Friday, July 23, 2021

CoViD-19: Time For CDC To Roll Back Mask Leniency | Singapore: Vaccinated Make Up 75% Of New Cases | State Provides Funding For Max's Bridge | Cyclist Killed On Pershing |


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It was a late night of work for me and I don't know how motivated my Friday will be, so I thought I'd get out a bonus post of Thursday stuff so I have a clean slate when I do a new post. I also wanted to post because I was SHOCKED by the revelation that Singapore's cases are 75% among partially and fully vaccinated people. They're using Pfizer there, so that is especially alarming and goes to show just how transmissible the Delta variant is -- even among vaccinated people -- in case you didn't already believe that from what happened in the UK and Israel, and low-vax countries like India and Australia. Be diligent and if you're putting yourself in high-risk situations, even if you're vaccinated you should consider masking up and testing regularly. I think we'll go for swabs this afternoon as Nova completes her first week of Girls Inc camp. 

Stay safe out there.  

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