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San Diego Zoo Safari Park Wild Holiday (Taken 12.27.2019) |
I know that I often come off as an know-it-all and a busy-body and even sometimes a karma's-a-bitch asshole, so I'm sorry that I get so frustrated and finger-waggy. I really do feel sorry for everyone who has been so affected by this pandemic, I mean, all of us have been affected, but some among us more than others. I saw a friend who, after losing their business, is now selling their house and moving out of state.
I can't imagine the decisions and sacrifices people are having to make. I can't imagine operating a restaurant or bar or music venue of my own. I can't imagine living alone. I can't imagine if I had significant health issues. I can't imagine having to work a job deemed essential and how scary that must be. I can't imagine what it's like for single parents. I can't imagine what it's like for people with multiple children all on distance learning. I can't imagine what it's like for people in dangerous domestic violence or abusive households. I can't even imagine people who have to mask up all day long.
At the same time, look at our country and the lack of leadership and the screaming heads on conservative television and it's no surprise we are where we are. Look at these jackasses at their stupid fucking superspreader rallies. We should've listened in March when they told us we'd be exactly where we are for all of 2020 and well into 2021.
That doesn't mean it doesn't suck.
In fact, as I said yesterday, I was hoping to run out shopping for provisions and today contemplated making reservations for the zoo before they have to close, but if we're to 'minimize interactions' now, maybe we can still do a backyard Christmas with my parents after all. There are some things we need, so I will have to run out to grocery shop, but am hoping that doing it the last hour of the store being open will help it being less busy. But I'll do that alone and quickly and with my mask and goggles. We should've already gotten a tree but we didn't, so we'll grab that tonight, too, and then maybe then we can fully wrap our heads around the new lockdown. Be strong out there.
- World COVID-19 Stats (JHU 12/5 3:26pm):
- 66,457,031 Known Cases
- 1,527,323 Known Deaths
- US COVID-19 Stats (COVID Tracking Project):
- 211,073 New Cases/14,357,264 Known Cases
- 2,445 New Deaths/287,236 Known Deaths
- California COVID-19 Stats:
- 25,068 New Cases/1,311,625 Total Cases (1.9% increase)
- 209 New Deaths/19,791 Total Deaths (1.1% increase)
- 7.6% 14-day test positivity rate
- San Diego County Media Briefing:
- Stay-At-Home order starts at 11:59pm on Sunday, December 6
- New records over last two days, rise in hospitalizations and ICUs. This is unsustainable, so even without state designation of regions, San Diego would've had to impose
- Closing indoor library services. Door service only, M-F 10am-4pm. Must pre-reserve books/materials online or by calling branches.
- County parks are open for day use but no playgrounds and no camping.
- This is the toughest fight we have faced during the pandemic. Exponential spread, hospitalizations, ICUs.
- We know vaccine is on the way, but it's not here now.
- People have COVID Fatigue, attitudes are hardened, entire movements of people trying to discredit science, fight against orders and guidance
- We have to adapt and change. Stay-at-home order is here. Not the fault of an expert or politician or tiered system, it is a deadly virus. We know what we have to do.
- US has seen more deaths in single days this week than 9/11.
- Emergency Medical Services Act is what created the region, cannot blame LA for 'dragging us down'
- San Diego at 20.9% of ICU capacity available, but region is 12.5%
- County is seeking clarification on outdoor retail, outdoor personal care services, hoping for exemptions on play structures
- Dr. McDonald:
- Staffed adult ICU capacity is at 12.5%
- Modifying local public health orders to be consistent with state
- Risk of catching COVID in community is higher now than it has ever been
- Have to restrict mixing and being in community
- Should not be mixing indoors with anyone
- Every case of influenza prevented frees up health care resources for other needs
- Significant increase in testing demand, so there may be delays
- Media Questions:
- Lots of mechanisms in place for transfers, distribution of patients between counties, increasing capacity in alternative care sites. This is a longstanding mutual aid system, even pre-COVID.
- While we still have capacity, we want to be steps ahead, that's why we're doing what we're doing
- Hunter from KUSI is still a dumb bitch.
- We know the virus is person-to-person and spread by aerosols. The actions will reduce interactions with people outside the home as much as possible. Virus had been kept in check with measures we had taken. Risk now is as bad as it has ever been. For specific targeted measures, we give our information to the state. Constantly trying to revise and refine to target transmission sources, but sometimes need broad strokes to minimize social interaction with non-household measure.
