Thursday, February 06, 2025

Things To Do In San Diego: Thursday, February 6-Wednesday, February 12, 2025: Maro + Nasaya | moe. | Eric Hutchison | The Meteors | Ozomatli | Inspector | Tommy Stinson | Tuxedo | Wild Pink |

The news this week just keeps getting crazier and crazier and I can't even believe this is real life and yet, we carry on hoping that there are checks and balances in place that prevent a full-on takeover by the American taliban that are occupying the government at the moment. So, I'm gonna bury my head in the sand, worry about why the hell I'm feeling sick --- now I'm convinced it is still and not again, and that maybe I did, in fact, have RSV, which is why I'm once again wheezing at night and don't feel like I can catch my breath but still feel fine enough...say 80%... to go do life while women are still allowed in public spaces without burkas or male escorts. Ugh. 

This week has a lot of amazing shows, so you, too, should bury your head in the sand and go experience live music or a farmer's market or a play or musical or engage in protests or do anything to feel a part of this great American experiment. I'm looking forward to seeing Love, Linda: The Life of Mrs. Cole Porter at New Village Theatre and Other Desert Cities at the new Cygnet. I'm also hoping to do some Lunar New Year fun things that I skipped last weekend. It all depends how I feel, though, because being able to breathe is kinda critical. I can tell you I won't be sitting on the couch for a four hour football game, but you do you. 

Stay safe out there. Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Things To Do In San Diego: Thursday, January 30-Wednesday, February 5, 2025: Amerikan Bear | The Wildwoods | Emo Night Karaoke | ALO | Gregory Page | Cadiallac Hearse | Benjamin Booker |

Matt Molarius of Transfer at the Casbah (1.25.25)

I am trying really hard to wrap up listings and go to bed without watching news but holy shit, the firehose of information just doesn't stop. But, we'll keep it to the listings over here because there's some fun stuff happening around town all week and I gotta say, I've been so thrilled to wear my cold-weather gear, which I bought so much of last year when it actually rained around here. I'll be seeing The Half Life of Marie Curie at New Village Arts, which I'm pretty excited about because all the productions I've seen there have been great and the theatre itself has big, wide, comfortable seating and every seat is a great view. I hope to bounce around to check out some Lunar New Year festivities, too, even if that means mostly at San Diego Zoo, Safari Park, or Sea World. On Saturday night, I'm gonna see my friend and old neighbor, Gregory Page, at the Brooks Theatre. I haven't seen a music performance there since Colin Clyne played there several years ago, so that should be pretty great, too. 

I hope everyone finds something fun to do regardless of the weather and in spite of the madness happening in the world around us. The arts are what is going to keep us sane as long as TFG is implementing the worst of P2025. 

Stay safe out there. Nolite te bastardes carborundorum. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Rosey's Diary & Newsy Things: SD Finally Raises Parking To 2025 Pricing | County Raises Park Fees | TFG Throws Out Constitutional Law | "Anti-Crime" Pres Pardons Felons | Federal Government Stops Working For The People |

Lauren Mayberry at House of Blues (1.28.25)

God damn. It has been a really hard couple of weeks. In my little bubble, things have been great...I've been really loving my zoo time, the shift to colder weather in San Diego including a little spattering of rain here and there, and I've felt like I've gotten into a better groove for work and play and sleep. In addition to my daily zoo trips, I did the alpaca ranch back to back days, I did a couple "Inside Look days" and the Mardi Gras kickoff at Seaworld. I saw Lady Lamb at Lou Lou's, watched Toby perform with San Diego Youth Symphony, went to the Transfer show at the Casbah on Saturday night, worked for Tank and the Bangas at Music Box on Sunday, and went to see Lauren Mayberry of Chvrches at House of Blues on Tuesday. All is good. 
And then I look at the news and we're legit looking at a fucking total coup of the US government and the whole country is like, "nah, he can't really do that" and then they're fucking doing it and we are just eyes wide open in total shock and rage and wondering if our other two branches of government are going to fucking step in and say YOU CAN'T FUCKING DO THAT, YOU FUCKING TREASONOUS TRAITOR and then do something about all of this. Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years...
We met with Toby's counselors a couple weeks back and it was really productive and helpful and cathartic and illuminating and then this week we see TFG trying to ban transness and we're just trying to keep this kid alive. I was trying to do a news roundup and found my own breathing strained, my heartrate exploding...I can't. But there's a running list of everything TFG has done or attempted to do and it is really bleak.

Nolite te bastardes carborundorum. Stay safe out there. 

