Friday, May 21, 2021

CoViD-19: California Updates What To Expect for June 15 | Mitigations In Schools Work | Dating Apps To Encourage Vaccinated-Only Matches | Photos: San Diego Zoo Safari Park |


Zuli and Mkhaya at San Diego Zoo Safari Park (Taken 5.21.21)
Today is Endangered Species Day

When I can't sleep, I read a lot. Last night my Twitter feed was starting to go crazy with the stuff about Prince Harry's latest interview, violence at the Al-Aqsa Mosque even after the ceasefire, some violence that broke out in LA and New York, and then COVID Twitter caught my eye. 

There were apparently two studies based on California hospitals that suggested that children hospitalizations in the State were overcounted by as much as 40%. The author was so proud of his huge get, suggesting that all of the state policies and in his view, the state bowing to teachers unions were all a massive mistake. Of course I was infuriated and took it personally. I only know one parent friend whose concern was ever serious illness by COVID, and their kid is severely immunocompromised. These studies, to me, answer questions nobody was really asking, which was separating kids hospitalized with COVID vs kids hospitalized for COVID. The issue for kids, at least to me, is that they're disgusting little vectors of everything. You could barely watch a news story with an adult wearing a mask properly, but I'm supposed to trust the stinky dirty prepubescent kids are gonna wear a mask correctly? Wash their hands? That schools even have appropriate amounts of working bathrooms and sinks for the kids to use them with adequate time to use them? And with the schools...we've had school lockdowns for years with doors and windows closed and suddenly we can count on them keeping them wide open while pumping the A/C and their MERV 13 filters? What I, and most of the parent friends I have were actually worried about, was kids coming home with asymptomatic COVID and spreading it to someone in the family who wouldn't have such a good outcome. 

Anyway, my endless scrolling also found me reading qualifications to the open elephant keeper position at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park (shockingly I'm not qualified,) checking if OSHA had updated workplace COVID guidance (they haven't,) about the ex Pirates player who was raping underage girls in various cities when he was playing for the MLB, some beef happening right now between US and Mexico that I couldn't really make sense of that has to do with a money laundering investigation of a governor, and about the little girl who fended off a would-be kidnapper and smeared him with slime so that he would be arrested because she learned on Law and Order: SVU that you should always leave irrefutable evidence. 

And then I finally did actually sleep. And when I woke up we went to the Safari Park and wandered around and got some sun and then watched Mkhaya and Zuli playing around. I spoke with the docent when the crowd had mostly gone and asked about the tantrums I witnessed on Wednesday and said that the herd has definitely been displaying trauma with the absence of the older boys who are now at the San Diego Zoo and I gave my suggestion that they let them Zoom. Remember I'm not qualified to be an elephant keeper, but my cats and dog definitely watch TV so it seems like if they at least knew the boys were alive and okay that their hearts wouldn't be so broken? What do I know?

I didn't really read many emails today so I'll probably drop another post later tonight or tomorrow with day-old news. Stay safe out there.  

  • State Data:
    • Southern California ICU Bed Availability: 33.9%
    • R-effective: 0.82
    • 145 New Cases/279,490 Total Cases
    • 3 Deaths/3,749 Total Deaths
    • 3.8 cases/100k population (Assessed on 5/18. Unadjusted Case Rate)
    • 1.6% Test Positivity (Assessed on 5/18)
    • 2.1% Health Equity Positivity (Assessed on 5/18)
    • 151 COVID-19 hospitalized patients (+7 patients, +4.9% from prior day)
    • 47 COVID-19 ICU hospitalized patients (+2 patients, +4.4% from prior day)
    • 221 ICU beds available (-2 from prior day)
  • County Data:
    • San Diego County COVID-19 Update – 5-21-2021 - County News Center 
    • 64 New Cases/279,553 Total Cases 
    • 0 New Daily Deaths/3,748 Total Deaths (-1 after audit)
    • 3,948,895 Doses Received/3,481,627 Doses Administered
    • 1,869,063 Partially Vaccinated/1,421,179 Fully Vaccinated
    • 1% Daily Test Positivity/1.4% (7-day avg after 7-day lag)/1.3% Test Positivity (14-day average)
    • Actual is 0.5% Daily Test Positivity, However Prior Batch of Testing was included in the total number of testing.
    • 3.4 cases/100k population (Assessed on 5/18. Adjusted case rate per 100,000 excluding prisons.) 
    • 99.2% Case Investigation 
    • 4.4% Day Over Day COVID-19 Hospitalizations (118 patients. -29% over 30 days)
    • 33% ICU Capacity (41 patients. -23% over 30 days)
    • 56 Staffed ICU Beds Available
    • 4 New/16 Community Outbreaks (7-day)
  • Universities:
San Diego Zoo Safari Park (Taken 5.21.21)

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