- Field hospital beds/Federal Medical Station: Working on staffing plan now. Will be used as a last resort when all beds in our physical structures are fully occupied. No plan to use and unlikely to need Naval Hospital Ship Mercy. Both local naval hospitals and VA are providing support.
- Compliance/Enforcement: Public health enforcement team and sheriff deputies are still working hand in hand. Willful blatant violations will be addressed.
- County understands order that Outdoor Gyms fall under outdoor recreation and may continue outdoor operations.
- Non-essential travel is banned.
- If you add 21 days to Sunday, that goes through Christmas. The house you're in should stay that way. You should not travel.
- Next update will be on Tuesday at final Board meeting of 2020, with media briefing on Wednesday at 2:30.
- State Data:
- 2, 039 New Cases/88,183 Total Cases
- 7 Deaths/1,047 Total Deaths
- 30.5 cases/100k population (Based on week ending 11/28, Assessed on 12/1. Unadjusted Case Rate)
- 4.7% Test Positivity (Based on week ending 11/28, Assessed on 12/1.)
- 10.6% Health Equity Positivity (Based on week ending 11/28)
- County Data:
- Stay Home Order Issued as Region’s ICU Capacity Drops Below 15% - County News Center (12.5.2020)
- 2,287 New Cases/90,468 Total Cases
- 8 New Daily Deaths/1,055 Total Deaths
- 9% Daily Test Positivity/8% (7-day avg after 7-day lag)/7% Test Positivity (14-dayrolling average)
- 15.3 cases/100k population (Based on week ending 11/28, Assessed on 12/1. Unadjusted case rate per 100,000 excluding prisons.)
- Case Investigation is 57% (under 70% goal)
- Increasing Hospitalizations 8.9%
- 814 Hospitalizations - increased 174% in last 30 days
- 205 ICU - increased 120% in last 30 days
- 15 New/92 Community Outbreaks (7-day)
- Business 32
- Restaurant/bar 3
- Retail 14
- Restaurant 2
- Grocery 3
- Faith-based agency 9
- Government 4
- Daycare/preschool 7
- Healthcare 3
- Emergency Services 3
- Food/Bev Processing 2
- Higher Ed 1
- tk-12 school 3
- Warehouse/Distribution 3
- Gym 1
- Hotel/Resort/Spa 2
- Universities:
- COVID-19:
- The day I woke up to find my industry had vanished - CNN (12.3.2020)
- COVID-19 surpasses heart disease as leading cause of death in U.S. this week - Yahoo! News (12.5.2020)
- Women’s perspectives and voices need more inclusion in Covid-19 media coverage - STATNews (12.5.2020)
- Politics/News/Other Reading:
- Covid: Argentina passes tax on wealthy to pay for virus measures - BBC (12.5.2020)
- Nissan pulls out of Trump emission standards fight with California - PBS News Hour (12.4.2020)
- How They Cover It.
- Today's media briefing reminded me how much I despise KUSI and their trumpy covidiot reporters, so I was curious how different channels are covering news. I'm going to just list a few headlines unlinked.
- Supervisor Nathan Fletcher explains why San Diego strip clubs can remain open
- San Diego County requests residents give up their Christmas to fight COVID
- New restrictions set for Sunday in San Diego County as COVID-19 hospitalizations soar
- KGTV 10 News
- County urges San Diegans to heed new health orders as COVID-19 cases surge
- San Diego restaurant workers dred latest shutdown (I mean, copy editor much??)
- California's latest stay-at-home order to take effect in San Diego County on Sunday
- Fox 5 KSWB
- County sees record 2,287 cases ahead of new stay-at-home order
- Here’s what’s in Gov. Newsom’s new regional stay-at-home order
- Restaurants, salons readying for imminent stay-at-home order
- Southern California region will move into new stay-at-home order after ICU capacity dips below 15%. The region's ICU capacity dropped from 20.6% to 13.1% in just one day to move below the 15% threshold.
- How some businesses are preparing for the regional stay-at-home order
- Record-breaking day as San Diego County reports 2,039 new COVID-19 cases
- NBC 7 San Diego
- SoCal to Implement Stay-at-Home Order After Meeting ICU Bed Capacity Trigger
- Restaurants Prepare to Layoff Staff as New Restrictions Loom
- Why The California Shutdown Is Divided By Regions Not Counties
- New Restrictions Set for Sunday As COVID-19 Hospitalizations Soar
- San Diego Stay-At-Home Order To Be Imposed Sunday With SoCal ICU Capacity Below 15%
- While Balboa Park's Museums Endure COVID-19 Closures, They Look To The Future
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