Happy Mutt's Day (Taken 7.10.21) |
Yesterday was my niece's birthday, so we celebrated today at my parents' house with Filipino delights from Jochi. We had a fun time just hanging out and ribbing each other and my god-sister brought her new beau to meet the family. There was this funny moment where I was trying to explain why my niece should stop using the phrase spirit animal and like a true teenager, she responded, "but I did a quiz on Buzzfeed." My dad isn't doing especially well, so I guess the time together packs more meaning than any usual visit of the past.
My house is really quiet right now because Nova is staying at my sister's and Darren is working at the Agent Orange show at the Casbah. The latter makes me so nervous and I wish Tim was mandating proof of vaccines but he's just not ready to take that leap without the big guys like Livenation or AEG doing so first. I actually think it should be the opposite, one by one the smaller guys could require proof like Urban Mo's is doing and people will just get used to it like showing their ID at the door. I'm kinda kicking myself for volunteering Darren when I won't go to a sold out show on my own, but in my head I know that breakthrough infections are not common. As Ben Wakana of the White House COVID response team tweeted, "If 10 vaccinated people walk into a room full of COVID, about 9 of them would walk out of the room WITH NO COVID. Nine of them." Plus Darren's wearing a good mask so I'm trying not to worry.
So most of today's reading is leftover stuff I didn't get to yesterday but if you don't want to read it all, I recommend at least watching the interview with Dr. Jha embedded below.
Stay safe out there.