This is how I feel today. (Taken 2.5.2021) |
I'm feeling a little under the weather so I'm monitoring closely and will get tested this weekend if I need to, but my only real exposure would be babysitting earlier this week, and I don't think I'm in any danger. We did also go to the Zoo, but we were literally near nobody the whole time we were there. But still, the feeling that any sniffle or sore throat or headache could be COVID-19 sucks, and I'm 100% on the side of teachers when it comes to reopening schools. It was shocking to hear Newsom say that the 25 cases per 100k was adequate compared to the Legislature's proposal of 7 cases per 100k, when he and Dr. Ghaly were the ones who were using the 7 cases per 100k as the standard for tier movement all along. It's also astonishing that a judge took it on himself to open sports and there are expectations that other sectors may reopen soon, like indoor dining, gyms, theaters, etc. It really is so stupid. How about focus on schools, give that at least a month to see how it goes, then worry about sports or indoor dining or bars or gyms? We've been told all this time that decisions are being driven by science but now suddenly those metrics aren't so clear as more people become vaccinated, as a high percentage of the population has already been infected, and sorry for being so crass here, but maybe they think the most vulnerable have already died as we approach 50,000 deaths in the state. It's hard to say. But I'm just as happy to keep on mostly staying home and dodging the world until I'm vaccinated.
I don't actually have much more to talk about because I mostly laid around today, sipping on tea and chicken broth and sleeping with my cat on my lap. Hoping it's nothing. Stay safe out there. - COVID-19:
- San Diego Scientists Among Group Calling On CDC To Tighten COVID-19 Guidance - KPBS (2.17.2021)
- COVID-19 death rates by state: Feb. 19 - Becker's Hospital Review (2.19.2021)
- California is 33rd in per capita deaths (so how's that for science, you dumbfuck Mike McKinnon??)
- Judge's Order Clears Way for Return of Youth Sports - NBC San Diego (2.19.2021)
- California State Guidelines for Outdoor and Indoor Youth and Recreational Adult Sports (issued BEFORE court judgment)
- The earlier rules require weekly virus testing for all coaches and athletes 13 and older in close-contact sports including football, rugby and soccer if they are played in counties with a per capita rate above 7 cases. It is unclear if the new court ruling maintains these requirements.
- Experts warn against COVID-19 variants as states reopen - AP News (2.18.2021)
- Stop variants by stopping the spread - CDC (2.19.2021)
- White House COVID-19 Response Team
- Severe weather impacted 6million doses backlogged. Represents about 3 days of delayed shipping.
- FedEx, UPS and McKesson have faced challenges with being snowed in to pack vaccines, kits
- Road closures have caused delays from
- More than 2,000 vaccine sites are in areas with power outages
- Safety of personnel, Preserving integrity of vaccines, and communication with states, territories, entities, has been key.
- 1.4 million doses are already shipped, the remainder will be out in next several days. This shouldn't impact already scheduled manufacturing for next week.
- Asking states, sites, and vaccinators to help reduce backlog by increasing hours and availability to handle essentially double volume next week.
- Pushing ahead with more federal sites for vaccination. 1 in PA, 4 in FLA.
- Data on high school aged kids could be available by Fall 2021. Pfizer will start trials on kids 5-12 years old. Data not expected until spring 2022.
- Moderna is now enrolling 12-17 year olds.
- Kid trials are much smaller. Non-inferiority by immunogenicity which asks is it safe? Does it cause a healthy immune response?
- Single boost of MRNA vaccines isn't durable enough to make the policy of cutting off 2nd doses. Single dose numbers are good, but 10x less than optimal immunoresponse. Single shot alone may also induce more variants.
- One study and preprints happen all the time, but it is important to understand all the data, not just headline-grabbing studies.
