Saturday, February 06, 2021

CoViD-19: Supreme Court Majority Thinks It Is OK To Die For Jesus | Variants and Vaccines | Roll Out The Rapid Tests |


Dwarf Crocodile at San Diego Zoo (Taken 2.5.2021)

I had a nothing day. I did nothing, I went nowhere. My big day included eating fresh ceviche on my catio in the sun, watching news, surfing the internet, reading my news. Darren made another lovely dinner, Nova and I watching "Finding Ohana" on Netflix which was basically a modern Goonies and finally put together my new popcorn maker. Super exciting stuff around here.   

I will say I'm totally okay with my nothing day. Darren and I were up super late in the speakeasy on Friday night and I'm watching Facebook closely because I now have several friends currently battling COVID and it is super scary, especially how people start feeling better and then suddenly turn worse (watch an explainer here.) I hope everyone stays safe out there and enjoys Sunday whether you watch the game or not. I love Mahomes so I'll be tuned in for sure. 

  • COVID-19:
  • Politics:
  • News:
    • Kagan Warns the Supreme Court’s New COVID Decision May Kill People - Slate (2.6.2021)
      To state the obvious, judges do not know what scientists and public health experts do. So it is alarming that the Court second-guesses the judgments of expert officials, and displaces their conclusions with its own. In the worst public health crisis in a century, this foray into armchair epidemiology cannot end well.
      I fervently hope that the Court’s intervention will not worsen the Nation’s COVID crisis. But if this decision causes suffering, we will not pay. Our marble halls are now closed to the public, and our life tenure forever insulates us from responsibility for our errors. That would seem good reason to avoid disrupting a State’s pandemic response. But the Court forges ahead regardless, insisting that science-based policy yield to judicial edict.
  • Global COVID-19 Stats (JHU 2/6/2021 9:23pm):
    • 105,763,135 Known Cases
    • 2,309,350 Known Deaths
  • US COVID-19 Stats 
    • CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Data Tracker
    • (JHU)
      • 26,916,192 Cases
      • 462,173 Deaths
    • (COVID Tracking Project):
      • 113,927 New Cases/26,700,702 Known Cases (3.3%+ Change over 7 Days)
      • 2,983 New Deaths/452,660 Known Deaths
      • 84,233 Current COVID-19 Hospitalizations
      • 17,093 Currently COVID-19 patients in ICU
      • 5,475 COVID-19 patients currently on ventilator
  • California COVID-19 Stats:
    • State of California Safe Schools For All Hub
    • Vaccination progress dashboard
    • Aggregate California ICU Bed Availability: 11.7%
    • R-effective: 0.75
    • 12,394 New Cases/3,320,862 Total Cases (0.4% increase)
    • 623 New Deaths/43,647 Total Deaths (1.4% increase)
    • 6.3% 14-day test positivity rate
    • 13,137 COVID-19 Hospitalizations (-535 patients, -4.1% from prior day)
    • 3,479 COVID-19 ICU hospitalized in CA (-48 patients, -1.4% from prior day)
    • 1,286 ICU beds available (from prior day)
  • San Diego County 
    • Know Your Vaccination Phase
    • Free Testing Sites and Schedule in San Diego
    • VaccinationSuperstationSD
    • Vaccination Dashboard
    • State Data:
      • Southern California ICU Bed Availability: 9.1%
      • R-effective: 0.77
      • 1,453 New Cases/244,066 Total Cases
      • 39 Deaths/2,777 Total Deaths
      • 50.5 cases/100k population (Assessed on 2/1. Unadjusted Case Rate)
      • 10.5% Test Positivity (Assessed on 2/1)
      • 14% Health Equity Positivity (Assessed on 2/1)
      • 1,138 COVID-19 hospitalized patients (-51 patients, -4.3% from prior day)
      • 339 COVID-19 ICU hospitalized patients (-5 patients, -1.5% from prior day)
      • 182 ICU beds available (+6 from prior day)
    • County Data:
      • 1,265 New Cases/245,334 Total Cases 
      • 35 New Daily Deaths/2,812 Total Deaths
      • 597,925 Doses Shipped/439,102 Doses Administered
      • 5% Daily Test Positivity/% (7-day avg after 7-day lag)/7.2% Test Positivity (14-day average)
      • 42.5 cases/100k population (Assessed on 2/1. Adjusted case rate per 100,000 excluding prisons.) 
      • 94% Case Investigation 
      • -9.3% Day Over Day COVID-19 Hospitalizations (1,088 patients. -36% over 30 days)
      • 19% ICU Capacity (329 patients. -15%over 30 days)
      • 10 New/73 Community Outbreaks (7-day)

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