Sunday, December 31, 2006
Should old acquaintance be forgot
Happy New Year.
Rafter & Mr. Tube @ The Tower Bar
I just need to say, if you weren't at the Tower Bar last night, I'd like to know your excuse. Rafter Band was awesome. Mr. Tube dropped some soul funk rock lovin. The Tower bar was packed. I really haven't seen it like that since the early days of Lady Dottie and the Diamonds or for the rare show like Gang Green or The Spits, but indie kids REPRESENT. I have to admit, I thought you thought you were too good to venture out that way but no, you showed up in droves...even so much that people left because it was so damn crowded. Granted, each band has like 80 people in it so they take up plenty of space themselves, but both bands rocked the place and the PBR was clearly pumping through the crowd's blood. Mick even had to have Matty tend bar because he didn't expect that kind of crowd. Best Eve of New Year's Eve ever.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Vacation Recap
Blood Diamond- This movie gave me the biggest headache because of the constant barrage of bullets and being on the verge of crying throughout the entire film. Still, I very highly recommend seeing it. Most people still don't understand the severity of slavery and crime that is the result of mostly America's desire for Every rapper with a grill should be forced to watch this movie. DeBeers is thinly veiled as "Van Kaap" in the film and their witholding of diamonds to raise the cost is absolutely true. "The Vault" is a well known fact. I'll stick with my diamonoids, thank you very much.
Little Miss Sunshine- Out on DVD. If you haven't seen it, go out and buy the DVD. It's the kind of movie that can be watched over and over and you'll notice something new about it every time. Basically, a little girl gets the opportunity to compete in a beauty pageant. Her oddball family takes a roadtrip from Albuquerque to Long Beach and has a whole bunch of personally life changing events occur to all of them.
Everything Is Illuminated- On HBO On Demand- Elijah Wood is a collector of things and is given a picture of his grandfather circa WWII. He decides to find the woman in the picture, travelling to the Ukraine and hiring a driver and a translator. The translator guy is in Gogol Bordello. That alone makes the film worthwhile.
La Scala- Italian cuisine in the Gaslamp. I would stick to Little Italy. My food was good but everyone else got something different than what they thought they were ordering.
Nami Sushi- Good times with friends but again, I've had better sushi. Use a coupon and go during happy hour to make this worth your while. Is it a rule that every restaurant in Hillcrest has to have club music on?
Convenience trumps all else for me, so I've spent a ridiculous amount of time this week at the Ken Club. But I also checked out Livewire for the first time in ages, Whistle Stop for happy hour, and Triple Crown for playing games.
Last night was The Sess, The Vision of A Dying World, and Life on Mars @ The Ken Club. I missed Life on Mars. I really enjoyed The Vision of A Dying World, though they played as a three piece because one of the members was in Vegas or something. I liked the combination of an acoustic guitar with an electric one, though the electric one was a tad too loud and drowned out the vocals at times. Both guitarists alternated with the vocals and I liked their country tinged indie rock style. They are playing on January 26th at the Ché Café with Old Man Hands and Kite Flying Society. That is going to a great show and definitely worth the drive.
The Sess came on later and I don't know how many times I have to tell them to turn their shit down. People blame the Ken Club for sound, but their sound guys know what they're doing. If they turn your shit down and you go and turn up your amps onstage to counter, you're doing yourself a huge disservice. I couldn't be in the room for more than half a song, the vocals were completely undistinguishable, and the room was just full of loud noise.
Instead of sticking around, Meeks, Venti, and I went to a free screening of 2 student films at the Ken Cinema that also included and art show and 3 band performances. Everyone who played or displayed (except one band) is an employee at the theatre, which is celebrating its 60th anniversary next week. It was kinda cool just hanging out in the theatre (which at it's peak was about half full) after hours. Sorry I didn't know about this or it would've been listed in my "free shit" category.
So there it week in review. Tonight I plan on seeing Mr Tube and Rafter at the Tower Bar, but plans can change, so we'll see what the evening brings.
Friday, December 29, 2006
My Shameless Plea for Free
January 4th: The Trukee Brothers, Loam, Dead Rock West, $7
January 5th: UV Tigers, Grand Ole Party, The Roman Spring, The Prayers, $8
January 6th: Transfer, Swim Party, Modern Rifles, Paperplanes, $10
January 7th: Steven Malkmus & The Jicks, $16
January 8th: Anti-Monday League by Tim Pyles, featuring Fifty On Their Heels, The Strikers, Vinyl Radio, Peter and The Wolf, $5
Things to Do: updated
The Sess, Life on Mars @ The Ken Club (¡Society! has cancelled, either Zerox or Vision Of A Dying World will fill in. Still no word from Bodie.)
Sweet and Tender Hooligans @ The Casbah (sans Joe Escalante) $18
Rafter Band, Doomsday Device, John Thill, Bill Wesley w/Leather Nun @ Scolari's
Dynamite Walls, Yovee, Swandive @ Casbah
Mr. Tube and The Flying Objects & Rafter Band @ Tower Bar
The Stereotypes, AM Vibe, Royal Campaign @ The Ken Club
A Beautiful Noise, Lhabia, Lonely Mattress Salesman @ San Diego Sports Club
Whole Hog, Dukes of Haggard, Ghengis Con-Job, Love Motor @ The Alibi
Soul Asylum @ House of Blues
please refer to my New Year's Eve post here.
get some rest and let your liver recover
My Morning Jacket & Elvis Perkins in Dearland @ House of Blues (anyone have a free ticket??)
Corey Cava's Birthday with Batwings and In The Red @ The Tower (also, competitive food eating)
Republic Of Letters
And this, from Republic of Letters
****EP to be released March 2007****
Category: Music
Just a quick blurt about the upcoming record. Republic of Letters will be releasing it debut EP in March 2007. "It been a lot of hard work, but we're super happy with the direction that our sound has taken." says drummer Nick Venti. After months of careful crafting the EP's songs showcase the unique energy that the bands demos displayed, but with a potent relevance and presence. Republic of Letters has taken strides to "give back to music what it has given to us." More to come...
Republic of Letters
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Ken Club Friday
Anyway, ¡Society! has cancelled the show (via a MySpace bulletin). They have reposted the show with this lineup:
Vision of a Dying World
The Sess
Life on Mars
Gayle Skidmore and the Eskimo Friends
The Sess have also posted a bulletin with this revised lineup:
The Sess
Life On Mars
I'll try to get hold of Bodie, but both shows would be good. I'll post if I can get some clarification. Check out CatDirt for his previous review of Zerox, or see their myspace page here.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Insound Coupon
Things To Do: Final Week of 2006
Sorry this is so late and my 'bloggings' have been so limited, but come on, I'm allowed a vacation, too...
