The current week is loaded with more musical options than one could possible attend. A closer look reveals some shows worth mentioning. Please consult the listings for all the musical happenings around San Diego.
Tuesday has some great shows that still have tickets available such as Portland's mini orchestral pop band Typhoon at The Loft @ UCSD...Widowspeak have a return engagement at The Void with Pure Bathing Culture in the opener slot...
Long Beach's Crystal Antlers have a new look (trio) and a new album, Nothing is Real...catch them at Soda Bar on Wednesday...Burger Records seems to be everywhere, five bands including Gap Dream, Cosmonauts, Teenage Burritos invade the cozy confines of Black Cat Bar on University Ave...
Thursday brings a mellow show to Bar Pink with Radar Bros. and friends Little White Teeth...
The weekend kicks off with singer-songwriter Kelley Stoltz headlining Soda Bar...he just released Double Exposure...Langhorne Slim and Jonny Fritz will be playing their whiskey soaked songs at the Casbah...
Jose Gonzalez brings his band project Junip to The Loft on Saturday...he just released an eponymous album...highly recommended...Thad Cockrell leads his Nashville band Leagues into The Griffin...
If you have any energy left after the week, find a show of your own liking on Sunday from the listings...
Remember this is only a sampling of some of the great shows coming to San Diego this week...most importantly, be sure to support music by attending a show (or two)...
Watch the video of Line Of Fire from Junip below.
Watch a video of Kim Chee Taco Man from Kelley Stoltz below.
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