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Things To Do In San Diego: Thursday, January 23-Wednesday, January 29, 2025: Yesness | Lunar New Year Celebrations | Casbah Anniversary | Olive Krug | Transfer | Tank & The Bangas | Foghat | Lauren Mayberry | Haley Hendrickx |

January is always the month that the Casbah gets to celebrate its anniversary. We've done big things for the 10th and every subsequent 5 years, but now we're on 36 and while maybe not a whole month of ragers, there are a lot of great shows. Friday is being designated as the official anniversary, but Saturday with Transfer is gonna be pretty special, too. 

This has been a super weird week, TFG is back in office and the grift is on and people's lives are already being destroyed by his policies and we're being told not to believe what we see with our own eyes, and it's infuriating. But it's also gross because when we experience personal joy or triumphs or things worth celebrating or sharing, we feel like we have to preface with " I know things really suck in the world right now, but..." and we shouldn't feel that way. Find joy. Live your best life. Be grateful you live here. Celebrate the wins. Nolite te Bastardes Carborundorum.

There's a lot going on this week -- I'll be at the SeaWorld Mardi Gras preview on Friday, going to Toby's San Diego Youth Sympony Concert on Saturday, maybe checking out Lunar New Year, and then trying to get to the Casbah for Transfer. On Sunday I'll be working for Tank and the Bangas, and I'm working on getting a photo pass for Lauren Mayberry on Wednesday. Gotta keep busy and keep the TV off as much as possible. 

Stay safe out there.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Things To Do In San Diego: Thursday, January 16-Wednesday, January 22, 2025: Brainiac | Futurebirds | Lee Fields | Phantogram | Bright Eyes | Flatten Manhattan | LA Fire Benefit | Lady Lamb | Alan Sparhawk | Ani DiFranco |

photo courtesy SPIN/Torrey Bailey

The start to 2025 has already been bonkers and it is kinda hard to wrap our heads around it. Human brains can only absorb so much trauma and we have natural defense mechanisms that help protect us. The fires, the whiplash of the incoming administration, the absurdity of TV can all be a lot. A friend of mine told me about a free preview weekend of Apple+ a couple weeks ago, and quickly found myself bingeing Shrinking and finishing Ted Lasso with Toby, which we'd started back on season one. Then I found out my Roku had a three month preview, so then I got into The Morning Show (S1E6), and was literally on the episode about LA fires the night before the current LA fires started. So I've been watching TV to escape real life and then TV mirrors real life, all while attempting a Dry January! At least we still have the escape of music. This weekend I'll be at Bright Eyes and Lady Lamb, and probably the Casbah benefit on Sunday before Lady Lamb...still probably finding a way to cry my eyeballs out. 

I did want to share some news that SPIN is under new ownership, by Brandon Colt, who has been manager for the past 10 years, and Brandon Garva of drum n' bass collective SD Union. They've updated some light and sound but mostly seem to be bringing back the rave vibes with late nights and after-hours parties, with some nights going until 4am. If that's your scene, you should definitely give a revisit back to the historic Hancock Street venue. 

Stay safe out there.  

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Rosey's Diary & Newsy Things: County District 1 Will Get Special Election | SeaWorld Fireworks Face Lawsuit, Averse Council Pres | Fires Ravage LA | Billionaires Kiss The Ring of TFG |

Lupe (L) and Amahle (R) at San Diego Zoo (1.14.25)

I'm sitting at the Zoo as I write this. I usually do these late at night, but tonight I'll be doing listings and Wednesday night I'll be working for Satsang at Music Box. I was coasting during the holidays, but I forgot about the whiplash when everyone gets back to work and everyone decides that the first week of the year is a great time to announce new albums, new tours, and thus my email was bananas. So I'm trying to get this post up before diving into all the other things coming my way. 
It has been really hard, both in writing and in person, to be optimistic. When people ask how I'm doing, it's hard to be like everything is great personally, but TFG is about to be inaugurated, the billionaires are lining up to suck his dick, and the LA fires are a clear demonstration of what fucking crooks his party is all down the line. So like, I'm trying to find my joy, to be happy within my family and household, and also be completely terrified at the prospect of the next four years. Like we're just trying to keep our kid alive as he goes through the roughest time of his life. Trying to find hope and joy. It's all we can do. 
Stay safe out there.  

