Saturday, February 13, 2021

CoViD-19: Vaccines Are Working When We Can Get Them | San Diego Tops 3000 Deaths | Senators Vote Cowardice On The Record |

The Gorillas at San Diego Zoo Safari Park have recovered from COVID-19
and are back on exhibit. (Taken 11.10.2020)

Today's acquittal didn't come as any surprise, but that Maya Angelou quote comes to mind, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." So it is written who supported the former president and party over country. It is on record for us to never forget. 43 senators chose to look the other way or attempt to save their own asses or who knows what they tell themselves to sleep at night. I did my best to avoid social media because I don't need to feed my outrage any further, but I do always have my go-tos like Rebecca Solnit or Heather Cox Richardson to give some context and perspective. I just hope this means that the news will finally stop showing his disgusting face, the late shows retire all impressions, and we can close this horrible chapter of American history and hope he just withers away. 

To take a break from all of that, I finally watched Life In A Day 2020 on YouTube and it is full of humanity and hope and sadness and grief and joy and it is definitely worth the watch. Tonight we're cooking up the crab I ordered from Seattle so I'm gonna cut it early tonight. I will also mention my mom got her first Moderna shot today at the Chula Vista Superstation and said it was easy-peasy, organized, and an overall great experience and she didn't experience any symptoms or pain. Hope you all can get your appointments when your tier comes up. Stay safe out there. 

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