Monday, May 03, 2021

CoViD-19: John Oliver Dives Into Vax Hesitancy | County To Open Extended Hour Vax Sites | FDA Expected To Approve Pfizer For Adolescents | Biden Admin Raises Cap On Refugees | CV To Open City Services | Photos: La Jolla Cove |

Today was a really great day, mostly. Nova had yet another traumatic call with her mom, so after dealing with the emotional wreckage of that, she had a piano lesson that seemed to uplift her mood. We were going to the San Diego Zoo, but decided to finally bust to La Jolla Cove for my first time since we pulled her from soccer last fall. 

That sea lion and guano smell hits right as you park your car, but it was so welcome because it has been so long. There is all kinds of construction on Cave St. to Coast Blvd, so my favorite little spot was closed, but it kinda made me feel better in that it's probably been closed for weeks if not months, I haven't been paying attention. It wasn't crowded though as sunset approached, more people kinda lined up to watch the sea lions, but I was able to carve out my little spaces to take some photos while Nova and Darren splashed around in the Cove. 

After we grabbed hot wings from one of the vendors in H Mart and now everyone is asleep so I can go back to watching my dumb show. I guess what made this a really great day is that there was late afternoon breaking news that someone from the FDA let out of the bag that they expect to approve the EUA for Pfizer for kids 12-15 sometime next week. After that, it sounds like the ACIP will meet and then make a recommendation to the CDC. So we're on track for my April 8th prediction that teens will start getting jabs by end of May, though it seems like it will come even faster than that. That is very exciting news, though it may bring up the possibility of Nova traveling this summer after all, which could be trauma the kid just doesn't need before high school. Still, fingers crossed on vaccination approval sooner rather than later. Stay safe out there. 

    • State Data:
      • Southern California ICU Bed Availability: 33.0%
      • R-effective: 0.86
      • 154 New Cases/276,521 Total Cases
      • 6 Deaths/3,712 Total Deaths
      • 6.4 cases/100k population (Assessed on 4/27. Unadjusted Case Rate)
      • 2.3% Test Positivity (Assessed on 4/27)
      • 3.0% Health Equity Positivity (Assessed on 4/27)
      • 153 COVID-19 hospitalized patients (+6 patients, +4.1% from prior day)
      • 39 COVID-19 ICU hospitalized patients (+1 patients, +2.6% from prior day)
      • 245 ICU beds available (+3 from prior day)
    • County Data:
      • San Diego County Update - County News Center 
      • 172 New Cases/276,692 Total Cases 
      • 0 New Daily Deaths/3,712 Total Deaths
      • 3,038,735 Doses Received/2,830,008 Doses Administered
      • 1,503,705 Partially Vaccinated/1,086,420 Fully Vaccinated
      • 3% Daily Test Positivity/1.9% (7-day avg after 7-day lag)/1.5% Test Positivity (14-day average)
      • 6.2 cases/100k population (Assessed on 4/27. Adjusted case rate per 100,000 excluding prisons.) 
      • 96.8% Case Investigation 
      • -6% Day Over Day COVID-19 Hospitalizations (133 patients. -23% over 30 days)
      • 36% ICU Capacity (40 patients. -23% over 30 days)
      • 55 Staffed ICU Beds Available
      • 0 New/18 Community Outbreaks (7-day)
    • Universities:

La Jolla Cove California Sea Lion Rookery (Taken 5.3.21)

The street is undergoing massive repairs and repaving so the sea cliff is closed.

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