Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Rosey's Diary & Newsy Things: County District 1 Will Get Special Election | SeaWorld Fireworks Face Lawsuit, Averse Council Pres | Fires Ravage LA | Billionaires Kiss The Ring of TFG |

Lupe (L) and Amahle (R) at San Diego Zoo (1.14.25)

I'm sitting at the Zoo as I write this. I usually do these late at night, but tonight I'll be doing listings and Wednesday night I'll be working for Satsang at Music Box. I was coasting during the holidays, but I forgot about the whiplash when everyone gets back to work and everyone decides that the first week of the year is a great time to announce new albums, new tours, and thus my email was bananas. So I'm trying to get this post up before diving into all the other things coming my way. 
It has been really hard, both in writing and in person, to be optimistic. When people ask how I'm doing, it's hard to be like everything is great personally, but TFG is about to be inaugurated, the billionaires are lining up to suck his dick, and the LA fires are a clear demonstration of what fucking crooks his party is all down the line. So like, I'm trying to find my joy, to be happy within my family and household, and also be completely terrified at the prospect of the next four years. Like we're just trying to keep our kid alive as he goes through the roughest time of his life. Trying to find hope and joy. It's all we can do. 
Stay safe out there.  

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