The Knitters and The Farmers @ The Belly Up
Kzo Rock & Sir Splendid @ The Casbah
Pussy Galore @ San Diego Sports Club
The Spazmatics @ 4th & B (free with Student ID)
Free: Kwanzaa Celebration at the World Beat Center, free vegetarian buffet, starts at 7:30
The Downs Family, Golden Hill Ramblers, The Palominos @ The Casbah ($8)
Juan Peso, The McCoys, + Art Show @ 101 Artists Colony (90 Coast Highway 101, Encinitas, $5) Me, My Brother, and a Guy Named Ray & O'ernight @ San Diego Sports Club
Repost: Casbah Benefit for Fourth Project
On December 17th the offices of Fourth Project were left in ruins by fire due to circumstances stemming from an adjoining tenant. Everything was lost. Fourth Project did not have insurance.
Those that have benefited from Fourth Project's help and support are now trying to raise money so that Fourth Project can get back on it's feet and continue. Fourth Project's involvement with the local scene serves a vital function that San Diego bands and labels rely on. Therefore, this benefit is not only about helping a dear friend and a fellow member of this cities underground artistic community in need, but it's also about the importance of this cities underground culture coming together and supporting ourselves.
Unfortunately time is of the essence and financial help is needed as soon as possible. Without much time to plan or promote this event we are asking for your understanding and help in spreading the information regarding this benefit show. 100 percent of the proceeds go to Fourth Project.
Bands such as Rocket From The Crypt, No Knife, Hot Snakes, Beehive and the Barracudas, Dan Sartain, The Red Onions, Sin Sin 77, 21st Century Lepers as well as Foundation Skateboards, Atticus Clothing have all benefited from Fourth Projects design and or film work. In addition to these endeavors, Fourth Project also produces underground short films of their own with such titles as Under The Over Pass, Button and work featuring Gariss alter ego Richard Goesinya.
The Fourth Project benefit show takes place at the Casbah Wednesday, January 10th.
The show starts at 9:00pm. 21 and up. The Casbah is located at 2501 Kettner Blvd. 619-232-HELL. Tickets available at the door for $10. People are welcome to donate more at the show.
Appearing: The Heartaches (new record just out on Swami Records), Beehive and the Barracudas (first show in almost a year), The Sultans (last show ever! Featuring members of RFTC) and Mr. Tube and the Flying Objects (10 piece low rider rock featuring Pall of Blackheart Procession and 3 Mile Pilot).
There will be a raffle with prizes being given all night from sponsors such as Fallen Footwear, Zero Skateboards, Swami Records, Flapping Jet Records, Merch Lackey, Innes Clothing, Dekline Shoes, Foundation Skateboards and others TBA.
Thanks for your help! Please Help And Repost.
Review: Casbah After Christmas Party
Mostly, though, it was a night about friends hanging out and reconvening after probably too much time with their families. It was also local who’s who roll call- Tim Pyles, Troy Johnson, Scott & Patrick of Fox Rox, Bart Mendoza, Morgan Young, Mitch of No Knife/The Focus Group (who don’t expect to play until Spring!), Jordan of the Bloody Hollies, Porter of AM Vibe (playing this weekend at the Ken Club), Matt of Vinyl Radio, John Paul of GOP (who played sax for Mr. Tube), Kevin of Ex-Friends, Mike of Jezebel, Joe of Bull and Train, and on and on. It was a fun time and great to see everyone out. Local music continues to support local music and that’s a beautiful thing.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Weekend Recap
Thursday I spent some much needed quality time with Nick of Republic of Letters and Matt of Vinyl Radio at Livewire. 2007 is already looking good as both bands have been recording and will have releases out soon. At least that's what I think we were talking about, considering the music in that place is such that you have to scream at the person next to you. It got really damn crowded so we all bailed and I polished off my evening at the Ken Club.
Friday I put in my two hours of work, 2 hours of errands and last minute gift buying and rejoiced in the fact that I won't be working until January 2nd. Kelly was bartending at the HH bar so I headed over there and hung out with CatDirt and CDW and then the place filled up. It was a good time. Frank (Down With Leo) kept landing his quarters in the tip jar from afar, netting him several complimentary Buds. Thats some skills right there. I left the bar shortly after midnight and then suffered through really bad karaoke at the Ken Club until closing.
Saturday was a good night for seeing music. Unfortunately I missed Mr. Tube's Ken Club performance, but I was there in time to see UV Tigers. I don't even know what it is about the UV Tigers that make them so good. I'm not usually one for big guitar solos and riffing but when Gary is onstage, it's like he's channelling band greats of the past. The Ken Club was packed for their performance and you know a band is great and respected when Tim Pyles, Eric of M-Theory, and people from other bands come out to see you play, like John Paul of GOP. I watched Earthless for a tad, too, and really they are great at what they do, but I'm pretty narrow minded and need to hear some vocals. Guys love the axe however, and the room stayed full throughout their performance.
It was a good night to hang out and the bar stayed busy up until they had to kick everyone out. I came home and watched Brokeback Mountain and once again revelled in the fact that I'm on vacation. Suh-weet.
Today I'll be spending Christmas Eve with my Jewish best friend and her family at a movie and dinner, then probably heading to Exile on Kettner Blvd for some Stones tunes. If I don't post again today, Merry Christmas everyone.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
bill/The Modlins
I just found out that bill has been voted one of the
top 25 bands on Myspace by Rolling Stone. Their song Watercolors was nominated
and ended up winning a place on their list out of over 1,700 bands. All the info
about the contest can be found at Just wanted to pass along the good news!
Also, The Modlins have a new album coming out in January, but you can listen to 4 tracks on their myspace page.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Rafter Seeks Saxist
Anyway, Rafter (Pitchfork 7.3!) is releasing Music For Total Chickens on January 23rd and you can bet the band will have some heavy touring to support the release. If you play sax and wanna join up with an amazing band (I mean, Asthmatic Kitty! Helloooo!) and you can hit the road, you can contact Rafter through his MySpace page. If you haven't had the chance to see the band live, check them out on December 29th at Scolari's or December 30th at the Tower Bar with Mr. Tube.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Anti Monday League/Vinyl Radio
Now that 94/9 DJ Tim Pyles has pulled out as the host of “Pop Rocks” to start
the “Anti-Monday League” at The Casbah on Jan. 8. “It’s nothing personal,”
said Pyles, noting that “Anti-Monday” will focus on local bands. “It’s more
to do with [Casbah owner] Tim Mays reaching out and wanting to do shows that
spotlight new artists like this. I think of [these nights] as a kind of
local farm team for the club.”
