Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Rosey's Diary & Newsy Things: Kamala Harris Ate TFG | Toxic Sewage Gets Studied | Fireworks Decimated Protected Birds | Gas Prices To Rise (Before An Election? No!) | New Worries: Avian Flu, Dengue, EEE

Kaja Giving TFG A Big Middle Finger (Taken 9.4.24)

My mom and I went to the Old Globe to see Henry 6. We saw the first part, Flowers and France, last week, and then saw the second part, Riot and Reckoning on Tuesday. We really enjoyed both parts and the staging and production were cool, though I did kinda have to laugh at the many fight scenes because it was like a LARPers fantasy come true. I didn't know the material going in and it always takes a minute to get in the rhythm of Shakespeare, but if you have the chance to see both parts, it's well worth your time, and it appeared there were open seats on both of the nights we went. 
However, Tuesday was also the Harris v Trump presidential debate. Being that Tuesday is when I try to get my listings at least started for my Thursday publish date, I am watching it on YouTube, and let me assure you, I've had to take many, many breaks. It is painful to watch TFG-- lying liar who lies--talk at all, let alone the nonsense he was spewing. What a disgrace of a human. When he was famous in the 80s, I detested him. His appearances on TV and movies and in print made me feel so icky, even as a little girl. I continued to detest him and his shitty golf courses and casinos and his creepiness in the beauty pageants. Then his stupid fucking show in the Aughts and then his whole birther movement (the rebirth of white supremacists saying the quiet parts out loud) and then when he ran and seriously, America. We need to right this wrong that he was even allowed near the White House and make him go away forever, preferably in a tiny jail cell where he belongs for the remainder of his natural life.  
Stay safe out there. You know the assignment.    

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