The news this week just keeps getting crazier and crazier and I can't even believe this is real life and yet, we carry on hoping that there are checks and balances in place that prevent a full-on takeover by the American taliban that are occupying the government at the moment. So, I'm gonna bury my head in the sand, worry about why the hell I'm feeling sick --- now I'm convinced it is still and not again, and that maybe I did, in fact, have RSV, which is why I'm once again wheezing at night and don't feel like I can catch my breath but still feel fine enough...say 80%... to go do life while women are still allowed in public spaces without burkas or male escorts. Ugh.
This week has a lot of amazing shows, so you, too, should bury your head in the sand and go experience live music or a farmer's market or a play or musical or engage in protests or do anything to feel a part of this great American experiment. I'm looking forward to seeing Love, Linda: The Life of Mrs. Cole Porter at New Village Theatre and Other Desert Cities at the new Cygnet. I'm also hoping to do some Lunar New Year fun things that I skipped last weekend. It all depends how I feel, though, because being able to breathe is kinda critical. I can tell you I won't be sitting on the couch for a four hour football game, but you do you.
Stay safe out there. Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.