Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Rosey's Diary & Newsy Things: COVID Is In The Air: Cases Rising (again) | Pandas To Make Public Debut | Reviving Epicentre | Waterfront Park Expands Activities | All In For Kamala |

Ekuba, the legend (Taken 7.30.24)

Pride has passed. Comic-Con is behind us. Now we're just left with hot Brat Summer and Kamala Fever. I've been trying not to freak out about all the things, I'm not particularly looking forward to construction on my apartment starting next week and living out of a suitcase until it's done, but I'll get through it, I'm sure. Besides that, I haven't posted in a minute because besides the aforementioned biggie things in San Diego, I also got a new phone and two weeks in, I still feel like I'm still setting things up and configuring things how I want them...which is a complete pain in the ass, by the way...but I'm just trying to move forward and not sweat the small stuff. I'm trying to get listings done early this week, but after how this day went, I'm gonna guess that's just not in the cards. Ah well. You'll get them Thursday, one way or another. 

Stay safe out there.

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