I bring this up because the first night features Fifty On Their Heels, The Strikers, Vinyl Radio and Peter and the Wolf on January 8, 2006. Since I've been posting about Vinyl Radio's search for a drummer, Andrew has this to say:
Our constant search for a new drummer is still in the works, and it's looking
like Morgan (Young) might fill in at our next Casbah show on jan. 8th which will be
Tim Pyles' opening night in January. He'll be booking the monday shows
there, calling it the Anti-Monday League, similar to what he did at
the beauty bar when he put together the Local Poprocks shows............
So fear not, the show is still intact, even if the band is not. The loss of Bobby as the drummer has also not prevented the guys from having 2 lengthy recording sessions of late, so expect new material in early '07.
Things To Do This Week, Reposted with minor updates
Since I will technically be on vacation from 10am on Friday through 7:30 am on January 2nd, I don't know how much time I'll have for blogging, etc. Unless some kind soul has some laptop that you never use and wanna let me borrow for a week or forever...
I know I will post throughout the week, but I would still like to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 2006 was an amazing year for me and I look forward to whatever 2007 might bring. (and I spared you my top 10 list!!)
Thursday, December 21, 2006
- Yovee, The Jade Shader, Matt Curreri & The Ex Friends @ Belly Up $8
- Jeremy Enigk, Manuok, The Bend @ The Casbah
- Hostile Combover, Batwings, and Cabrón @ San Diego Sports Club, $5
- Brass Rail Sumo Santa featuring Mono Mono, Mermaid's Journey, Mario Racadio, Sweet Joyce Ann, Los Crudos Navidad @ The Brass Rail, $5
- Lindsey Troy CD Release @ Lestat's
- FREE! If you're a fan of comedy, e-mail me for a pass for 2 to The Comedy Store. My pal Mark Schreiber is performing among other comics.
Friday, December 22, 2006
- Buck-O-Nine & Skanic @ Belly Up
- The Deere Johns, Mario Escovedo, Diablo Dimes @ The Tower Bar
- Ken Club Potluck 3-6pm. $3.50 Captain & Egg Nog, $3.50 Captain & Cider, $3 Montezuma shots. Christmas Party 10pm- Close- KARAOKE!
- Jivewire/One Nation Under a Groove @ Casbah (Free!)
- Steve Poltz and Julie Mack @ Lestat's
- Christmas Party at "The Happiest Place On Earth"- and I ain't talking about Disneyland. See you there...if you can find it.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
- New York Station, Fifty on Their Heels, Russell Hayden @ Brick By Brick $5 (NY Station is a tribute to Lou Reed's Rock n Roll Animal)
- Kings Only, Nancy @ The Alibi
- UV TIgers, Mr Tube and The Flying Objects, Earthless @ The Ken Club $3
- El Vez Christmas Show, Human Hands, Blasphemous Guitars @ Casbah
- Rhythm Stompers @ The Tower Bar
- Fashion Whore @ San Diego Sports Club (1 year anniversary)
- Way Back From The Get Slow @ Scolari's. (Improv duo with members of Sleeping People/Goblin Cock and Cattle Decapitation
- Daredevil Jane, Diego Root, Stranger 6 @ Soma
- Gregory Page & Samantha Murphy @ Lestat's
Sunday, December 24, 2006- Christmas Eve
- Exile on Kettner Blvd- Stones Covers by your favorite San Diego rockeros @ Casbah- FREE!
Monday, December 25, 2006- Christmas
- The Ken Club- $2 PBR, $3 Jim Beam shots. Come hang out with Pete. There is a 2% chance I will be dj'ing. Come hang out in the 'hood. Traditionally there is a big crowd on Christmas.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
- Tim Pyles Christmas Show, featuring Mr. Tube and the Flying Objects, MC Flow, Bad Credit, Addiquit, Unite, Mr. Henshaw @ The Casbah. FREE!!!
- Hill Street Stranglers, Screaming Yeehaws @ Winston's (there's another band but I refuse to type their name here.)
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
- The Knitters @ The Belly Up (the Country/Rockabilly/Folk incarnation of X)
- The Spazmatics @ 4th and B (free with student ID)
- Ricksha, Fuusha, Sir Splendid, KZO Rock Garden & The Boogiemen @ Casbah
Don't worry, I'll update the calendar for sure next week.
Doing San Diego Proud
Also, congrats to Augustana who will be performing "Boston" on The Late Show with David Letterman on January 3 before they embark on another headlining tour and then join up with the Goo Goo Dolls. Congrats, guys. Keep us up with any good stories from the road!
Musicians Wanted
Kite Flying Society- seeks bassist
Vinyl Radio- drummer
Rookie Card-bassist
Both bands are sorta in the same boat...they want to tour, the current members in the available spots would be unable to do so. No drama, just time restraints.
And if anyone in Seattle reads my blog, Say Hi To Your Mom is seeking musicians, too:
In light of our recent move to Seattle, Washington and our inability to find the right candidates during our last round of employment opportunity proposals, we are happy to announce that we have begun a second wave search for one or all of the following:
(1) A drummer
(2) A girl who can sing as well as play the guitar, the bass, or the synthesizer
(3) Someone of either gender who can play the guitar, the bass, or the synthesizer
There are, of course, rules, because Say Hi does not equal chaos (for better or for worse). Most importantly, the ideal candidate(s) will live in Seattle, Washington and be willing to leave a job to go on tour for weeks at a time, beginning with seven weeks in March and April, including a stop at SXSW. You will be modestly compensated for your time on tour. It would help if you have done this sort of thing before. It would help if you like the same sorts of bands we do. It would help if you don’t get too drunk to play. It would help if you’re good at telling jokes. It would help if you don’t play notes when they aren’t necessary.
Should you be interested, please send us a little bit about yourself, links to music you’ve played on as well as some pictures of yourself, preferably clutching a variety of stuffed animals:
You can find out more about what we do and see the sorts of venues we play here:
Eric / Say Hi To Your Mom
Free Shit, Sake Tasting, Project (Red)

We went back to Chef Billy for a little bit and some more samples and decided to bail after about an hour of having been at 4th and B. We were handed our swag bags with some bath products, water, lip stuff and lavendar scented oils. Junior, a 4th and B/House of Blues security guard that I know from way back was at the door and told us to grab a second bag. Double Free Shit!
Massaged and fed and clean lungs and light heads, we went to the Wine Vault. The event was sold out, so we were about to leave and I told CatDirt and CDW that it was too full, but Asako caught us and was able to squeeze the two of us in at a table with an older couple. Saké hits different people different ways and they were a few tastes ahead of us and the wife was pretty buzzed. Hilarious. Anyway, here's us around our 3rd tasting.

