Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Newsy Things & DIary: Goodest Boys Detect COVID | Watch Out For 'Pirola' | Lithium Battery Danger | The Fight For Restoring Endangered Species Act | Late Links On Hilary |

Denny (8.18.23)

It's time for me to do listings so I probably should've posted these links last week, but then Hilary happened (or didn't, really, thankfully) and I was posting like crazy, and then we were luckily spared but I've been busy with work and I did some side merch gigs three nights in a row and then this week has been hot and miserable, so sitting on my laptop has kinda been the last thing I've wanted to do, but it's always a way to clear the slate, get these things posted and then move on to listings. Old news in some cases, but new COVID variants news and other things, too. 

I will say again that the San Diego Zoo's summer hours are ending on Labor Day and this has been such a joyful summer spending time there, particularly watching 8 year old Denny the gorilla transition from his family group in the afternoons to his bachelor group with his brothers in the mornings. If you get a chance, go see them. It's a rare thing to be witness to and to watch his brothers teach him how to be a proper gorilla dude. 

Stay safe out there. 

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