Tuesday, December 03, 2024

Rosey's Diary & Newsy Things: SD Zoo Welcomes New Bonobo In Swap | Developer Trying To Force Sale Of Liberty Station | Holiday Dog Safety | Done With The News |

New Girl, Bertie, the bonobo who recently joined the family. (Taken 12.2.24)

It has been awhile since I've posted a diary post. Since October 28th if we wanna be specific. I was gutted by the election results--though let's be honest--not shocked and I don't really want to talk about the catastrophe coming for us in 2025. Self-preservation will be the theme, self-care and survival will be top priority. I've also pretty much been sick since just after the election and after making excuses or thinking it was just a cold and no big deal, I finally went to urgent care and was told I have bronchitis. It was such a relief in a way, to know that I wasn't just imagining feeling like shit and also that with some strong antibiotics, I should be able to kick it relatively quickly.  

I'm gonna try and knock out as much of the listings I can tonight so they'll be ready to go on Thursday, but just a heads up that I'm going to do my best to get all the holiday stuff in, too, but there's a lot and I haven't updated my holiday page since before the pandemic, so I'm certain to miss some stuff. Just know that Friday and Saturday is December Nights in Balboa Park, so know that whether you attend or not, traffic will be affected all over from the 94 to the 8, from the 5 to the 15, and everything in between, and maybe even beyond. Make a plan or don't, but the complaining is so exhausting. 200,000 people all want to do the same thing on two days of the year. Plan accordingly. I'll be working on Thursday and Friday night, but hopefully I can revise my 2023 plan and make it work in 2024 and will avoid all associated headaches. 

Stay safe (and healthy) out there. I'm off to get started on listings. 

    • A Sumatran tiger cub was born to first time mom, Jillian, at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park on August 23rd. He's now been on habitat with his mom over the past month. He was sired by Dumai, same daddy as the siblings born to Diana last year. You can likely catch him in the mornings, from opening until lunchtime, whenever the tigers decide that is. 
    • One of the male Hamadryas baboons, Walter, was recently humanely euthanized after sustaining injuries that were determined to be too severe for recovery in consideration of his age and health. 
    • The zoo recently had a bonobo swap. Beautiful girl Belle left without any sort of announcement to the public, but announced by her new home, the Columbus Zoo, while Bertie, an 8-year-old female was sent to the San Diego Zoo. She made her debut on habitat on Thursday, November 21, and while still too young to breed, it is likely that is the expectation as she grows with the bonobo troop led by Lisa. (The bonobos are in two family groups of 4). She is super petite and was accepted into the family right from the jump. 
    • My favorite little Francois Langur, Chi, and his bro, Jun, have moved! They took over the habitat that formerly housed the lion-tailed macaques, who both passed away earlier in the year. I'm so stoked they actually get to be near other monkeys and also have far more space than they did before, and now that they're on Monkey Trails in the Heart of the Zoo, I'll see them even more than before. 
    • If you love Christmas lights, SeaWorld might be on your place. The park is beautifully lit for Christmas, with extended hours on weekends and the deeper into December we get. I'd just recommend wearing headphones because some of the music in their Christmas mix is, um, overwhelming? But the lights are all pretty. 
    • I took advantage of early Black Friday pricing and did a beluga interaction. I paid $42, instead of the regular $69+ rate and it was super special. Highly recommend if you have the chance. My only recommendation is that you buy a "photo key" to get downloads of all your photos and that when they tell you it is time to pose, you ask the dodos in your group to get out of the way so you get a photo without their gross cargo shorts and flip flops in it.  
  • NEWS:
    • I was a regular nightly news watcher. After the election, I'm boycotting. The networks (national and local) were so sloppy and lazy in their coverage by both-sidesing every fucking thing, that I just can't. I still get some of my daily news roundups and a few really solid political newsletters/substacks that I think are worth reading, but I still just can't with TFG. We've started watching some of the late night hosts again, too, but honestly, I just can't get myself all worked up about what is going to happen or what might happen because shit changes every day. I mean, I'm still hoping that fucker chokes and croaks on a cheeseburger. So whatever. There's local and national news worth watching, I just don't have it in me to round most of it up right now. 

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