Friday, February 05, 2021

CoViD-19: While Cases Drop, US Sets Record With 5,212 Deaths | Biden Flexes Human Rights Muscles | AP Reports Catholic Dioceses Took In Billions of PPP |


Cape Buffalo at San Diego Zoo Safari Park Taken 2.3.2021

Obviously I'm so glad that the San Diego Zoo and Safari Park are open now, but I'm still shaking my head at the lifting of outdoor dining restrictions and the constant drumbeat that schools need to reopen, even now when our numbers are way higher than they were back when we started shutting everything down in the first place. I think it is incredibly irresponsible for Dr. Walensky to say that schools can open safely when that is not the official CDC guidance and the statement needs to be qualified with 'if masks are worn, if students are distanced, if HEPA air filters are installed," etc.. Whatever...we are pretty much counting on no in-person school this year and are totally fine with that, though I realize that is not a popular position and a lot of parents, especially with multiple children households, are having a really rough time. 
I didn't really do anything noteworthy today except for sitting out in the sun and trying to wrap my head around my missing trees. Grieving trees is real. 
I've got a newsletter to get to so I'm gonna cut, but I still have a ton of email to sort through, so I may do another interim post if necessary. Stay safe out there. 

  • COVID-19:
  • Politics:
  • News:
  • Other Reading:
  • Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, February 4, 2021
  • Global COVID-19 Stats (JHU 2/4/2021 11:23pm):
    • 104,886,168 Known Cases
    • 2,284,686 Known Deaths
  • US COVID-19 Stats 
    • CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Data Tracker
    • (JHU)
      • 26,679,539 Cases
      • 455,869 Deaths
    • (COVID Tracking Project):
      • 123,907 New Cases/26,455,629 Known Cases (3.6%+ Change over 7 Days)
      • 5,212 New Deaths/446,134 Known Deaths
      • 88,668 Current COVID-19 Hospitalizations
      • 17,918 Currently COVID-19 patients in ICU
      • 5,732 COVID-19 patients currently on ventilator
  • California COVID-19 Stats:
    • State of California Safe Schools For All Hub
    • Vaccination progress dashboard
    • Aggregate California ICU Bed Availability: 11.7%
    • R-effective: 0.76
    • 13,176 New Cases/3,294,447 Total Cases (0.4% increase)
    • 655 New Deaths/42,466 Total Deaths (1.6% increase)
    • 6.9% 14-day test positivity rate
    • 14,138 COVID-19 Hospitalizations (-440 patients, -3.1% from prior day)
    • 3,756 COVID-19 ICU hospitalized in CA (-16 patients, -0.4% from prior day)
    • 1,269 ICU beds available (-9 from prior day)
  • San Diego County Media Briefing (2.3.2021)
    • Vaccines
      • San Diego is only 2nd to vaccinations to Contra Costa County
      • Speed is the goal, patience is needed
      • 19 vaccination sites run by county in addition to pharmacies
      • Only administering 10k vax a day (half capacity) because supply is still limited nationally
      • If supplies increase, County can keep up with administration 
      • 19 sites: 4 superstations, 8 pods, 4 partnerships, 5 popups with County fire for rural areas 
      • Out of 1347 facilities, 911 long term care facilities/SNF have administered first doses
      • Health care workers and 65+ demographic doesn't reflect demographics of county as a whole 
      • County will launch targeted programs to reach communities hardest hit by COVID19
      • County acknowledges that appointment system sucks, is inadequate, and leaves out people who don't have internet access, but vaccines are in short supply so part of the situation can't be helped. Asking computer savvy people to help older people 
    • Media Questions:
      • Want to get everyone vaccinated, teachers are in first tier of essential workers as well as cops and food and ag. We're not there yet. 
      • KUSI has the most fucking idiotic reporters. This week (and last week's award goes to Tommy Sablan for asking stupid questions and wasting everyone's time in trying to have gotcha moments with Nathan Fletcher
      • Nathan has to painstakingly explain tiering to stupid Tommy, again. 
