but these anti-vax and anti-mask and let them breathe and open everything jackholes are ruining everything for everyone. Nova and kids the state over would be devastated if schools couldn't reopen this fall and I'm just waiting for the day the FDA grants full use for Pfizer so this can just be another dumb vaccine on a very long list of vaccines children need for public school. If Casbah and Music Box and Soda Bar and Belly Up had to shut down again, it would be a hit super deep and we wouldn't have the unemployment support we've had the past year and a half without new legislation which would be an impossibly uphill battle.
This is why people are fed up. President Biden, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Walensky and Dr. Jha and Dr. Ghandi and the other experts can continue being nice and talk about why people may still be hesitant and to show empathy and whatever. As just a dumb internet blogger, I will not. The coddling and incentives and begging and trying to convince people to do the right thing and get vaccinated worked to an extent, but that carrot is long gone and it's time to shove this stick up their asses: if you want to participate in society, if you want to work, if you want to have your kids in school, if you want to go to a restaurant or a movie or shopping at a mall, you need to get vaccinated. The country is done waiting for you to get your shit together and do the right thing.
- Related:
- Before Florida COVID surge, major media outlets lionized DeSantis - Popular.Info (8.2.21)
- Opinion: It’s time to admit it: The vaccination campaign has hit its limit. Mandates are the only way forward. -The Washington Post (8.2.21)
- For many, the belated realization that Covid will be ‘a long war’ sparks anger and denial - STAT News (8.2.21)
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