Berkeley (a guy I met through Daye a while back at the Casbah) works there, so here's my shameless plug for his new band Nautical Disaster. They played at Scolari's last week and are playing again January 19th, so keep an eye out.
From the Wine Vault we stopped at my house to let my dog out and have some of the saké we had leftover from the free tasting last week. We went to the Beauty Bar, which was having a benefit for Project (Red). For future reference, if a club is claiming to be accepting donations on behalf of a charity, they are supposed to have tax-deductible receipts for verification. The Beauty Bar did not, but I guess we were really only asking to be facetious.
Spell Toronto was playing when we arrived. We ordered drinks. Another Beauty Bar complaint- don't call it "$3 u-call-its" if that really just translates to "Half pours for Half price". Man, I wished Bryant was working.
I really liked Spell Toronto, although this performance was 2 guys on guitar (and at one point one on keys), so we know I'm a sucker for the stripped down music. I like the raspy vox and the tempo of the songs. I know this is not Andrea's kind of music, she doesn't like vulnerable music (because I refuse to say emo), but I liked them. And I wasn't the only one, judging by the number of girls up front swooning. I would definitely check them out again and am curious to see them with a full band. My digital camera really sucks, but here's a pic:

We hung out in the bar with Jamal with our weak drinks shooting the shit and laughing while 4 frat boys disguised as scenesters gawked at two girls in the corner practicing their best stripper moves on one another. It is pretty clear the Beauty Bar is trying to capitalize on the proximity to San Diego State, but I think that's a huge mistake. If I wanted to hang out with 22 year olds (or are they getting in there with fake IDs??) that think making out with their best friend is the best way to score a guy, then I would hang out in PB.
I went back to the patio when a guy asked me for a cig and told me he's sooo nervous. It was the craziest thing...the dancefloor was filling up and about 30 minutes had passed since Spell Toronto quit and they're gonna try and throw a guy onstage with just his acoustic guitar??

That guy is named Ben Brewer. He's a New York transplant who moved here for a girl and left his band, The Exit, back in New York. A strong soulful voice accompanied by his heavy guitar strumming and his occasional harmonica and he won me over right away. Even better was when his songs got political and evoked a couple "fuck yeahs" from Andrea and I. If he was nervous you'd never have known as he commanded the stage and the attention of the people who at first seemed disappointed that the DJ stopped spinning during the performance. Of course, kids these days with their ADD and all, the crowd dwindled a little because that pair of chicks went back to their stripper practice, but those of us that stayed got to see what is hopefully, a new remarkable addition to the San Diego music scene. And hopefully, for Ben and for San Diego, things work out with the girl...
Sake Saves The Day
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Dialed In, Weighing In On New Year's Eve
In the meantime, I weigh in on my New Year's Eve picks:
The Beauty Bar- Republic of Letters and Grand Ole Party, $20, open bar 9-11 pm-
This would be a good pick because I love both bands, but considering I had a panic attack on a regular weekend night at this bar, NYE sounds like a nightmare. Sorry, I won't be there.
The Ken Club- The Creepy Creeps, Thee Corsairs, Monsters From Mars. The Ken Club gets packed every year. You'll probably see me helping out the bar by collecting your dirty glasses and bottles. It's what I do. If you say hi, don't expect me to remember.
The Ould Sod- doing it right, the Ould Sod celebrates the Irish New Year at 4 pm west coast time, so you won't be so drunk that Auld Lang Syne makes you cry.
Dino's- A surprise choice, but the Farmers are playing (as in the Beat Farmers, yo!) $20 advance, $30 at the door, includes 3 drinks plus champagne toast. Counting on Dino's generally poor promotion, there will probably be plenty of room to move. Plus there's that huge lot across the street so you're guaranteed to find parking and can cab home if you need to, leaving your car in a relatively secure place overnight.
Voz Alta/Landord Jim's- An intimate performance by Agua Dulce, DJ Buddha spins. $15 presale, $20 at the door. Admission to both locales. Voz Alta is tiny, so this is kinda like seeing Agua Dulce in a living room. Really.
The Whistle Stop- Komplete Kontrol- dance party, $5.
The Tower Bar- Tiltwheel performing. Who doesn't have fun at The Tower Bar? Big P has a heavy pour. Take a cab. No cost yet, probably count on $5 or $10.
Mostly, I'll be at the Ken Club because it's walking distance from my house, and I never drive anywhere on rookie nights...I'll probably head over just before midnight, after a cozy dinner party at Sara's (upstairs from my apartment). Such has been my tradition as long as I've lived in the neighborhood, and so shall it continue until I move.
Things To Do: Wednesday
On with the week: (Note:moved other listings to new posting)
Wednesday, December 20, 2006:
- Ozomatli with Quetzal @ House Of Blues
- Ben Brewer (of The Exit, acoustic set) & Spell Toronto @ Beauty Bar $5. Proceeds go to (Red), you know, that thing Oprah and Bono are promoting that gives money to Aids Relief for Africa. Hosted bar from 8-9pm, $3 u-call-its from 9-11pm.
- Free Shit: Mercury (the automaker) is hosting "Discover the '08 Mariner" at 4th and B from 6-10 pm. Free Oxygen Bar, chair massages, spa cooking demos, etc.
- Drop Joy, Morning Riot, and Zombie Surf Camp @ O'Connell's
I also just want to comment that as shows wind down 2006 and bands take breaks, there are still plenty of things going on at your neighborhood bars. Big P still has half priced drinks on Wednesdays from 8-11 at the Tower, $1 draft PBRs tonight at the Zombie, Jeff $2 PBR and $3 Jim Beam shots at the Ken Club, and plenty of other deals around town. Go show your bartenders some love around the holidays. They take care of you year round and many of them will be there faithfully open on Christmas Eve and Christmas. Let them know they are appreciated.
Kite Flying Society Seeks Bassist
KFS is seeking a bassist in the SoCal area interested in touring with us across this great nation and recording parts for our sophomore album which we have recently begun working on.
Some prereqs for the new bassist (male or female, we don't care):
1. Someone who understands and really loves the music we're making -- do you have similar influences? Can you add somethin' pretty to this folk pop sound?
2. Someone who can SING. This is a must! We have tons of soaring harmonies, ooohs and aaahs, etc and we want to emulate our recorded sound as much as possible in our live show.
3. If you can play other instruments (keys, tambourine, glockenspiel, guitar, recorder, what have you) it would be a huge plus. Again, there are tons of sounds and parts that need playing on any given song -- we're looking for a bassist that can do lots of other things.
4. Must be willing to travel! We will be embarking on at least 2 large tours in '07 and several smaller, weekend trips up the coast. If you feel that this won't be a problem in any way, and are dedicated to the lifestyle, we'd love to meet you.
