My calendar says today is National Rescue Dog Day. A Recent Pic of Fi. (Taken 5.5.21 at Fiesta Island) |
I have had a really hard time motivating this week and I can't really pinpoint it, but I'm working on it. I will try better to get out of the house on Friday after being unsuccessful today and yesterday. Maybe the May Gray hits me more than I realized. Whatever the case may be, I'm looking forward to the weekend, which is funny because my days all kinda blur together but on a weekday I've got 240 new emails waiting for me by noon and that isn't the case on weekends, so I like the chill vibes.
I did watch all the briefings today: the White House with Jen Psaki, the State with Governor Newsom and some Bay Area leaders as well as Toni Atkins, and the County with Fletch and Vargas. I do have to point out this hilarious moment when the mayor of San Jose referred to the naysayers who try and drag California with inaccurate talking points as the "Eeyore Caucus" and it was kind of hilarious. Psaki had yet another exchange with Peter Doocy from Fox which is always entertaining. I put that link below because it's a little longer. It's also kinda funny to watch because literally as they were having the briefing, behind the scenes an Israeli-Hamas ceasefire was being sorted and would go into effect hours later. It's almost like the Biden Administration is effectively handling every chaotic and distressful situation that comes their way. Meanwhile the County reported that more than half of the eligible people are fully vaccinated. (50.2%, to be exact) What a time to be alive.
It's getting late and Darren and I have finally jumped back into The Handmaid's Tale, so I better get to it. Stay safe out there.
- COVID-19:
- Face masks effectively limit the probability of SARS-CoV-2 transmission - Science Mag (5.20.21)
We show that variations in mask efficacy can be explained by different regimes of virus abundance...We find that most environments and contacts are under conditions of low virus abundance (virus-limited) where surgical masks are effective at preventing virus spread. - ‘Public Health 101 failure’: CDC mask decision may knock out Biden’s workplace Covid crackdown. Guidance that nixes masks for the vaccinated appears at odds with pending OSHA regulations that were expected to mandate masks on the job. - Politico (5.19.21)
- Average Covid-19 cases are the lowest they've been in nearly a year. Vaccines can push them even lower, officials say - CNN (5.20.21)
- Politics:
- Biden, staring down first Mideast crisis, touts ceasefire - CNN (5.20.21)
- White House:
- Remarks by President Biden on the Middle East
- Prime Minister Netanyahu informed me that Israel has agreed to a mutual, unconditional ceasefire...The Egyptians have now informed us that Hamas and the other groups in Gaza have also agreed.
- Secretary Blinken’s Calls with Israeli Foreign Minister Ashkenazi
- Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, May 20, 2021
- Watch her once again challenge Fox reporter Peter Doocy
- Executive Order on Climate-Related Financial Risk
- FACT SHEET: President Biden Directs Agencies to Analyze and Mitigate the Risk Climate Change Poses to Homeowners and Consumers, Businesses and Workers, and the Financial System and Federal Government Itself
- Readout of White House Meeting with Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Leaders
- Bill Signing: S. 937 -COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act
- News:
- Rate of pedestrians killed last year hits gruesome milestone - Detroit Free Press/USA Today (5.20.21)
- US borders with Canada, Mexico to remain closed to nonessential travel through June 21 - USA Today/Stars and Stripes (5.20.21)

- Other Reading:
- Global COVID-19 Stats (JHU 5.20.21):
- 165,530,873 Known Cases
- 3,430,323 Known Deaths
- US COVID-19 Stats
- CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Data Tracker
- 33,056,207 Cases
- 588,536 Deaths
- CDC Data Tracker:
- +27,857 New Cases/32,855,010 Known Cases
- +639 New Deaths/584,975 Known Deaths
- 351,955,515 Doses Delivered
- 279,397,250 Doses Administered
- 160,177,820 Partially Vaccinated
- 126,605,166 Fully Vaccinated
- State of California Governor Media Briefing To Sign SB7
- In San Jose, Governor Newsom Signs Legislation to Fast-Track Key Housing, Economic Development Projects in California
- SB 7, the Housing + Jobs Expansion & Extension Act, extends through 2025 the provisions of legislation enacted in 2011 (AB 900) that created an expedited judicial review process under CEQA for large, multi-benefit housing, clean energy and manufacturing projects.
