Thursday, April 29, 2010

Music In Ads: Dawn Commercial feat. Joe Purdy

Sometimes I'm more of a girly girl than I care to admit. I watched an entire Hallmark movie this week, mostly for the longform weepy card commercials in between. A long time ago I posted Joe Purdy's "Just Can't Seem To Get Right Today" when it was featured in a Kia commercial. I saw this ad (while watching Real Housewives, no less) and was probably a little more touched by it with the recent oil catastrophe in the Gulf. As Bill Maher tweeted so succintly, "Every asshole who ever chanted 'Drill baby drill' should have to report to the Gulf coast today for cleanup duty." Anyway, here's the commercial, which uses his song "Wash Away", which apparently was also used in a pivotal scene from Lost.

Joe Purdy is also part of The Voice Project, which promotes peace in northern Uganda through music, raising awareness and money for livelihood programs, vocational training, and child soldier rehabilitation. Women choirs sing contemporary music, while musicians supporting the cause by being a part of their "cover chain". The performances are amazing and you should definitely check out the videos there.

Joe Purdy » REM from The Voice Project on Vimeo.

Dawn Saves Wildlife
Joe Purdy Music
The Voice Project

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