Monday, December 13, 2010

Video: Grammatical B "Rules & Laws"

A few weeks ago, Ben Johnson, aka Grammatical B, invited friends to come to the Casbah for the filming of a video for "Rules & Laws", his take on bar behavior after years behind the bar at the Casbah. I missed out on the taping, but they put it together rather quickly and it's now up for everyone to see.

Douchebags beware! A scathing send up of people who do not get the art of ordering a drink in a bar!
Grammatical B & Microphone Mike give you the Rules & Laws!!
Starring Grammatical B, Microphone Mike, Owen Murphy, Monique Motley, Marisa Martinez, Ben Heyne, Jeffrey Haynes, Jaqueline Coulon, Jason Clifton, Michael Porter, Sophie Partridge, Rachel Partridge, Kevin Rudeness, Lo Renzo, and Rodney "the 'neesh for peesh" Foley.
Filmed by Abe Johnson with assist by Heath Edwards
Directed by Grammatical B & Abe Johnson
Produced by Abe Johnson & Grammatical B
Grammatical B is Ben Johnson

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