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Darren and Big White II at the Dump For Free Compost (Taken 5.14.21) |
Our real adventure was supposed to happen later, but Nova was definitely feeling her vaccine because she has not ever taken a nap in the time I've been in her life, but she zonked out for 2 hours in the afternoon, so we stayed home until she was up and dinner was fed, then Darren and I had a rager Friday at Costco at closing time.
I still have a ton of email to get through and I didn't delve too deep into the news because Governor Newsom's media briefing laying out his May revisions to the budget was almost 3 hours long!!! Dr. Ghaly was supposed to have some guidance updates but I'm guessing that it will take a couple days, not hours. I started watching Jen Psaki but lots of the same dumb questions, so I figure I can catch up with everything this weekend and go have a night in the speakeasy in the meantime. Stay safe out there.
- COVID-19:
- I was looking at today's CDPH updates, which isn't a page I check daily, and noticed this statistic. "As of May 10, there have been 508 cases of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) reported statewide." WHAT!? I know that 508 cases isn't a lot compared to the nearly 9M people under the age of 18 in the state, but remember the measles outbreak and how much we freaked out about that? "As of February 11, a total of 125 measles cases with rash occurring during December 28, 2014–February 8, 2015, had been confirmed in U.S. residents connected with this outbreak." Is it just that we had such a huge reaction to the pandemic in general that we're now rushing to open everything and unmask everyone even though children cannot be vaccinated until fall at the earliest?
- Interim Estimates of Vaccine Effectiveness of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines Among Health Care Personnel — 33 U.S. Sites, January–March 2021 - MMWR (5.14.21)
What is added by this report? The first U.S. multisite test-negative design vaccine effectiveness study among HCP found a single dose of Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines to be 82% effective against symptomatic COVID-19 and 2 doses to be 94% effective. - VA is offering walk-in COVID-19 vaccinations nationwide - Stars & Stripes/Commercial News - Danville (5.14.21)
All Department of Veterans Affairs facilities and clinics that administer COVID-19 vaccines are accepting walk-ins for eligible veterans, spouses and caregivers. - Politics:
- U.S. Labor Secretary Says Gig-Worker Mislabeling Is Major Issue. Walsh says misclassification ‘undermines our economy’. Changing status would force companies to shoulder more costs - Bloomberg (5.10.21)
- White House:
- Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki and Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers Cecilia Rouse, May 14, 2021
- California Governor Newsom Media Briefing & Budget Proposal:
This was a nearly 3 hour presentation but I had to fast forward since it is all just proposals and certainly will go through the sausage-grinder, so to speak. But I'll include some links and some of the media questions for good measure. - California Roars Back: Governor Newsom Presents $100 Billion California Comeback Plan
- A comprehensive plan to attack California’s most persistent challenges
- Provides immediate relief to two-thirds of Californians with Golden State Stimulus checks; unprecedented support for small business
- Proposes major new initiatives and investments to confront: Homelessness and housing affordability; disparities in education; aging infrastructure; and wildfires and climate change
- CDPH Governor’s Budget Highlights Fiscal Year 2021-22 (This is the old one from January)
- CDPH May Revision Highlights Fiscal Year 2021-22
- Media Questions:
- All money distributed to jurisdictions will have specific requirements, goals, and outcomes.
- No plans to mandate vaccinations for prison guards or elsewhere at this time
- Studies on college savings accounts for low-income, homeless, and foster youth show them to be effective, even if only 20% added to those accounts. Pandemic revealed just how many families had no "rainy day fund" of even $400 or $500, so it speaks to our society that people can't add to the savings accounts.
- Won't comment on offshore wind turbines.
- Mask Guidelines: State is still working through all guidelines, hoping for updates this afternoon
- Local county public health departments are "dismayed" by budget but Governor asks them to look closer and points out there is federal money designated, medicaid, COLA, CalWorks, SSP increases, as well as transformations across public health systems, health departments, public hospitals, etc.
- "I'm confused at people opining on a budget they haven't had a chance to review."
- This budget is a process, working with budget chairs, legislature, to meet and match the moment.
- One time surplusses can quickly turn into one time deficits, so budget is reluctant to create ongoing programs in the billions of dollars when we don't know if that money will be there beyond this year.
- Worth noting that throughout the 3 hour presentation, criticized Reagan, McConnell, and Trump.
- Budgets aren't limitless.
- Just reiterating that media bias is so real. Some of these questions are so fucking stupid it is unbelievable that Newsom can even answer with a straight face.
