Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Rosey's Diary & Newsy Things: Animal Shelters Need Your Help | Panda Fever | Rescued Baby Dolphin At Sea World | Coastal Commission NIMBYs? | Where Did Your Stolen Bike Go?

The Fools & Fables Crew at Casbah (6.20.24)

I don't have a ton of links this week because the news has been a lot of the same as usual stuff as always...campaign bullshit and NIMBY nonsense and a whole lot of bloviating by old white guys in Washington who get nothing done but slowly suck away our rights, so I'm just going to go ahead and publish what I do have so we have a clean slate going into the next week. 
I will say it was a pretty good week, albeit with full on summer heat. Besides my daily zoo trips, my sister and a couple friends and I went to the Fools & Fables show at the Casbah on Thursday night and afterwards I caught up with my pal, Tim Fears. Keep an eye out, because he's gonna be shooting a lot of shows and sharing his photos right here on sddialedin.com. On Saturday, Toby's rock camp played a concert at Music Box in the daytime. You can watch Toby's band's performance here. That night I worked for Dead Man's Party, also at Music Box, so it was a fun double-header. 
The C is going back around with new variants, so stay safe out there. 

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