Sunday, August 22, 2021

CoViD-19: Hospitals Beyond Capacity Threatens Non-COVID Patient Care; Unvaxxed Outcomes Are Grim | All News Is Climate News |LA Sheriff Gangs Exposed | Vote NO On California Recall |


Malayan Tiger at San Diego Zoo (Taken 8.15.21)

Last week I was cleaning out my phone because it was running out of space. I deleted a bunch of apps that I hadn't used in ages, moved pictures off the phone, and moves some stuff from the phone's memory to the SD card. Somehow in doing all of that, my camera on my phone no longer works. It sucks. I guess I'm gonna have to reset the phone to factory settings but I'm dreading that. I don't like change. I'm technologically challenged at the moment, too, because my laptop isn't charging properly, and when I use my camera, sometimes I get a message that says my lens aren't making a proper connection with the body and it all just makes me crazy. Why can't everything just work how it's supposed to when you need it to? 

At least my laptop works properly sometimes, because I've spent a significant amount of time this weekend shopping online. Petco does this thing where they offer 20% off, but only if you shop online and pickup the order. Do you know how tedious it is buying cat food and dog food online? But I do it because I love a good discount. I can't really say I did much else. I went for a walk to pickup a vase someone gifted on my Buy Nothing group, I watched all the crazy news about the flooding on the eastern seaboard and in Tennessee, and I also found this short documentary about the gangs within the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department. The floods are hard to watch not just for the human toll and property damage but because we're in a never-ending drought and would do anything to get a dump of water in the state. The Sheriff Department gangs was eye-opening though not surprising. A high school boyfriend of mine went the full Norse God white supremacist route after high school and became a sheriff and I certainly wouldn't be surprised if he's affiliated with Proud Boys or some shit like that. 

I'm not really looking forward to Monday because to be honest, it's really hard to promote shows when the virus is so out of control. The recall is looming, Darren's EDD will run out soon, and we've got a heat wave expected this week. Unfun. But I'll try to keep my head up. My problems could obviously be way worse. 

Stay safe out there. 

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