Thursday, January 09, 2025

Things To Do In San Diego: Thursday, January 9-Wednesday, January 15, 2025: David Cross | Cruelties | Louis XIV | Lenny Zen | SATH | B-Side Players | Swingin' Utters | Sam Blasucci | The Wild Feathers |

This week I got a little ahead of my listings for once, and I'm so glad I did because the regular workload of show announcements and emails is picking up as the week goes along and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. The holidays sure were nice and relatively quiet for work, but it was all really just a pause and all the things stack up, still waiting when the vacation is all over and flooding the inbox this week. blech. 
Meanwhile, I'm watching those LA wildfires and it is pretty insane and I'm so heartbroken by the images we've seen on TV. A friend's dad lost his house that he's lived in for decades, along with everything in it, and I can't even imagine what that's like, especially when you're not out in the country or living in the wilderness, but right in urban developments that have stood for decades. 
Listings are up for this week, but keep an eye on shows and know that some tours may be affected by LA routing, so double-check your shows before you go.
Stay safe out there. 

Friday, January 03, 2025

Things To Do In San Diego: Friday, January 3-Wednesday, January 8, 2025: Tell-Tale Hearts Tribute | Big Sandy | John McCain | Swive | Wars Away | Auz Fontaine | Bowie Birthday Bash |

I have been trying to be online as minimally as possible this week, so I'm just gonna present the listings through Wednesday and we'll be back on track with Thursday morning publishing. I hope everyone had a great Christmas, Hannukah, New Year's, etc., and dodged this stupid cold that is going around. 

Stay Safe out there.  

Friday, December 27, 2024

Things To Do In San Diego: Friday, December 27, 2024-Thursday, January 2, 2025: The Cure Dance Party | Karl Denson | Schizophonics | Social D | Twin Ritual | Starcrawler | X |

I had a really great Christmas with my family but I'm still not quite feeling 100%, so I went back to urgent care, they said I'm more or less fine, gave me a 48-72 hour steroid to reduce inflammation. Apparently the stuff made me superhuman for a day, because I went to the zoo until about 7, did some shopping, then went to SeaWorld to take advantage of their late hours, then came home and did listings until 5am, just in time to post at 6am. So this is what you get. I'm not listing every bougie venue that is having a NYE thing, but obviously there are a lot, so I will find the more traditional events that should make the cut in these listings and get them added...but...the kid is in the Holiday Bowl Parade in a few hours and I'm not sure if we're expected to attend, watch the stream on TV (it's on TV, right?) or it doesn't matter either way and I still just need to get some sleep. 
I love you all. 2024 has been a real shitshow with too many deaths of friends we love, but some pretty beautiful memories and moments all mixed in. Then we had the fucked up election, so maybe we should really be living up these final days of the Biden Administration because I thought TFG was the worst of the worst, but apparently he finds the ones even worse than him to highlight just how fucked up he is and how fucked we will all be with this coming administration. But we'll have music. We'll have beauty. We have to find joy. 
Stay safe out there. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Rosey's Diary & Newsy Things: Merry Christmas. The headlines are mostly depressing, so maybe save them for another day.

Me & Darren Took A Hike at Silverwood Bird Preserve

Judging by the dates on this post, I've been holding onto it all month, so what better time than Christmas to post, while everyone in the house is asleep and I binge watch a new series on Peacock. I really wish that I could've gone to Exile on Kettner tonight, but even with the offer of a safe and sober ride, I've been feeling like crap since Thanksgiving, so while I'm out doing hikes and the Zoo and Seaworld and shopping and living life by day, when I've opted for cocktails or a night out, it just feels like the cold/bronchitis/pneumonia whatever I have relapses all over again and I'm sick of feeling like shit. i don't know how my sinuses can be all clear all day long and the second I get home just completely stuff up and my lungs get back to wheezy. So I feel like I made the responsible and wise decision to stay home even though I know I would've had a blast and seen so many friends. 

But it is Christmas and part of the feeling-like-shit-since-Thanksgiving means this holiday season just blew past me. While I do get all in the spirit when I'm at the Zoo or Seaworld or cruising neighborhood decorations, this year we skipped all the things. We didn't get a tree. I didn't even put out my tinsel and snowmen. I didn't do any Christmas shopping. My mom and my sister are getting small gifts from me, but only because they happened to be a product that I loved from Costco and thought I'd pick up for them because they were on sale. Darren, Toby, my nieces, my Godsister's incubating twins -- gifts just aren't my love language. But I do look forward to Christmas. I'm not sure if we're doing Christmas pajamas or Ugly Sweaters, but spending time with everyone while we pig out on snacks and charcuterie and desserts and skip the traditional dinner seems like a pretty perfect day to me. 

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate. And happy all the other holidays that are celebrated this time of year, too.  
Stay safe out there.