Kashmir musk deer at San Diego Zoo (Taken 2.24.21) |
I was up super late last night, the kind where night turns to morning and I only went to bed when the sun was up because I didn't want to ruin the rhythm of Nova's school day. When I did finally sleep, it was long and peaceful and I ignored texts and phone calls and emails all day. Sorry if you're one of the ignored, sometimes I just need the time. Darren and Nova went to Presidio Park for a little meet-up with our friend, but I'm not quite ready for social activity and the anxiety of being out in a world that feels like nobody else gives a shit anymore about this pandemic. I hate to be the party-pooper, but the rapid decline in cases has petered out and in some cases are going up again, so there's nothing really to celebrate and even more reason to step up the caution.
I'm keeping it light on links today because honestly, everything is in a holding pattern. All the "news" was about what could happen over the coming days in weeks instead of things actually happening, so we'll learn about J&J or the Rescue Plan House vote or what is happening with vaccines that are going to places that shouldn't have them, like medical concierge companies or plastic surgeons who are doling them out against protocols. Maybe even someone will investigate how McKesson even got their contract since they can't seem to get the vaccines out on time, snowstorm or not.
Again, sorry if you needed me today. I needed to unplug and let my body rest and have time with the family as we had a lobster and scallop feast to celebrate Darren's upcoming birthday. They're all asleep now and I may just follow suit. Stay safe out there.
Again, sorry if you needed me today. I needed to unplug and let my body rest and have time with the family as we had a lobster and scallop feast to celebrate Darren's upcoming birthday. They're all asleep now and I may just follow suit. Stay safe out there.
- COVID-19:
- Petco Park super station to close Saturday due to supply issues just as new vaccination groups become eligible. The closure comes at an inopportune time, as more than 500,000 teachers, law enforcement and food workers were able to begin to receive vaccinations on Saturday. - CBS8 (2.26.21)
- New variant in NYC; CDC backs vaccine finder website — 7 COVID-19 updates - Becker's Hospital Revue (2.25.2021)
- FDA: Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine Doesn’t Need Ultra-Cold Freezer Storage - Time (2.26.2021)
- Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security 2.26.2021:
- The US surpassed 500,000 cumulative deaths on February 23, less than 1 year from the first reported death on February 29, 2020. Despite reaching this tragic milestone, the daily mortality has decreased substantially over the past several weeks:
- 1 death to 50k- 55 days
- 50k to 100k- 33 days
- 100k to 150k- 63 days
- 150k to 200k- 55 days
- 200k to 250k- 58 days
- 250k to 300k- 25 days
- 300k to 350k- 20 days
- 350k to 400k- 16 days
- 400k to 450k- 16 days
- 450k to 500k- 19 days
- CDC COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review:
Safer Communities Mean Safer Schools Almost a year ago, as the COVID-19 pandemic started affecting our communities, schools throughout the country turned to virtual learning to help protect students, teachers, school staff, and their families. Today, schools use different strategies to prevent spread. Some teach class online, while others have opened safely and conduct in-person learning using multiple prevention strategies, even in areas with relatively high levels of community spread. Recent studies in schools that strictly followed multiple prevention strategies found that most cases in schools came from community spread of disease, not from spread within the school itself. This means that each community has an opportunity to help schools return to in-person learning and make them safer by making their own community safer. - Politics:
- Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Jen Psaki and Homeland Security Advisor and Deputy National Security Advisor Dr. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall
- Press Briefing by White House COVID-19 Response Team and Public Health Officials
- News:
