Momma and Pup Sea Lion at La Jolla Cove (Taken 6.15.2020) |
Thursday was such a massive news day that I didn't really feel any urgency for a Friday post, which explains why I'm still staring at my laptop at 2:30 am, enjoying the quiet purr of the air conditioner as the kittens have taken residence in the unfolded laundry which is still warm from the dryer. I didn't do a thing today, and don't really have plans for the weekend, either, so it should be mellow times around here. Nova and I started watching Reservation Dogs on HULU and the first episode was great, so maybe we'll binge that this weekend.
I wasn't really feeling ranty about anything in particular today, but I've been thinking a lot about kids. I was thinking how glad I am that Nova is old enough for vaccination, that our state and school district are requiring masks indoors, and that she's going to a newly renovated school that claims to have improved ventilation, because I think if I was a mom of a kid in Florida or Texas or anywhere else where masking is optional, I don't think I'd be sending my kid back to school. In every article, it seems we keep comparing kids to adults, that it isn't that bad for kids, but I suspect the 350 families who lost a kid would disagree, as would the 4400 who saw their kid get MIS-C.
When Nova was in 3rd grade, she got this hacking cough that wouldn't go away. For almost 4 months she was coughing but without any diagnosis, and we tried everything we could to get her better with numerous doctor visits, changes in diet, diligently cleaning a humidifier every night. Meanwhile, an anti-vax parent had to pull her boys from school after they both got whooping cough and we pretty much abandoned that relationship because you can't be friends with a lunatic.
All I'm saying is I don't envy the difficult choices a parent of young ones needs to make, but all of us, if we really give a shit about the children, should be doing everything we can to make sure they don't get infected in the first place, including masking, vaccinations, demonstrating hygiene, and our politicians need to stop giving both sides equal sway and do what they need to do to keep kids safe and expand testing for everyone everywhere with greater frequency.
Also, Christmas is Canceled. The spread of the delta variant and likely expanding of lambda or delta+, the wildfires burning all the trees that weren't already killed by drought, the post office jacking postal rates and slowing deliveries, the rise in consumer prices, product shortages, shipping backlogs, and the end to federal assistance like extended unemployment, expanded SNAP and food programs, and the resumption of evictions, we could be in for a very dark holiday.
Stay safe out there.