- Press Briefing by White House COVID-19 Response Team and Public Health Officials -
- Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Jen Psaki Aboard Air Force One En Route Kalamazoo, MI
- Statement by President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. on the Introduction of the Equality Act in Congress
- Politics:
- G7 leaders commit US$ 4.3 billion to finance global equitable access to tests, treatments and vaccines in 2021 - WHO (2.19.2021)
- News:
- Governor Newsom Statement on Legislative Proposal Related to Schools - Office of Governor Gavin Newsom (2.18.2021)
- Other Reading:
- 1st clone of US endangered species, a ferret, announced - AP News (2.18.2021)
- Australia Is Fighting a Platform War on the Wrong Battlefield - Wired (2.19.2021)
- Global COVID-19 Stats (JHU 2/19/21 8:24pm):
- 110,709,173 Known Cases
- 2,451,695 Known Deaths
- US COVID-19 Stats
- CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Data Tracker
- (JHU)
- 28,004,311 Cases
- 495,693 Deaths
- (COVID Tracking Project):
- 74,676 New Cases/27,749,224 Known Cases (1.8%+ Change over 7 Days)
- 2,477 New Deaths/485,700 Known Deaths/53,511 Deaths in Feb
- 59,882 Current COVID-19 Hospitalizations
- 12,491 Currently COVID-19 patients in ICU
- 4,118 COVID-19 patients currently on ventilator
- California COVID-19 Media Briefing and Data:
- State of California Safe Schools For All Hub
- Vaccination progress dashboard
- CA is reserving 10% of first doses of vaccines for teachers already in schools and those returning in the next couple weeks effective 3/1.
- CA has administered 6.93 million vaccines.
- One month ago we reported 24k cases. Today: 6,798 cases.
- One month ago we reported 9.9% positivity rate. Today: 3.1%.
- Hospitalizations are down 39%.
- ICUs are down 35%.
- CA’s 3 week forecast for vaccine allotment from the federal government:
- Week of 2/21: 1,375,050
- Week of 2/28: 1,404,950
- Week of 3/7: 1,525,780
- Aggregate California ICU Bed Availability: 17.2%
- R-effective: 0.65
- 6,798 New Cases/3,428,518 Total Cases (0.2% increase)
- 420 New Deaths/48,344 Total Deaths (0.9% increase)
- 3.8% 14-day test positivity rate
- 8,156 COVID-19 Hospitalizations (-410 patients, -5% from prior day)
- 2,291 COVID-19 ICU hospitalized in CA (-136 patients, -5.9% from prior day)
- 1,631 ICU beds available (+21 from prior day)
- Media Questions:
- Concern is that Legislature's proposal sets back school reopening timeline. It doesn't allow cohorts to open for some time.
- "Using data, using science" State threshold is 25 cases per 100k, legislature set it at 7 cases per 100k (which was the original number in the tier gotta disagree with Newsom on this one.)
- Bill from legislature could be voted on as soon as Monday. Newsom indicates that he would veto the bill.
- 702,000 Doses of Moderna were impacted and affected by weather.
- Governor supports banning fracking. All new cars must be alt-fuel by 2035.
- San Diego County
- Free Testing Sites and Schedule in San Diego
- VaccinationSuperstationSD
- Vaccination Dashboard
- All Delayed COVID-19 Vaccine Expected Next Week
- State Data:
- Southern California ICU Bed Availability: 14.8%
- R-effective: 0.67
- 810 New Cases/254,987 Total Cases
- 36 Deaths/3,135 Total Deaths
- 25.9 cases/100k population (Assessed on 2/16. Unadjusted Case Rate)
- 6.4% Test Positivity (Assessed on 2/16)
- 9.7% Health Equity Positivity (Assessed on 2/16)
- 758 COVID-19 hospitalized patients (-43 patients, -5.4% from prior day)
- 232 COVID-19 ICU hospitalized patients (-15 patients, -6.1% from prior day)
- 203 ICU beds available (-7 from prior day)
- County Data:
- San Diego County Update - County News Center
- 812 New Cases/255,802 Total Cases
- 34 New Daily Deaths/3,169 Total Deaths
- 796,000 Doses Shipped/705,985 Doses Administered
- 5% Daily Test Positivity/5.2% (7-day avg after 7-day lag)/5.1% Test Positivity (14-day average)
- 22.2 cases/100k population (Assessed on 2/16. Adjusted case rate per 100,000 excluding prisons.)
- 93% Case Investigation
- -6.9% Day Over Day COVID-19 Hospitalizations (695 patients. -57% over 30 days)
- 25% ICU Capacity (224 patients. -49% over 30 days)
- 48 Staffed ICU Beds Available
- 4 New/30 Community Outbreaks (7-day)
- Business 13
- Retail 1
- Grocery 2
- Government 1
- Daycare/preschool 1
- Healthcare 1
- Construction 2
- Emergency Services 1
- Food/Bev Processing 1
- Higher Ed 1
- tk-12 school 1
- Warehouse/Distribution 4
- Social Club 1
- Universities:
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