      • No timeline for Tier 1B because County can't speculate on supply of vaccines. 
      • Super Bowl could be a problem because people can gather. "We're rooting for San Diegans to do the right thing." Watch it at home, watch it with the people you live with. County may coordinate with mayor and law enforcement to step up enforcement to make sure people aren't gathering or otherwise violating current health orders. LA order for no TVs will be considered.
      • MyTurn is rolling out okay, they have made improvements. Hoping to integrate Petco and CV superstations by next week. Problem is still availability of appointments. Every appointment is being filled. 
      • Operation Collaboration and City of San Diego and Pharmacies are partnering to vaccinate long-term care facilities. Program is going well, after long care facilities and SNFs, will move to other rollout efforts
      • Vaccination Stations based on demand, availability of vaccines and workforce
      • All vaccination sites were determined with equity in mind, as tiers open, hoping the vaccination numbers fall more in line with demographics of county as a whole. 
      • State guidance says that if sites use fewer than 65% of allocations or no plan to get them out, they may be recalled or reallocation. County is directly calling each provider to make sure doses are getting in arms. 
      • 2nd Dose Appointments are honored before 1st doses
      • Homebound and people receiving in-home supportive services; on Monday county will be taking appointments for other homebound seniors via 211
      • County requested any federal help we could get, but San Diego's problem isn't that we don't have capacity, but rather lack of vaccines, so no current expectation that FEMA will build a site here
      • Individual who died counts as a death of Influenza and also Sars-CoV-2
      • Albertson's, Vons, Ralph's, Pure Care Pharmacy are all part of county allotments
      • The County's goal is to never cancel an appointment due to lack of vaccines.
      • Another idiot asked about fans at Padres games. 
      • 137 confirmed B117 (UK variant) cases 25% of B117 in the US. 50 probable cases. No South African or Brazilian variants yet detected in county.
      • Blue Shield CEO called Fletcher because he heard San Diego was doing so well in distribution. They will also have the problem that they can only allocate dosages that they get.  
  • San Diego County Data
    • Free Testing Sites and Schedule in San Diego
    • VaccinationSuperstationSD
    • Vaccination Dashboard
    • State Data:
      • Southern California ICU Bed Availability: 9.1%
      • R-effective: 0.76
      • 968 New Cases/241,015 Total Cases
      • 54 Deaths/2,683 Total Deaths
      • 50.5 cases/100k population (Assessed on 2/1. Unadjusted Case Rate)
      • 10.5% Test Positivity (Assessed on 2/1)
      • 14% Health Equity Positivity (Assessed on 2/1)
      • 1,254 COVID-19 hospitalized patients (-30 patients, -2.3% from prior day)
      • 357 COVID-19 ICU hospitalized patients (-7 patients, -1.9% from prior day)
      • 162 ICU beds available (+2 from prior day)
    • County Data:
      • San Diego County Update - County News Center 
      • 1,598 New Cases/242,616 Total Cases 
      • 55 New Daily Deaths/2,738 Total Deaths
      • 586,225 Doses Shipped/376,503 Doses Administered
      • 7% Daily Test Positivity/9.6% (7-day avg after 7-day lag)/7.5% Test Positivity (14-day average)
      • 42.5 cases/100k population (Assessed on 2/1. Adjusted case rate per 100,000 excluding prisons.) 
      • 93% Case Investigation 
      • -6.1% Day Over Day COVID-19 Hospitalizations (1,207 patients. -25% over 30 days)
      • 14% ICU Capacity (351 patients. -7% over 30 days)
      • 38 Staffed ICU Beds Available
      • 11 New/63 Community Outbreaks (7-day)
        • Business 27
        • Retail 3
        • Restaurant 1
        • Faith-based Setting 4
        • Government 5
        • Daycare/preschool 5
        • Healthcare 4
        • Construction 2
        • Food/Bev Processing 2
        • tk-12 school 3
        • Warehouse/Distribution 3
        • Adult Daycare 1
        • Hotel/Resort/Spa 1
        • Comm-Based Org 1
        • Other 1

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