These are the main things we are looking for in a new member. If you're interested, please shoot us a myspace msg -- auditions and such will begin in early January in Balboa Park. Also, Orange County and LA peeps are of course welcome if they are willing to travel to bi-weekly-ish practices in beautiful San Diego.
Hope to hear from you,
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Random things
1. Rob Crow's third solo album will be out soon. You can pre-order it at Insound. Just don't order it quite yet, because I have a coupon code for you in my e-mail inbox at home that I'll post later.
2. It came to my attention that somebody was unhappy about certain postings on this site, like I'm blowing some big secrets or something. First of all, all of the information I get for posts are through MySpace, local rags like CityBeat and The Reader, and a ton of e-mail newsletters from various artists, radio stations, etc. I read through all the stuff and try to post things that specifically interest me in a more concise manner. I am almost never privy to "secret" information and everyone I know now knows that if they tell me something they don't want published, a disclaimer of "don't write this on your blog" works just fine. Secondly, if you're unhappy about something I've posted, I have all my contact information on this site. You can ask me to take something down and I probably will. Just ask me directly. That is all.
3. Troy Johnson and I met because on my old blog, I had referred to him as a tool, and he sent me a self-depracating e-mail that made me adore him. We've been friends ever since. It taught me something about judging someone before you know them, which we all do a lot of the time. People like Troy and the crew at Fox Rox and Tim Pyles and Scott Riggs and Anya Marina and Halloran and CatDirt and dorky bloggers like me ultimately do what they/we do because we love music. No toes need to be stepped on, there's room for everyone, and "the scene" is a whole lot more fun when you check your attitude at the door and try being nice every once in a while. This is as much for my readers as it is a reminder to myself.
4. If you haven't checked out my new food blog, check out the event I posted for tomorrow. A $12 Sake tasting accompanied with a $10 Sushi platter at Wine Vault. Yum. Me and Andrea are going, are you coming with??
That's really all I've got today. Maybe I need some Airborne or Zicam or something to get this brain ticking again...
I'll say goodbye with another Christmas Song link for you! This one comes from my good friend Adam of Rookie Card. Click on the song called "The Sun Always Shines On Christmas."
Anyway, we decided to stick with gaming fun, so we headed to the one place we love for playing games-you-can-play-while-holding-a-drink: Triple Crown Pub. We mostly played darts and amused ourselves with our jukebox picks- some Ryan Adams and Replacements mixed with some Bowie, Lionel Richie, The Band, and of course we played Free Bird.
That's really all I have to report on at the moment.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Things To Do: Monday/Tuesday
Bowling Night! I feel the need to bowl, it's free, and what else are you gonna do? Be at Kearny Mesa Bowl by 8:30. Meet in the bar. There could be 2 of us or 20 of us, I don't know, nor do I care. Try and make it out.
Rafter, Mr Tube and His Flying Objects @ Honey Bee Hive
Gary Shuffler's B-day @ The Casbah as Ziggy Shuffledust with Spiders From Mars.
Lady Dottie and The Diamonds @ The Tower Bar.
Art Fag Holiday dance party @ Casbah $5, with Delta Spirit, The Prayers, Jeremy Jay with DJ sets by the Skull Kontrol djs.
The Mints @ San Diego Sports Club
Rafter, Bunky, Shapes and Sizes @ Ché Café (early show: 8pm)
Free: Wonder Woman Seminar @ W Hotel, 6-7pm. I think this one is about financial planning for women.
Weekend Recap: Sunday, December 17, 2006 - DeVotchka & Eric Bachmann
Eric was onstage with 2 women who played a multitude of instruments: cello, drums, keys, violin, guitar and also lended their beautiful voices as backing vocals. Troy Johnson described the music as “backwoods folk” and I guess that’s as good a description as any. All I know is that I loved the performance and could definitely picture myself listening to the CDs while I work or hang out at home. The funny thing that occurred to me while I was watching them play was that I’ve actually seen Crooked Fingers before, and liked them enough to buy the CD and have it signed, I just have no idea when or where it was that I’d seen them. Somehow it was one of those CDs that you buy when you have so much other new music that you never get around to giving it the attention it deserves. I’m glad this show reminded me to take a listen to the old stuff and look into getting the newer folkie stuff.
Also, I should mention, I am a blogger because I am a fan of live music, but in no way consider myself a journalist or music analyst, which is why you’ll see a beer in my hand before you see a pen and paper. Still, I felt the urgency to write down a lyric that caught my attention and made my heart sink a little remembering lovers past: “I would change for you, but Baby, doesn’t mean I’ll be a better man.” That sentiment probably could’ve saved me a lot of heartbreak through my twenties.
The Belly Up crowd had grown and in typical fashion, everyone rushed the stage as Eric left the stage, posting up for DeVotchka without realizing how fucking rude that is to the opening artist. Jason and Bianca were finally there, and Billy and his friend Katie were there, so we hung out a while and then I kinda hopped around the venue getting different vantage points for listening and taking photos.
The first time I ever heard DeVotchka, I heard one song and didn’t like it at all. I guess there was no context within which to place the sound for me. After a friend at work told me about the amazing show they’d played at the Casbah, I knew that I would have to check them out. I am glad I did. I don’t even know how to describe their set. The singer’s vocals sound classically trained, the girl with the lit up tuba was amazing in her talent but also what other tuba player have you ever seen carry that monstrosity of an instrument while dancing in 3 inch pumps? Tom on violin was amazing and added a beautiful layer to the music while the drummer was just insane. They played a long set of their own version of both fast and slow gypsy music, which really to me sounds like the mariachi music I’d listen to in my grandpa’s house as a kid and the Polish polka music my dad would torture us with on road trips that we eventually grew to love.
I don’t know if DeVotchka is the kind of music I would listen to at home or in my car or while I’m working, and their catalog of CDs at the merch table was intimidating, because really, where do you start? Still, I know that I won’t ever miss them when they roll through San Diego again.
Weekend update: Saturday, December 17, 2006
Much later, after an afternoon slummin’ and couchin’, it was time to motivate and head out. I decided to go to the Alibi because I finally wanted to see Orion Frequency.
Unfortunately, I missed Firethorn. Two Word Name started as I arrived. Their MySpace page describes them as a cross between Incubus and Metallica. While I’ll agree with the Incubus part, I was thinking more MCR or maybe Blue October, with their brooding lyrics that the singer belted out, kinda making me feel like I was watching someone sing in the shower. That’s not an insult at all- I thought he was a good frontman. The drummer was really on it, and I guess the guitar and bass were good, too, though I paid more attention to the bassist’s leather g-string thong with the silver lame pouch for his package. The guitarist was in a red evening gown, which looked strapping with his broken foot bootie. The singer was sporting black from head to toe with red makeup around his eyes and a red teardrop on each cheek. If you’re emo, shouldn’t you just say so and not list your music as rock/thrash/metal? Just wondering.
