Thursday, July 16, 2020

CoViD-19: Masks Are Only Controversial If You're An Asshole | County Adds IB Test Site | LGBTQIA+ Pride | SD County Sets Record Death Count

Fiesta Island (Taken 7.14.2020)
I know that we are exceptionally privileged to be able to be home during this time as much as we're privileged that we can jump in the car or van anytime we need to get out of the house, and I hope I don't take it for granted, but days like today, where I haven't even left the house, make it feel so easy to just chill at home. I know not everyone has this luxury but I think for those of us that do and can just need to make room and space for those who can't. Like when I need to run to a store, I try to find the least crowded hours, and do my best to run in and run out. When we do get out of the house, we try to maximize errands to get them all done in one go rather than daily trips. I say this because all day I've been stalling to go to Old Navy to see if they have face masks in stock, but now I think I've lost motivation to go at all. I've got disposable ones on hand, and I'm not really going anywhere, so maybe I should just put on my pajamas and stop acting like I have anywhere to be. Who am I kidding, we all know I'm already in my "day pajamas" anyway. Today's links and articles after the jump. 
In just 3 days, the County of San Diego has had it's highest weekly death toll from COVID-19 
  • The Great Mask Rebellion
    • I keep hearing the argument made over and over that "masks don't do anything." Besides the SCIENCE proving otherwise, why not wear one anyway? If we're wrong, you wore a mask and got sweaty. If we're right, you could literally save lives.  
    • Today I learned that people from Utah are called "Utahns". No wonder they're so outraged. But I love this article because it really highlights that even though this angry mob showed up, they're the belligerent and loud minority with no sense of reason whatsoever. The reasoned, smart, and compassionate community are the ones staying home and not yelling (DROPLETS) in a crowded room because it's the smart and safe thing to do. 
    • I'm seeing numerous takes on this story, but in a nutshell, it seems to be agreed that this dude was declined service in a convenience store for not wearing a mask. An elderly man asked him to cover his face, so he stabbed him. Suspect was pursued by a Sheriff who he then came at with a knife, so she shot him and he died in surgery. That's a lot to unpack, but he could've just worn a mask for the five stupid minutes in the convenience store.
    • Meanwhile, at a Ralph's in Los Angeles:
  • County of San Diego 
    • No more media briefings the rest of the week, but a short press-conference this morning
    • Officially opened a new COVID-19 test site at Mar Vista High School (Imperial Beach)
      • Opened on Monday. 
      • Open 8:30am-3:30pm daily 
      • Up to 185 tests per day. (Helix tests with 24-hour turnaround)
      • This is an appointment-only test site.
      • Tests limited to high-risk groups and symptomatic patients. 
    • Over 30 testing sites in the County. 
    • If you test positive, the County has "public health rooms" available for people who cannot self-isolate at home.
  • LGBTQIA+ Pride

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