Support Jake Najor's GoFundMe (Taken 1.27.21) |
I had this really productive day but there was so much going on today that I'm really not gonna get it all covered. What I am gonna keep doing is posting pictures of Jake Najor and posting his GoFundMe.
There were some notable things today that I do want to mention. It feels like there has litrally been flooding on every part of the planet except for the drought-stricken west coast of the United States and Canada, and not that we want floods because our infrastructure certainly would not be able to handle a deluge, some liquid from the sky would be nice. We were watching as the live coverage was rolling in on the floods in China and Germany and Denmark earlier in the week, and it's horrifying and hundreds if not thousands of lives are being lost but also so much rebuilding to do, which make me think of some themes I've been thinking about a lot over the last several weeks and those are (1) all news is climate news and (2) Christmas 2021 is canceled.
Obviously I don't really think Christmas is canceled, but this whole year we've been hearing about supply chains backed up and chip shortages and shipping container shortages and worker shortages and gas prices increasing and China closing their busiest port for 3 weeks due to COVID and the backed up containers in Long Beach and nobody wants to work and everyone wants cheap shit from Dollar General and all the Christmas trees are on fire in Oregon and you better get used to black coffee because there's gonna be an almond shortage due to drought and it's a good thing you got used to paying $15 for a salad in your fancy restaurants because if you wanna buy lettuce this summer that's pretty much what it's gonna cost you and don't even get me started on the farmers spraying sunscreen on their grapes so they don't turn into raisins before they can be made into wine. The crazy shit is literally none of this has to do with this administration but we will never hear the end of how everything is his fault. All I'm saying is you should probably start your Christmas shopping now, or skip it this year entirely and put the money aside for shit you actually might really need.
CoViD-19 is bad everywhere, today was data update day for the county and they were kind enough to make a slide like I asked for with partially vaxxed and fully vaxxed broken down by age group and as a percentage of that part of the population. It's not exactly what I wanted because they broke it up in weird age brackets, but the point was that 18-29 year olds are still less than 50% fully vaccinated, so if you were at emo nite or a busy place where college aged kids party, you may wanna get tested.
Stay safe out there.
- COVID-19:
- COVID-19 Cases in County Rise 82% in One Week - County News Center (7.21.21)
- See data and slides at bottom of post.
- JHU Center For Health Security's July 20th COVID-19 Situation Report covered why data is so wonky right now and may no longer be reliable in real-time. "data reported early in the week indicating a slight decrease in the average daily incidence and mortality from Friday to Sunday. The trend disappears, however, after several days, which indicates that it is likely an artifact of reporting, potentially due to states shifting from daily to weekly reports to the CDC. This shift in reporting could complicate efforts to maintain an accurate understanding of the US COVID-19 epidemic in real time, particularly at a time when the country is facing the early stages of another surge. The most recent several days’ worth of COVID-19 data may no longer be a reliable representation of the current state of the US epidemic."
- You got a coronavirus vaccine. But you still became infected. How did that happen? The FDA-authorized coronavirus vaccines are exceptionally protective — but they’re not perfect. - The Washington Post (7.21.21)
- Vaccine mandates more likely once FDA grants full approvals, health experts say. The regulatory signoff would remove a significant legal and public relations barrier to requirements, former government officials said. - NBC News (7.20.21)
- ‘I’m sorry, but it’s too late’: Alabama doctor on treating unvaccinated, dying COVID patients - (7.21.21)
- COVID-19 vaccines protect you better than infection, doctors say. Doctors say you should still get vaccinated even if you've already had COVID-19. - ABC News (7.20.21)
- Weekly Epidemiological Update - July 20 - WHO
- 12% increase in global new cases reported compared to previous week, with over 3.4 million new cases
- Increase in global COVID-19 case weekly incidence, with around 490 000 cases reported each day compared to 400 000 in the previous week
- Almost 57 000 deaths were reported last week, a similar number to the previous week, following a steady decline in the number of deaths for over two months
- Cumulative number of over 190 million cases and more than 4 million deaths reported globally
- News:
- Notification of Temporary Travel Restrictions Applicable to Land Ports of Entry and Ferries Service Between the United States and Mexico Travel limits to Essential Travel Extended Through 8/21/21- Dept of Homeland Security (7.22.21)
- U.S. extends restrictions on non-essential travel at U.S.-Canada border to August 21 - WKBW (7.21.21)
- China floods: death toll climbs as questions raised over preparedness. Public scrutiny has focused on contradictory statements from local media and differences between posts by authorities and public. - The Guardian (7.22.21)
- China shipping backlog leaves factory owners with nowhere to put goods, and prices are rising. - South China Morning Post (7.20.21)
- A month after Shenzhen’s Yantian Port shut down for three weeks, a massive backlog of appliances, commodities and toys sit in storage, waiting to be exported
- Manufacturers are looking to ship from other Chinese ports, while consumers may inevitably face higher prices in the end
- White House:
- Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Jen Psaki Aboard Air Force One En Route Cincinnati, OH
- Readout of the Second White House Eviction Prevention Convening
- White House Releases Policy for Contacts with Agencies and Departments
- President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Amends Ponca Tribe of Nebraska Disaster Declaration
- President Biden Announces Four Key Foreign Policy Nominations
- Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives on Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Amendments
- Statement by White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on the Visit of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine
- Politics:
- Pelosi bars Trump allies from Jan. 6 probe; GOP vows boycott - AP News (7.21.21)
- If fucking McCarthy wanted a goddamn bipartisan commission, he should've supported one. Too late, Asshole.