Next up was a band called bill. I’ve heard this band’s name around town and know that they are really good at promotion. Still, when they started, their version of alternative rock/funk didn’t really do it for me. I don’t know if they are a Christian band, but some of the lyrics struck me as so. Granted, I was at the show alone and it was raining out and I was nursing the same cocktail I’d ordered during Two Word Name, so I wasn’t really feeling the vibe anyway, but bill didn’t do it for me. Even more frustrating is their MySpace page’s white text on seafoam background that you can’t freaking read.
As much as I wanted to see Orion Frequency, I lasted through about 3 songs of bill and decided it was time to go. I headed east down University to the other side of the world to the Tower Bar just in time to catch the Sess. I love these guys and have seen them before, I only wish I’d bought the earplugs I’ve been eyeing on Insound. The Sess are straightforward rock that reminds me in some off way of Uncle Joe’s Big Ol Driver back in the day, but I’m sure better comparisons could be made. I was just happy to be in a familiar place with a familiar band and familiar faces as my Saturday night came to a close.
Weekend update: Friday, December 16, 2006
I tried to distinguish that I wasn’t having a party as in the noun, but we could party at my house, as in the verb. At 9, it was pretty much Sara, Andrea and I doing a few red headed slut shots. Matt and Skip came by and had a beer and we all headed to the bar.
Unfortunately, I have no review of the show, because (a) when Sara goes to the Ken Club we rarely check out the bands and (b) because I went to the bar with $12 and came home with $10 and yet somehow was never without a cocktail in my hand. A bunch of people came over after the bar, too, but I was a mess and don’t remember exactly how the night ended. Sounds bad, I know, but YOU clean your house for 6 hours after 4 hours of sleep and then go out on the town and see how you do.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Things To Do: Dec 15, 16, 17
No show to report on last night as I spent the evening at the CityBeat Holiday Party. (I love you all, CityBeat peeps!) Super D and a couple other bands played at the Sports Club during the party, but the one song I heard while waiting for the bathroom doesn't qualify me to review them. My lovely dog did have a face to face with a skunk in my backyard which was über fun dealing with at 1 in the morning. Beat that for a story.
Friday, December 15, 2006:
- Roses on Their Graves, Vinyl Radio, True Crime Authors, and Blackout Party @ Ken Club. This is the final show for Vinyl Radio with Bobby as their drummer. If you're going to this show, come preparty at my house around 8-ish. Contact me for more info.
- The Sess, Powerchords, Epsilons @ CHOB (Coffee House On Broadway)
- Hialeah, Say No To The Microchip, Grave for the Fireflies @ Zombie Lounge
- Low Red Lane, Birds and Batteries, Bull and Train (formerly John Meeks One)@ Scolari's
- Emery Byrd & Dynamite Walls(acoustic) @ Whistle Stop
- Supernova, Satisfaction, Sin Sin 77, Atoms @ Casbah ($10)
- The Beautiful and Damned & Buddy Akai @ Tentaculo Bar (Tijuana, in Pueblo Amigo)
- Benefit for Mama's Kitchen: Several bands will be playing Christmas songs at the Mission Bay Boat and Ski Club. Please visit this link for all the details on donations, bands, etc. Inigo, Roxy Monoxide, Marie Haddad, and Sven-Erik Seaholm are some of the artists performing. The Boat Club has cheap drinks!
- Big Brown Sound featuring Matt Hensley of Flogging Molly @ Tower Bar (dj sets)
- Jane Lui, Jay Nash, and Manuok @ Lestat's
- New listing: Asspects of Physics, Follower, Gremlin Master @ San Diego Sports Club. According to Andrea, Follower is our friend Kasey of Goblin Cock with Kennseth and Brandon from Sleeping People, Isaiah (from Earthless I think) and some's their first show and they're onstage second.
- New listing: Qu'est-ce Que C'est
Saturday, December 16, 2006
- Fifty on Their Heels, The Sess, Ima Fucking Gymnist @ The Tower $3!!!
- Kill Me Tomorrow, Mr. Tube and his Flying Objects, Sirhan Sirhan, Max Field Pup @ Casbah
- Greg Laswell, Get Back Loretta, Renata Youngblood @ Lestat's $10
- Stranger (CD Release), Agua Dulce, The Devastators, Tribe of Kings Soundsystem @ 4th & B ($10)
- Orion Frequency, bill, Two Word Name, Firethorn @ Alibi
- The Inebriated & Resident Saints @ Zombie Lounge
- The Beautiful and Damned and Buddy Akai @ Beauty Bar
- Sus Hijos with Valdez @ Ken Club
- Down With Leo & Static Halo @ Triple Crown (It is the Triple Crown Holiday Party with drink discounts, free food, and raffled prizes. Party starts at 5)
- Agua Dulce @ Croce's
Sunday, December 17, 2006:
- Devotchka, Eric Bachman @ Belly Up (Grammy nominated Devotchka, that is)
- The Vandals "Winter Formal" with Reeve Oliver, Longmont Potion @ House Of Blues
- Joanna Newsom @ Casbah (sold out)
- Vision of a Dying World, Asleep in the Sea, MC Flow, The Clockwork Army @ Zombie Lounge
- Daphne Loves Derby, Mia & Dia, Ronnie Day, the House of Fools, and Long Live Logos @ Epicentre
- Rapsodie Music Studio Winter Recital (see blog post below)
Non Music (free) events:
- Chargers at Kansas City Chiefs (5:15-ish) - Triple Crown, anyone? Sorry Tony G. Your team is going down.
- Tower Bar BBQ
- Wine Cabana in Old Town: Holiday Sale. Wine $3 per glass and up. Bottles of wine up to 50% off. Free appetizers.
- San Diego Bay Parade of Lights. Fireworks at 5:30, parade after. Route is Shelter Island to Coronado
GnR Canceled
January 10th Sacramento
January 11th Bakersfield
January 13th Reno
January 16th San Diego
Due to the schedule of these particular shows valuable time needed by the band and record company for the proper setup and release of the album Chinese Democracy would be lost. Rather than delay the album yet again all involved have decided to remove these shows from GNR’s schedule. We sincerely hope our fans understand and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused anyone. Tickets may be refunded at local point of purchase. read the rest of Axl's announcement here.
Indie Blog Nation Loves Kite Flying Society!
This just in, here's another one!