- Another reporter saying his restaurant owner friend can't find workers...I wonder how much PPP that guy got to get him through the year. So sick of the I-gots-mine attitude.
- Numerous questions about tax rebate as wealth redistribution. Newsom goes to great lengths to emphasize progressive tax system which has been in place and also to appreciate wealth, success, innovation of top earners and that their taxes go to infrastructure used by their workers, the education of their future workforce, etc.
- June 15: On target for Beyond the Blueprint. Watching vaccination numbers will still get there by then or before. Mask guidance has created some anxiety but state will adjudicate.
- Reporter asks about mass-exodus of best and brightest. He rebukes with "facts matter" and that is substantively untrue, citing articles from Forbes, Bloomberg, and beyond. Voters supported Prop 30 and Prop 55. "Can't do it with a tweet" (a diss at Kevin Faulconer)
- Budget Director Dr. Keely Bosler came out to talk about specifics about one-time spending vs ongoing, risk assessments for future, and also said there's $200M in budget for California State Parks for things like deferred maintenance, plug and play programs for educators for field trips, new designations and centers and more.
- Includes $1B for transportation infrastructure for 2028 LA Olympics
- Other Reading:
- Pandemic Drinking Took Swift Toll on the Gut, Liver — Alcohol-related inpatient consults soared, remained high even after reopening - MedPage (5.14.21)
- Bicycle Coalition joins Circulate San Diego, beautifulPB & Bike SD in national effort to reform MUTCD - San Diego Bike Coalition (5.14.21)
- Global COVID-19 Stats (JHU 5.14.21 9:20pm):
- 161,566,026 Known Cases
- 3,353,630 Known Deaths
- US COVID-19 Stats
- CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Data Tracker
- 32,894,616 Cases
- 585,225 Deaths
- CDC Data Tracker:
- +37,231 New Cases/32,681,787 Known Cases
- +733 New Deaths/581,573 Known Deaths
- 341,865,945 Doses Delivered
- 268,438,666 Doses Administered
- 155,251,852 Partially Vaccinated
- 120,258,637 Fully Vaccinated
- California COVID-19 Stats:
- State of California Safe Schools For All Hub
- Vaccination progress dashboard
- Aggregate California ICU Bed Availability: 33.8%
- R-effective: 0.86
- 42,879,780 Doses Delivered/33,745,248 Doses Administered
- 4,931,344 Partially Vaccinated/15,110,057 Fully Vaccinated
- 2,034 New Cases/3,661,675 Total Cases (3.5 new cases/100k)
- 66 New Deaths/61,417 Total Deaths (0.1 new deaths/100k)
- 1.1% 7-day test positivity rate
- 1,753 COVID-19 Hospitalizations (-57 patients, -3.1% from prior day)
- 394 COVID-19 ICU hospitalized in CA (-13 patients, -3.2% from prior day)
- 2,220 ICU beds available (-56 from prior day)
- San Diego County
- State Data:
- Southern California ICU Bed Availability: 36.2%
- R-effective: 0.9
- 190 New Cases/278,592 Total Cases
- 0 Deaths/3,729 Total Deaths
- 4.1 cases/100k population (Assessed on 5/11. Unadjusted Case Rate)
- 1.7% Test Positivity (Assessed on 5/11)
- 2.0% Health Equity Positivity (Assessed on 5/11)
- 154 COVID-19 hospitalized patients (-4 patients, -2.5% from prior day)
- 47 COVID-19 ICU hospitalized patients (-1 patients, -2.1% from prior day)
- 201 ICU beds available (+9 from prior day)
- County Data:
- New Consent Form for Minors Getting COVID-19 Vaccine without Guardian - County News Center
- 261 New Cases/278,852 Total Cases
- 3 New Daily Deaths/3,732 Total Deaths
- 3,735,305 Doses Received/3,278,819 Doses Administered
- 1,765,927 Partially Vaccinated/1,314,431 Fully Vaccinated
- 2% Daily Test Positivity/1.5% (7-day avg after 7-day lag)/1.7% Test Positivity (14-day average)
- 3.7 cases/100k population (Assessed on 5/11. Adjusted case rate per 100,000 excluding prisons.)
- 96.9% Case Investigation
- -4.6% Day Over Day COVID-19 Hospitalizations (112 patients. -32% over 30 days)
- 28% ICU Capacity (36 patients. -36% over 30 days)
- 46 Staffed ICU Beds Available
- 1 New/10 Community Outbreaks (7-day)
- Universities:
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