- Today Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and General Mark Milley had a joint press conference, mostly about Afghanistan and the South China Sea and Asia, but Milley got questions about the the book coming out next week and answered like a pro, to the effect that he won't confirm or deny anything in the book, but that he and the joint chiefs took an oath to the Constitution and the Constitution alone. They have no loyalty to any president or politics. You can watch the briefing here.
- Other Reading:
- Opinion: It's Time To Get Tough On COVID Vaccine Evaders - LA Time (7.20.21)
- Global COVID-19 Stats (JHU 7.21.21 10:21pm):
- 192,005,075 Known Cases
- 4,127,062 Known Deaths
- US COVID-19 Stats
- CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Data Tracker
- 34,226,806 Cases
- 609,862 Deaths
- CDC Data Tracker:
- +46,318 New Cases/34,030,494 Known Cases
- +298 New Deaths/607,289 Known Deaths
- 391,248,955 Doses Delivered
- 339,102,867 Doses Administered
- 186,819,440 Partially Vaccinated
- 161,895,045 Fully Vaccinated
- 48.8% of Total Population
- 57.1% of Population ≥ 12 Years of Age
- 59.6% of Population ≥ 18 Years of Age
- California COVID-19 Stats:
- State of California Safe Schools For All Hub
- Vaccination progress dashboard
- R-effective: 1.25
- 48,998,195 Doses Delivered/43,119,323 Doses Administered
- 3,129,874 Partially Vaccinated/20,879,852 Fully Vaccinated
- 5,285 New Cases/3,772,470 Total Cases (8.1 new cases/100k)
- 11 New Deaths/63,664 Total Deaths (0.02 new deaths/100k)
- 4.5% 7-day test positivity rate
- 2,682 COVID-19 Hospitalizations (+235 patients, +9.6% from prior day)
- 603 COVID-19 ICU hospitalized in CA (+14 patients, +2.4% from prior day)
- 2,435 ICU beds available (+203 from prior day)
- San Diego County
- Free Testing Sites and Schedule in San Diego
- Vaccination Locations San Diego
- Vaccination Dashboard
- San Diego County Of Education School Reopening Dashboard
- COVID ActNow Daily Updates for San Diego Metro
- State Data:
- R-effective: 1.44
- 514 New Cases/288,209 Total Cases
- 6.5% (7-day avg after 7-day lag)
- 0 Deaths/3,786 Total Deaths
- 200 COVID-19 hospitalized patients (+21 patients, 11.7% from prior day)
- 52 COVID-19 ICU hospitalized patients (+7 patients, +15.6% from prior day)
- 249 ICU beds available (-11 from prior day)
- County Data:
- 521 New Cases/288,681 Total Cases
- 1 New Daily Deaths/3,787 Total Deaths
- 7.6 Cases/100,000 people
- 4,409,505 Doses Received/4,191,813 Doses Administered
- 4,191,813 Partially Vaccinated/1,940,232 Fully Vaccinated
- +22,080 Newly Fully Vaccinated Since Last Week
- 69.2% 12+ Population Fully Vaccinated/58.0% Total Population Fully Vaccinated
- 6.6% Daily Test Positivity/4.1% (7-day avg after 7-day lag)/5.1% Test Positivity (14-day average)
- 40.7% Case Investigation
- 20.8% Day Over Day COVID-19 Hospitalizations (187 patients. +207% over 30 days)
- 29% ICU Capacity (49 patients. +123% over 30 days)
- 22 Community Outbreaks (7-day)
- 10 -restaurant/bar settings
- 4 - business settings
- 2 - day camp settings
- 1- campground setting
- 1- restaurant setting
- 1 - construction setting
- 1 - government setting
- 1 - retail setting
- 1 - faith-based setting
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