While I'm on the subject, if you're available this Sunday, Kelly Duley's Rapsodie (or, "Rap City") Piano Studio is putting on it's annual Winter Recital. This year is extra cute and heart-warming as many of her littlest students (4-6 year olds) will be performing for the first time. And, where else can you go to hear kids playing Lucy In The Sky w/ Diamonds?You are cordially invited.
Date: Sunday, December 17th
Time: 3:30 PM (start time, come earlier for seats)
Place: Schulman Auditorium at the Dove Library in Carlsbad.
Directions: 5 North to La Costa Ave. Go east. Take Left onto El Camino Real. Pass Aviara Prkway. Take Left onto Dove Ave. Library is straight ahead.Reception to follow.
Kelly would like to see lots of people come out for support. Just think, give these kids 10 years and they'll be the next local music scene.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
a learning curve
So just to test this out, here's some Sunset Rubdown for my pretties... (I don't need to tell you that this is the other band that Spencer Krugman of Wolf Parade is a part of, do I?

Download "Stadiums And Shrines II" (mp3)
from "Shut Up I Am Dreaming"
by Sunset Rubdown
Absolutely Kosher
Buy at iTunes Music Store
Buy at eMusic
Stream from RealNetworks / Rhapsody
More Christmas Tunes
The Long Winters
Ron Sexsmith
Agent Sparks
As Tall As Lions
The Vandals (4 Christmas songs, including "Oi To The World!")
Neighborhood/Cream Grand Opening & CityBeat "Seen" Art Show
Kara and Dennis and I moved outside while Andrea and Matt and Andrew chilled inside. The fashion show had started inside and the bouncers stopped letting people in unless someone came out first. As more friends joined us on the outside, Allison and Kelly and I decided that it just wasn't worth it to stick around. We didn't know when Grand Ole Party would play and we didn't expect the crowd to get any smaller as it got later, so we decided it was a fine time to check out Lancers. It appeared we weren't the only ones with that idea, but it was a good time as we were joined by Zabrina, Dave, Isaac, Amy, Kevin and a couple others.
So really, all this was to tell you I have no review of GOP today, but I've seen them at least half a dozen times and everytime I do I like them more and more and you should definitely catch them around town before they get some mega-record deal and leave us behind.
Get On It!- The Cat Empire
...on Saturday, February 3, 2007, we’ve got a greatI'm guessing (and hoping) 94/9 might throw it in rotation come January as a 'recommended artist'. I'm just saying, $10 ain't bad for what promises to be a great show. This band really will get you to do some serious ass shaking. Have you ever looked at the cost of travel from Down Under to our hemisphere? Really, $10 is CHEAP. (Doesn't mean I won't take a free pair if any lovely wants to hook me up)
show scheduled with the band, The Cat Empire. This is an amazing band from
Australia that you might not know about right now, but by the time February rolls around, you’re not going to be able to escape them.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Things To Do: Wed Dec 13- Sun Dec 17 (a couple updates)
On with the week( and where I plan on going in bold):
Wednesday, December 13:
- Cream & Neighborhood Boutique Opening (4496 Park Boulevard, University Heights): Fashion show with DJ sounds by Beatnik starts at 8:30 p.m. San Diego CityBEAT presents: Seen Local, featuring works by Joshua Krause,Pamela Jaeger, Mike Maxwell, Harry the Hat, Neko, Chandu Reading, Kelsey Brookes, Thatkidpeep and Bryan Ray. Grand Ole Party will be performing (Flow cancelled) followed by a lineup of DJs. Complimentary Beer and Wine (and hopefully some snackage)
- Bunky, Carina Round, and Maystar @ The Casbah. Maystar plays @ 9pm.
- The Grams, The Citizen Band, Sara Petite, Christopher Cash & Marie Haddad @ O'Connell's.
- Lady Dottie & The Diamonds @ Henry's Pub
- Under the Influence of Giants and Long Live Logos @ Soma Sidestage
Thursday, December 14, 2006:
- Starcrossed and The Estellas @ The Ken Club (no cover)
- Qui w/David Yow (Jesus Lizard), Sirhan Sirhan, The Long and Short of It @ Casbah
- See this post for Christmas Sweater parties.
Friday, December 15, 2006:
- Roses on Their Graves, Vinyl Radio, True Crime Authors, and Blackout Party @ Ken Club. This is the final show for Vinyl Radio with Bobby as their drummer. If you're going to this show, come preparty at my house around 8-ish. Contact me for more info.
- The Sess, Powerchords, Epsilons @ CHOB (Coffee House On Broadway)
- Hialeah, Say No To The Microchip, Grave for the Fireflies @ Zombie Lounge
- Low Red Lane, Birds and Batteries, Bull and Train (formerly John Meeks One)@ Scolari's
- Emery Byrd (acoustic) @ Whistle Stop
- Supernova, Satisfaction, Sin Sin 77, Atoms @ Casbah ($10)
- The Beautiful and Damned & Buddy Akai @ Tentaculo Bar (Tijuana, in Pueblo Amigo)
- Benefit for Mama's Kitchen: Several bands will be playing Christmas songs at the Mission Bay Boat and Ski Club. Please visit this link for all the details on donations, bands, etc. Inigo, Roxy Monoxide, Marie Haddad, and Sven-Erik Seaholm are some of the artists performing. The Boat Club has cheap drinks!
- Big Brown Sound featuring Matt Hensley of Flogging Molly @ Tower Bar (dj sets)
- Jane Lui, Jay Nash, and Manuok @ Lestat's
Saturday, December 16, 2006
- Fifty on Their Heels, The Sess, Ima Fucking Gimnist @ The Tower $3!!!
- Kill Me Tomorrow, Mr. Tube and his Flying Objects, Sirhan Sirhan, Max Field Pup @ Casbah
- Greg Laswell, Get Back Loretta, Renata Youngblood @ Lestat's $10
- Stranger (CD Release), Agua Dulce, The Devastators, Tribe of Kings Soundsystem @ 4th & B ($10)
- Orion Frequency, bill, Two Word Name, Firethorn @ Alibi
- The Inebriated & Resident Saints @ Zombie Lounge
- The Beautiful and Damned and Buddy Akai @ Beauty Bar
- Sus Hijos @ Ken Club
- Down With Leo & Static Halo @ Triple Crown (It is the Triple Crown Holiday Party with drink discounts, free food, and raffled prizes)
- Agua Dulce @ Croce's
Sunday, December 17, 2006:
- Devotchka, Eric Bachman @ Belly Up (Grammy nominated Devotchka, that is)
- The Vandals "Winter Formal" with Reeve Oliver, Longmont Potion @ House Of Blues
- Joanna Newsom @ Casbah
- Vision of a Dying World, Asleep in the Sea, MC Flow, The Clockwork Army @ Zombie Lounge
- Daphne Loves Derby, Mia & Dia, Ronnie Day, the House of Fools, and Long Live Logos @ Epicentre
Non Music (free) events:
- Chargers at Kansas City Chiefs (5:15-ish) - Triple Crown, anyone? Sorry Tony G. Your team is going down.