- White House planning to forecast vaccine shipments months in advance. The longer planning window could address concerns from governors who complained that limited shipment forecasts affect their planning abilities. - Politico (2.25.21)
- Judge Denies Request To Reopen In Lawsuit Brought By 25 Gyms - kpbs/City News Service (2.25.21)
Citing a separate ruling in a similar case by U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh in San Francisco, Bencivengo said, "challenging COVID-related restrictions, given the unique risks of gatherings and spreading COVID-19, the deaths and serious illnesses that result from COVID-19, and the overwhelming strain on the health system, the court finds that enjoining the state and county's restrictions on plaintiffs' gatherings and plaintiffs' businesses would not be in the public's interest." - Other Reading/Watching:
- SPLC testimony for House Financial Services Subcommittee
- Make Sure Children Are Caught Up on Vaccines - County News Center (2.26.21)
- Playing With Data:
- US Census Bureau
- San Diego Vaccine Dashboard
- Population of San Diego County: 3,338,330 (County Number is 3,370,418)
- Population of San Diego County 16+: 2,689,348
- Percentage of San Diegans 65+: 14.5% = 484,058
- Vaccine Doses Administered 2/25/21 = 804,158
- Vaccine Doses Administered to 65+ = 23.4% = 188,173
- Estimated People in Tier 1C: Food/Ag, Teachers, Law Enforcement/Emergency Services ~500,000
- Vaccines Received
- As of 2/22: 828,825 (63,325 from 2/16)
- As of 2/16: 765,500 (114,050 from 2/6)
- As of 2/6: 651,450 (65,225 from 2/2)
- As of 2/2: 586,225 (143,750 from 1/21)
- As of 1/21: 442,475
- To reach goal of 70% vaccinated by July 1, 3,515,088 doses must be administered from Feb 1-July 1 = 23,434 vaccine/day
- Global COVID-19 Stats (JHU 2/26/21 8:22pm):
- 113.391,190 Known Cases
- 2,517,118 Known Deaths
- US COVID-19 Stats
- CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Data Tracker
- (JHU)
- 28,846,111 Cases
- 510,458 Deaths
- (COVID Tracking Project):
- 74,439 New Cases/28,225,167 Known Cases (1.7%+ Change over 7 Days)
- 2,137 New Deaths/500,345 Known Deaths
- 51,116 Current COVID-19 Hospitalizations
- 10,466 Currently COVID-19 patients in ICU
- 3,466 COVID-19 patients currently on ventilator
- California COVID-19 Stats:
- State of California Safe Schools For All Hub
- Vaccination progress dashboard
- Aggregate California ICU Bed Availability: 20.9%
- R-effective: 0.69
- 3,400 New Cases/3,465,726 Total Cases (0.2% increase)
- 391 New Deaths/51,382 Total Deaths (0.8% increase)
- 2.9% 14-day test positivity rate
- 6,152 COVID-19 Hospitalizations (-368 patients, -6.0% from prior day)
- 1,725 COVID-19 ICU hospitalized in CA (-58 patients, -3.4% from prior day)
- 1,800 ICU beds available (-7 from prior day)
- San Diego County
- Free Testing Sites and Schedule in San Diego
- VaccinationSuperstationSD
- Vaccination Dashboard
- San Diego County Of Education School Reopening Dashboard
- County Releases Eligibility Requirements for New COVID-19 Vaccination Groups
- State Data:
- Southern California ICU Bed Availability: 19.5%
- R-effective: 0.67
- 519 New Cases/258,979 Total Cases
- 30 Deaths/3,260 Total Deaths
- 16.6 cases/100k population (Assessed on 2/23. Unadjusted Case Rate)
- 5.0% Test Positivity (Assessed on 2/23)
- 7.4% Health Equity Positivity (Assessed on 2/23)
- 561 COVID-19 hospitalized patients (-34 patients, -5.7% from prior day)
- 175 COVID-19 ICU hospitalized patients (-10 patients, % from prior day)
- 217 ICU beds available (-1 from prior day)
- County Data:
- San Diego County Update - County News Center
- 662 New Cases/259,644 Total Cases
- 11 New Daily Deaths/3,271 Total Deaths
- 938,765 Doses Received/832,800 Doses Administered
- 4% Daily Test Positivity/4.5% (7-day avg after 7-day lag)/4.4% Test Positivity (14-day average)
- 15 cases/100k population (Assessed on 2/23. Adjusted case rate per 100,000 excluding prisons.)
- 93% Case Investigation
- -9% Day Over Day COVID-19 Hospitalizations (521 patients. 62% decrease over 30 days)
- 26% ICU Capacity (172 patients. -57% increase over 30 days)
- 53 Staffed ICU Beds Available
- 3 New/29 Community Outbreaks (7-day)
- Universities:
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