Tuesday, July 21, 2020

CoViD-19 News | Comic-Con@Home | Evidence Mounts On Aerosolized COVID-19 Transmission | Mask Or Stay Home

Sea Lion Pups wrestle at Boomer Beach La Jolla (7.20.2020)

I guess my laptop is on the fritz again but Davey Tiltwheel is an amazing human and has ordered me a new charging port and hopefully that will solve my issues. If I disappear for a couple days, it will mean my laptop finally refuses to charge entirely until I get the new part. Anyway, tomorrow Comic-Con@Home kicks off and is free for everyone. I didn't reapply to press credentials for the online part because I spend most of my days watching media briefings and reading news. Though it's part of my world to help promote livestreams and online things to do, I'm not really into it. I don't really mind being in my bubble if I'm being totally honest. I stay up late, watch plenty of movies and shows, read a ton, track email, get out every couple days for shopping or Nova's soccer or a Zoo or Safari Park trip here and there and I'm good. Nova's soccer team wants to go to the beach as a group after her practice on Friday and just the request alone has me all tied in knots with anxiety that maybe she shouldn't even be on the team if they can't follow such simple rules as no gatherings. Am I to believe they're really following the right protocols for practice (which we're not allowed to watch)?? So frustrating. Wake me when it's all over. More after the jump. 

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