Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Rosey's Diary & Newsy Things: SD Finally Raises Parking To 2025 Pricing | County Raises Park Fees | TFG Throws Out Constitutional Law | "Anti-Crime" Pres Pardons Felons | Federal Government Stops Working For The People |

Lauren Mayberry at House of Blues (1.28.25)

God damn. It has been a really hard couple of weeks. In my little bubble, things have been great...I've been really loving my zoo time, the shift to colder weather in San Diego including a little spattering of rain here and there, and I've felt like I've gotten into a better groove for work and play and sleep. In addition to my daily zoo trips, I did the alpaca ranch back to back days, I did a couple "Inside Look days" and the Mardi Gras kickoff at Seaworld. I saw Lady Lamb at Lou Lou's, watched Toby perform with San Diego Youth Symphony, went to the Transfer show at the Casbah on Saturday night, worked for Tank and the Bangas at Music Box on Sunday, and went to see Lauren Mayberry of Chvrches at House of Blues on Tuesday. All is good. 
And then I look at the news and we're legit looking at a fucking total coup of the US government and the whole country is like, "nah, he can't really do that" and then they're fucking doing it and we are just eyes wide open in total shock and rage and wondering if our other two branches of government are going to fucking step in and say YOU CAN'T FUCKING DO THAT, YOU FUCKING TREASONOUS TRAITOR and then do something about all of this. Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years...
We met with Toby's counselors a couple weeks back and it was really productive and helpful and cathartic and illuminating and then this week we see TFG trying to ban transness and we're just trying to keep this kid alive. I was trying to do a news roundup and found my own breathing strained, my heartrate exploding...I can't. But there's a running list of everything TFG has done or attempted to do and it is really bleak.

Nolite te bastardes carborundorum. Stay safe out there. 

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