Tuesday, December 01, 2020

CoViD-19: As Goes The Country, Hospitalizations Skyrocket In San Diego, County Passes 1000 Deaths | US Approaches 100,000 Hospitalizations | Study Confirms Outdoor Transmission Lower-Risk | Kid Cases On The Rise


My Sister's Puppy, Roxy (Taken 11.26.2020)

I measure my amount of online time with how many times I run the battery of my laptop down and so far I've already done two and half cycles, so I need to wrap this up. I don't really have anything exciting going on around here. Darren and I had a late night in the speakeasy so it was a sluggish day, hanging out in the yard in this ridiculous December weather. We continue to lay low when possible though there still might be some Zoo visits in our near future, especially since Jungle Bells starts this Friday. And in good news, a study in the Journal of Infectious Diseases found that less than 10% of worldwide COVID-19 cases are attributable to outdoor transmission. I really believe that LA is doing it right but prohibiting all in-person dining, because people continue to mix households and obviously can't mask up while eating and drinking and we're not really going to get control of this thing until we shut it down. I'm still holding out hope that a new CARES act comes through before the end of the year. 

One thing I've been meaning to talk about, especially now that it's December, is Christmas trees. Growing up, we always had an artificial tree. In fact, I think we had the same one my whole life until my parents finally upgraded when I was in my thirties. My parents' house has a fireplace which they used to use often which is dangerous for a real tree. Because of that, however, I've always loved a real tree and have been getting one since college. This year, I was sure I'd changed my mind. The story of Rockefeller the Owl really pissed me off. To me, there was nothing cure about saying this little owl "hitched a ride" to New York...he was taken from the wild in his home. But I'm a hypocrite just like everyone and after my little shopping adventure yesterday and looking at artificial trees, I'm just not ready to pull the trigger, so I'm sure we'll be grabbing a tree before the weekend, too. But it won't be without a little guilt. Today's reading and COVID-19 data are after the jump. 

COVID-19 in Children

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