- Mayor Sam Liccardo of San Jose called naysayers and those who disparage California "The Eeyore Caucus" and I laughed out loud
- Governor Newsom Announces New Resource to Make COVID-19 Vaccinations More Convenient for Working Californians
- New online resource streamlines workplace clinic requests
- CDPH to connect employers with providers to host vaccination events
- Housing like this needs to be built despite drought conditions, especially ones built through an environmental lens around transportation hubs
- California COVID-19 Stats:
- State of California Safe Schools For All Hub
- Vaccination progress dashboard
- Aggregate California ICU Bed Availability: 32.8%
- R-effective: 0.8
- 44,529,710 Doses Delivered/35,414,233 Doses Administered
- 4,606,421 Partially Vaccinated/16,127,067 Fully Vaccinated
- 1,292 New Cases/3,668,842 Total Cases (3 new cases/100k)
- 48 New Deaths/61,603 Total Deaths (0.05 new deaths/100k)
- 1% 7-day test positivity rate
- 1,671 COVID-19 Hospitalizations (+14 patients, +0.8% from prior day)
- 371 COVID-19 ICU hospitalized in CA (-6 patients, -1.6% from prior day)
- 2,254 ICU beds available (-72 from prior day)
- San Diego County
- State Data:
- Southern California ICU Bed Availability: 33.9%
- R-effective: 0.85
- 91 New Cases/279,345 Total Cases
- 4 Deaths/3,746 Total Deaths
- 3.8 cases/100k population (Assessed on 5/18. Unadjusted Case Rate)
- 1.6% Test Positivity (Assessed on 5/18)
- 2.1% Health Equity Positivity (Assessed on 5/18)
- 144 COVID-19 hospitalized patients (+1 patients, +0.7% from prior day)
- 45 COVID-19 ICU hospitalized patients (-2 patients, -4.3% from prior day)
- 223 ICU beds available (+26 from prior day)
- San Diego County Media Briefing:
- 66% of eligible people have had first shots
- Over 50% of eligible are fully vaccinated
- More vaccines than demand, will focus on new channels for distribution
- 15 Mobile Vaccine Events have given shots to over 2500 people
- Will continue mobile vaccinations
- "Our health is worth a shot" campaign for 12-24 year olds youth video & visual art challenge Contest Info Here.
- Still not expecting to get to yellow tier before June 15
- County has had 357 "breakthrough" infections. None hospitalized. No deaths.
- Kids may be higher rate of cases because many are back in school and being tested regularly
- County Data:
- More than Half of County Fully Vaccinated; County Adds More Mobile Events - County News Center
- 145 New Cases/279,489 Total Cases
- 3 New Daily Deaths/3,749 Total Deaths
- 964,462 Fully Vaccinated (Based on CDC Data; Significant Lag Behind Previously Reported County Data)
- 3,948,895 Doses Received/3,452,545 Doses Administered
- 1,855,243 At Least One Dose/1,408,309 Fully Vaccinated
- 50.2% of 12+ Population is FULLY VACCINATED
- 1% Daily Test Positivity/1.5% (7-day avg after 7-day lag)/1.4% Test Positivity (14-day average)
- 3.4 cases/100k population (Assessed on 5/18. Adjusted case rate per 100,000 excluding prisons.)
- 99.2% Case Investigation
- 1.3% Day Over Day COVID-19 Hospitalizations (118 patients. -30% over 30 days)
- 36% ICU Capacity (38 patients. -32% over 30 days)
- 55 Staffed ICU Beds Available
- 1 New/13 Community Outbreaks (7-day)
- Universities:
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