Tuesday, March 23, 2021

CoViD-19: NIAID Calls Out Astra-Zeneca Data | Daddy Gets The Jab | Gun Reform Now | ACA Deadline Extended | Photos: San Diego Zoo |

Good Girl Shaba Plays Peek-A-Boo (Taken 3.23.21)

Sometime in February, San Diego County announced that they would accept names on a list for homebound seniors to be given vaccines at home. All you had to do, they said, was call 2-1-1 and they would take your information and reach out when they could come to your house. I three-way called the number with my mom, which resulted in her getting an appointment at the Chula Vista Superstation, but not really any information about how long it would take for my dad, a homebound senior. Since he doesn't get any of the Great Plates benefits, I feared he wouldn't be top priority. Recently it was announced that the organization that was supposed to handle the in-home shots gave up after 3 dozen shots because it was too challenging. 

Since then, the County came to a new agreement with Sharp and we tried calling again, reaching out to friends who may be in the know, and called a couple other numbers who were collecting the information. This morning, my parents got a call that the vaccine-mobile would be at their house at 1pm, and my dad got the 1-shot Janssen vaccine. My parents didn't get a celebration for their 50th anniversary in 2020, but this year it looks like we'll all be fully vaccinated so we can celebrate close to the actual anniversary date and I couldn't be more grateful. 

I didn't even know until after an already good day. I was up early, Darren and I had a nice home brunch, caught up on some news and such, and went to the San Diego Zoo for the last hour they were open. It's definitely more crowded right now, but when it's like that, we stick to our philosophy of "birds and stairs." The aviaries aren't a super popular feature for tourists who may just be coming for this one time and just want to see the big animals: cats, apes, and bears. Additionally, the mommy militia have to avoid a lot of the gardens with stairs and steep hills with their double wide strollers, so we're still able to see a lot and find quieter less traveled spaces. I also made sure I visited Shaba the elephant to tell her what a good girl she is. As we were driving home, we saw a brass band practicing in the parking lot which was a nice little surprise. Catch it on my Facebook. Stay safe out there! 

A Local Freeloader Owl We Caught Stalking The Zoo

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