- Tower Bar BBQ
- Wine Cabana in Old Town: Holiday Sale. Wine $3 per glass and up. Bottles of wine up to 50% off. Free appetizers.
- San Diego Bay Parade of Lights. Fireworks at 5:30, parade after. Route is Shelter Island to Coronado
Based on his idea that there has to be a top billing act, I just thought I would list out some of my band ideas, since I know he and I would really vary in our ideas for the billing. The last MayDay fest had 35 bands.
Headliners: Pinback & Louis XIV
everyone else I would want (in ABC order):
A Scribe Amidst The Lions
Agua Dulce
B-Side Players
Buddy Akai
Bull and Train
Emery Byrd
Fifty on Their Heels
Get Back Loretta
Greg Laswell
Juan Peso
Kite Flying Society
Lady Dottie and The Diamonds
Loam (reunion!)
Matt Curreri and the Ex Friends
Old Man Hands
Orion Frequency
Republic of Letters
Rookie Card
Sirhan Sirhan
Swim Party
The Dragons (reunion!)
The Infants
The Long and Short Of It
The North Atlantic
The Powerchords
The Roman Spring
The Sess
UV Tigers
Via Satellite
Vinyl Radio
who I would snub: POD, Switchfoot
god, no way is that list complete.
Neighborhood Opening
Hi All,
The bad news is I'm too sick to perform tonight.
I have the flu from hell, it won't seem to go away, and I can barely breathe,
let alone rap. So...I won't be at Neighbourhood's Grand Opening -- instead, I'll
be home moping on the couch for yet another night.
Please go anyway and support Christine and
Neighbourhood, the most bomb-ass shop in town! I AMSUPER BUMMED. :-( Hope to be well by Sunday's gig!
The Flow
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Things To Do: Tuesday, December 12
Tuesday, December 12:
- Secret Apollo, Merch, and The Mints @ Scolari's
- The Strays & The Slackers @ Casbah
- Me First and the Gimme Gimmes @ House of Blues.
- Karaoke Night @ The Ken Club
- Competitive Eating Contest @ The Tower Bar. Free to enter, winner gets a $30 bar tab. Tonight's contest: Nacho eating.
- Free Shit: Opening of Firefly (a clothing store carrying lounge/yoga gear). 928 Fort Stockton, Mission Hills. There will be free hors d'Ouevres and cocktails from 5-9pm. Unlike other more private openings, no RSVP required and quarter page ads were in both CityBeat and the Reader, so this is a come one, come all opening.
- Update: More Free Shit: Tonight at the W Hotel there is complimentary sake tasting from 6-7pm in Magnet for an event called "Palate". I've been there for a tequila tasting and I was the.only.person.there. Seriously. So don't be shy or think it's some classy joint. It ain't. They really aren't very good at getting the word out about these things.
Just one reminder for tomorrow night, Dec 13:
Neighborhood Boutique grand opening:
To mark the occassion, Christine McLaughlin (neighbourhood's adept youngowner) is putting together a fashion show featuring the boutique'sholiday gear. It's just in time for all those holiday parties you'll beattending in December! The fashion show, complete with live projectionsand beats provided by DJ Beatnick, starts at 8:30 p.m.
And as if all that isn't enough to get you to go out on a Wednesday night,San Diego CityBEAT will be at the opening with their first ever art show. It's called Seen Local, and it will feature new works by Joshua Krause,Pamela Jaeger, Mike Maxwell, Harry the Hat, Neko, Chandu Reading, Kelsey Brookes, Thatkidpeep and Bryan Ray.
If you're still on the fence about attending, here's the real kicker: Grand Ole Party and MC Flow will be performing followed by a lineup of DJs. We've got a beer sponsor and there'll be plenty of wine to go around. See you there!

That's Chickrawker on the far left.
And here's me and Andrea with Delta Spirit behind us:

This one is obviously me and Pete Yorn.

You can kinda tell his panties were in a wad. Sorry to have disturbed you, Dude.
Review: Roxy Jones & Sarah Hanson @ Beauty Bar, 12/11/06
I almost cheesed out and skipped it altogether, but since I had to get catfood at the store anyway, I decided it was worth getting my ass outta the house for a free show first.
As I arrived, Sara Hanson was already on the stage. Alternating between an acoustic guitar and an electric one and accompanied by a drummer, what stood out most right off the bat was Sara's beatiful voice. I would've kinda liked to hear her do a Mindy Smith cover, just for comparison, because I believe her range would allow her to come close if not hit a match. Her songs were mostly originals and the small crowd that was there was attentive. She also played slowed down chill versions of "Stayin Alive" and "Folsom Prison" that were unique takes on both songs. I think as Sara develops, fronting a full band would serve her better than being the (almost) solo chick with the guitar so as to support her rich voice (maybe some mandolin in there) while avoiding the Jewel stigma left on pretty much any chick with a guitar hailing from San Diego.
Roxy Jones was up next. I reviewed them here a while back. Peter had read that blog and e-mailed me, thanking me for the constructive criticism. I've said I'm not here to slam anybody because I know everyone has their own range of what they like and what they don't, so maybe something that isn't for me might be the music that you relate to the most. That's all I'm sayin. I'm just one person.
That said, I enjoyed Roxy Jones this time around much more than last time. There are still the quiet moments that transition to some screaming, but the vocals felt slightly more controlled this time. Since Darren was the drummer for both performances, they seemed more comfortable onstage and engaged in some funny banter with Rodney (on sound) and Tim Pyles. When they went past 11pm, Peter assured us that he had several more "stellar" songs to play and played a few more. The vocals can still use some tightening up, they feel loose at times and he loses pitch, but it seems to me that if they've improved since the last time I saw them, they can only continue to get better. Most important, they appear to be having a good time onstage never taking themselves too seriously. At one point Peter asked the crowd, "are there people in there?" referring to the people sitting at the bar missing the show, to which he followed up by raising his voice in the mic, "I hope those drinks are good!" in the most sarcastic voice one can imagine.
I introduced myself after the set and Peter gave me a CD which I've not had the chance to sample yet but will when I catch a free second at home. I will definitely miss was a guaranteed free thing to do on Mondays, and the only night I could count on going to the Beauty Bar for bands without getting tackled on the way to the bar, since the only other nights they really host bands are on Fridays and Saturdays. I expect my visits to the bar will drastically reduce without this direct proportion to the increase in my visits to the Casbah. Such is the scene changing. I believe it can only get better.