Me and Darren (Taken 2.18.21) |
Nova has been staying with my parents so she can do online school away from the construction happening next door. (Side note, they did work today even though it is illegal to do construction in San Diego on Sundays.) When we dropped her off tonight, my mom sent us home with leftover spaghetti.
On the way home, my mom called and asked if we'd eaten the spaghetti yet. No, we were still driving home, I told her. "I'm embarrassed to tell you this, but be careful because I think I dropped 4 little screws and 4 little buttons in the sauce by accident."
She then proceeded to tell us an elaborate story about how they could've ended up there, "but the sauce is really good, so you should eat it anyway. Just be careful."
No way we're eating the spaghetti.
Besides that, Me and Darren started watching Celia on Peacock which is super great and we hung out in the speakeasy last night. We got in a fight with the bitch next door (the same one who cut our bushes last summer.) They had a party all day in their backyard so they were stupidly drunk. I was outside when the lady and her sister came out the front door and one of them FELL OFF THE PORCH. I asked if she was okay and they started talking shit, calling me a "pinche metiche" (fucking nosy) among other names. I told Darren who then went outside to see what was up and the ladies charged at him screaming obscenities in Spanish. We had words with them about that. Then they were trying to get into their car and Darren was yelling how stupid they were for being so drunk and getting into the car, telling the sister that the neighbor needs help for her dementia. It wasn't pretty but at least they thought better of getting into the car and went back into their house. So much drama on our little block. I didn't even mention that there was yet another police incident at our gas station over the weekend with Crystal, the woman who is always screaming at her boyfriend in the alley, and the boyfriend who is always trying to calm her down. He's black and she's white and I fear one day her insanity is going to get him shot, but what can ya do if he stays and keeps putting up with her?
Duh-ra-ma. Stay safe out there. Don't eat any screws or buttons. I'm skipping news today, but today's data is after the jump.