Sunday, December 26, 2010

Local Musicians Tristan Prettyman & Jason Mraz Affianced

Last week, there was a sold out Feeding The Soul Foundation benefit at the Neurosciences Institute feat. Bushwalla, Tristan Prettyman "and surprises", according to the press release. Naturally, anyone who is paying attention to the scene here would assume this meant an appearance by Jason Mraz because he's dated Tristan and is buddies with Bushwalla and they've traded appearances on their recordings many times over the years. As expected, he performed but the bigger news is that a few days later, Mraz announced his engagement to Tristan Prettyman via Twitter with a simple statement, "SHE SAID YES." Similarly, she tweeted "For Once, I am speechless" and later "i did good! holy crap! man of my dreams!!! for the rest of my life!!!" Following their tweets, the couple are camping for the holidays. You can read more about it here.

Congratulations to two well loved San Diego musicians.

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