Saturday, July 17, 2021

CoViD-19: Vaccines Can't Protect Unvaccinated | LA Sees 4X Case Increases Since Independence Day, San Diego 5.2X | Shooting Shuts Down Padres Game In DC | WaPo Rips Doocy |

Quality Phone Time With The Family (Taken 7.17.21)

Today a colleague asked if anyone expects San Diego to follow Los Angeles' lead to require masks again. Earlier in the week, Nathan Fletcher said in an interview that San Diego would continue to follow CDPH guidance, and anyway, the people who won't wear masks are the ones who won't get vaccinated. (Here's the link of Fletch talking to NBC). Nobody asked me, but I'd be on board with full mask reinstatement indoors, especially because even though businesses may choose to require them outright, there's absolutely no enforcement anywhere when people are clearly not vaccinated, i.e. children under 12. (Looking at you, Sea World aquarium sections). As I wrote yesterday, still only about 46% of people 20-60 are vaccinated. 

So of course I played with more numbers. From June 30-July 16, there were 3,704 new cases in San Diego. 2,376 were ages 20-49 which represents 64% of cases. 20-29 year olds were 1,105, or 29.8%. 30-39 year olds had 790 cases, or 21.3%. And 40-49 year olds had 476 cases or 12.9%. While cases aren't fully representing COVID-19 in the same way anymore, because there's no differentiating between symptomatic and asymptomatic cases, vaccinated or unvaccinated, but know there is a lot less testing than before, we know that most people who get tested do so when they're symptomatic. Of course a certain portion are people whose industries require regular testing or people testing for travel, expecting to test negative. Still, as I looked, our positivity rate is higher than LA. I didn't dig into vaccination comparisons, but maybe I'll get into that later, because I know how to rage on a Saturday night. 

Today we spent several hours at my parents' house for my God-sister's 23rd birthday. We macked on salt and pepper wings from Royal Mandarin and ate cake and everyone was super happy and healthy, though we were watching the Padres game and the shooting that stopped the game while watching the news unravel on Twitter. I wonder if Jen Psaki will still throw out the first pitch on Sunday when this game picks up from where it left off. 
Anyway it was a good day and Nova is at a sleepover and I'm going to take advantage by getting a full night's sleep. 

Stay safe out there.  

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